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 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
كل الناس اخوتي و اخواتي                                                                                                 اقدم لهم ما استطيع                                                                                                          و لا اترك احدا في الطريق                                                                                                    او جائعا على رصيف ...                                                                                                   ان تشعر بالآخرين                                                                                                           و تساعدهم و تقف معهم                                                                                                     وقت الشدة ...                                                                                                                 اياك ان تترك الناس                                                                                                         في وسط الطريق                                                                                                             فلربما كنت في يوم من الايام                                                                                          في هذا الطريق ...                                                                                                       كن انسانا بأخلاقك و لاتكن                                                                                            ايا كان ...                                                                                                                و سأظل انا فقط كأنسان                                                                                                    و هذا يكفي ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
All emergency crews can not shovel or                                                                   Can not do anything until those blizzards                                                   Come to a standstill anytime and anywhere                                                Simply because all works will be useless ...                                                  The whole life is down and that is enough to tell                                                The whole people anywhere and everywhere ...                                                 Man is weak creature in front of God's authority ...                                             The whole image is completely white and wonderful,but                                  The whole life is down to its bones anywhere and everywhere ...                                      Blizzards are cruel tyrants simply because                                              That's it ...                                                                                                    We're all besieged by those blizzards endlessly ....                                  We feel like our inevitable end comes closer ...                                               Either we give up or we pray God to protect us ....                                 We can not hide our faces from what's going on ,but                                   We need to admit our weaknesses in front of God's fate ...                           As long as blizzards persist in hitting us like this ,then                                We have no choice until everything back to normal ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
That pretty city never ever sleeps ,but                                                                    Those ugly blizzards forced it to do ...                                                                    All pretty streets,roads,and all alleys                                                                      Got shut down completely ....                                                                                  Only that white gown covers all of its                                                                    Landscapes fully and ghosts roam its                                                                     Nights without any disturbances ....                                                                       Blizzards slap everyone and everything                                                                 With their upper-hands anytime ....                                                                                     Nature rules outside and                                                                                     Everyone remains inside ....                                                                                 As long as these strong blizzards prevail,then                                                   That pretty city will be shut down ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
تبحث سفينتي الشراعية                                                                                                       عن مرفأ                                                                                                                        في تلك العيون الجميلة ....                                                                                                    فأنا ابحر كراكب و كبحار و كقبطان                                                                                       في عوالم هذه العيون الجميلة ....                                                                                            لقد بدأت رحلتي                                                                                                                منذ وقت بعيد                                                                                                                  و لا زالت ...                                                                                                                  انني اريد فقط ان اجد هذا المرفأ في هذه العيون ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
When you are lucky ,                                                                                               It means that you have good fortunes or                                                                You own something in this world ................                                                          I am like someone who owns everything and                                                        He lacks everything at the same time ....                                                                I am not luck , so                                                                                                      That makes me up-side-down anytime and                                                           People like appearances ....                                                                                      Luck prefers not to be on my side ,so                                                                                                                           I am always down ...                                                                                           I need that good luck ,but                                                                                   How ?!
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Snows challenge our existence and                                                                         We're completely incapable of                                                                                Doing anything ....                                                                                                   Life-threatening blizzards challenge                                                                     Us with their shapes and their sizes ....                                                                   In front of God's ability ,                                                                                          We become like tiny grains of sands ............                                                          Ugly blizzards are ugly monster                                                                          That prey on us ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
If you think that                                                                                                       One individual , two individuals ,or                                                                        Or even a million of individuals love you  , then                                                                    You are completely mistaken                                                                                  Simply because you need                                                                                        The whole world to love you in truth ...                                                                  If the whole world loves you in truth ,then                                                             That is called true love anytime ....                                                                                ___________________­_
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Fall,Winter,Spring,and Summer are                                                                      Four seasons mean those four pages of a year ...                                                 In Fall , all leaves fall aground ,                                                                               In Winter , all trees are leafless ,                                                                              In Spring , all blossoms start a new life ,and                                                          In Summer , all fruits are ready for us ...                                                                Four pages are meant a new life ...                                                                      ___________________­__
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
To come means to go                                                                                                Later on ....                                                                                                                Not to come means                                                                                                  Not to go later on .............                                                                                       It's difficult                                                                                                                To come and to go                                                                                                    At the same time .................                                                                                    You all have a pretty choice                                                                                     Either to come or to go ,                                                                                           Either not to come or not to go ..............                                                                                            This is life and that's it anytime ....                                                                   Take it easy .
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
هذا الطفل الذي لم يبلغ الحادية عشرة عاما                                                                                 كان جائعا جدا ...جدا ....                                                                                                     الجوع كافر ....                                                                                                                حاول ان يأكل فتات موائد الآخرين                                                                                         و لكن الرجل اللئيم                                                                                                            صفعه و لكمه بشدة على وجهه ....                                                                                         جرى الدم من انف الولد                                                                                                    لأنه تجرأ على اكل فتات الموائد                                                                                             فما بالكم اذا اقترب من الطاولات !؟                                                                                        الجوع كافر و ابن حرام                                                                                                 و هناك اناس لا يشبعون                                                                                               و اولاد حرام ....                                                                                                      الجائع ليس شحاذا                                                                                                        و لكن القدر ساقه هكذا ....                                                                                              ارحموا من في الارض                                                                                                  يرحمكم من في السماء ....                                                                                             انهم ليسوا شحاذين ! انهم ليسوا شحاذين !
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Any phone call bothers me anytime                                                                       Simply because that's me anytime,anywhere,and everywhere .....                      I like people to call me , but                                                                                     Not as they want ....                                                                                                 Phone calls are great and wonderful ,but                                                               They should be in their accurate times ....                                                              Some people have their phone-calls for just have funny things or                     For just bothering others .................                                                                        A phone-call is pretty thing when                                                                          A caller means it well .
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
I can swim , but                                                                                                        I can not prevent myself                                                                                          From drowning in those blue eyes ....                                                                     I can walk , but                                                                                                         I can not cross through those dead-end roads ....                                                   I can look for the unknown ,but                                                                              I can not let the unknown look for me ....                                                               I can do everything ,but                                                                                           I can not fly away                                                                                                                      Simply because I'm wingless ....                                                                        I can and I can not at the same time                                                                   Simply because that's me                                                                                    In our current world anytime ................
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Some of us greatly live in death                                                                              While they're alive ,                                                                                                 Some of us are greatly are dead                                                                             In their souls .....                                                                                                        Some other people don't know                                                                               If they're alive or if they're dead ,and                                                                     The rest of us are in-between ....                                                                             It's painful not to know your situation anytime ..............
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