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 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
It's almost like all other days ,but                                                                            I feel it different totally ...                                                                                         My feelings and my emotions are elevated                                                            A little bit ....                                                                                                              That day smells different                                                                                         In all of its aspects ...........                                                                                       Usually days smile or cry and                                                                               They depend on what's going on ....                                                                       Clear days usually smile ,                                                                                                                    Cloudy days look sad and gloomy ,                                                                   Rainy days cry like little babies ,and                                                                  All other days do what they like or what they don't like ....                             The most important is that day ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
A drop of water is a tiny entity                                                                                By itself ...                                                                                                                  If I compare a drop of water to that                                                                        Of a grain of sand ,                                                                                                  I feel that both are wonderful realms of                                                                  Love and peace anytime ....                                                                                     A drop of water is a great world of fertility                                                            By itself and                                                                                                              A grain of sand is a wonderful world of generosity ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
I am wholly alone like                                                                                              Those who are in their tombs ,but                                                                           I am still alive ..........                                                                                                 Yes and a thousand of yeses that                                                                            I am alive and alone ,but                                                                                         The graves' people are alone ,but                                                                            They're completely dead ........                                                                                 I was born alone to be only alone and                                                                    I never distance myself from all people ,but                                                          I feel completely alone ,so  When I am alone ,then                                                                                        It means it's not my choice .....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
A pike of grain is lovely when                                                                                 It's together with sisters and with brothers anytime .....                                        It looks arrogant when it's alone ,but                                                                      It's reaped by a farmer ,then                                                                                   It's humble ......                                                                                                         Life teaches us many lessons and                                                                            There are many examples around us ..........
Humility beats arrogance .
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
بدءا من تلك العيون الزرقاء                                                                                                  تبحر سفينتي الى المجهول                                                                                                    و انا راكبها و قبطانها في الوقت ذاته ........                                                                              انها رحلة طويلة                                                                                                              الى عوالم اريد اسكتشافها                                                                                                    كي تكون الملاذ الاخير لي ...........                                                                                       انه ليس بالأمر السهل ان تكون وحيدا                                                                                      في رحلة كهذه ...............                                                                                                  فأنت لست كرستوفر كولومبوس او                                                                                        اي كان ........                                                                                                                        انك في بحر تشعر بأنه بلا حدود                                                                                      تحملك الامواج تارة و تتقاذفك تارة اخرى                                                                           و كل ذلك في تلك العيون ....                                                                                          انها رحلة شبه مستحيلة                                                                                                 لأن رحلات البشر في العيون                                                                                            تنتهي دوما بالغرق ....                                                                                                   لن تنجو بفعلتك هذه                                                                                                       الا اذا كتب الله لك عمرا جديدا ....                                                                                      غرق العيون لا مثيل له ابدا ....                                                                                           و تستمر الرحلة البحرية في العيون نحو المجهول .................
انها رحلة استعارية في تلك العيون الزرقاء .

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