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Jun 2014 · 1.9k
CC Jun 2014
Dear friend
The emptiness
can be filled
However friend
Do not rely on others to fill it
They will come with overnight bags full of warmth ,promises and  friendship
A promise is comfort to a fool
And friend
You are no fool
Other will come too
But not with warmth , promises and friendship
They will come armed with their cold hearts , their worn out weapons splattered with the tears,hopelessness of their of other victims
Their weapons will be concealed in their eyes , their movement ,their tongue
They will attempt to **** the little self worth that remains deep in side you
So friend do not let them in
Do not allow them to unload their weapons of mass destruction upon your emptiness
That friend will only bore a hole further inside you

Dear friend
The emptiness you feel can be filled
Will be filled with guidance from the Divine
Not people
May 2014 · 5.2k
CC May 2014
He was never afraid of the monsters
under his bed
It was the ones in his head
That caused
Him not to sleep
That made
His fear complete

He was never afraid of the monsters under his bed
He was afraid of the ones in his head
May 2014 · 668
CC May 2014
11 alone
12 alone
13 alone
I am not alone yet I feel alone
Well felt alone
The feeling still lingers but does not consume
I am not alone do not feel alone
May 2014 · 1.4k
CC May 2014
The taste of blood swelling in your throat
Ignoring your aching feet
Run for joy
Run for fear
Gasping for air
Tears stinging your face
Clouding your vision
Sweat stained clothes
Air blocked ears
Heart drumming
Threatening to tire out of your chest
Get back up
Scraped knobby knees
Pounding head
Have you reached your destination yet ?
If not
Run !
May 2014 · 558
For you
CC May 2014
Here I am breathing
Heart beating
I wish you were doing the same
It's not fair
It happened anyway
It happen to me
To my mum
To the world
Your features are beginning to fade
So I cling tighter on to fragment memories  
I am told of your love
When thoughts of you turn into sadness
When the void you left behind aches reminding me that it cannot be filled by another
I pray that you too know of my love
We laugh your true love and I at
your beautiful mischiefs  
You are missed
Every morning and every night
You were missed at every parents evening
You will be missed by my side when I walk down the aisle
I am told that you would be proud of me
I hope with every fibre of my being
That you are
Proud of me
May 2014 · 1.3k
CC May 2014
Annihilation of Exam Papers
I have got result on my mind
Fear lurks
I wish I've never wasted so much time
They say what's done is done
I am Not done
Those results
And will never define me
I am not just  a candidate
I refuse to subscribe to that common belief
My inspirations
will not be confined to walls of the class room or exam hall
My thirst for knowledge will not be tamed by text books
Don't get me wrong education you are key
And I am aware some are denied of thee
I am taking you seriously

Have I been prepared to defeat more than an exam paper?
We will see
When the Real test begins
This time the answers will not be given to me
My test paper will not be identical to another
This time the results will be tailored to fit me
Fear no longer lurks
But excitement
Of my prospects
The sights I will see
The people I will meet
The goals I will achieve
I will succeed in all I do  
Whether it is an exam or the many tests of life
I will not succeed only because a result sheet says so
I will be resolute
When shaken by life
I will be stirred to develop not retreat
Thank God for
My education

— The End —