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 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Just Melz
They're feverish with desire
Eclipsed in love
Raging like a black smoke fire
****** scents rising above
The pheromones they release
Must be smelled miles away
They've missed this, the tease
And liquid glances, it's been days
Since, either have touched the other
But they still feel that ****** tension
On every inch of their skin
When they're finally away from prying eyes
Their lips mesh, his hands move to her thighs
And hers slide up through his hair
Gripping on tight
They could be spotted, but neither cares
He pushes her hard against the wall
Bringing her legs around his hips
She thanks heaven she wore a skirt
And quiets a moan by devouring his lips
He quickly, fervently unzips his jeans
Releasing himself and promptly
Entering her sweet, wet heat
He groans as he swallows her scream
Then pounds in hard, fast, ferociously
She rocks her hips with a delicious little motion
Squeezing her core tight, biting his lips
Coming almost instantly when he growls with delight
He thrusts harder, incessantly feeling her getting tight
Moving her ankles to rest on his shoulders
He delves his shaft as deep inside as he can reach
She scratches scars along his back
And they kiss so deep like it's the final feast
She throbs in her core as another wave hits at full force
Starts going weak as she comes once more
Feeling her liquid pour, brings him to the edge
He grips her ankles stretching the limits of her flexibility
Then roars into her sweet mouth as he comes, vigorously
He lets her legs go, but holds her upright
They both sigh knowing it's the beginning of the night,
And that was just a quickie
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
X. Hate
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
**** the nine through five, which steals our time.
**** the system which decided if our dreams live or die.
**** the powers which puts money before love.
**** the luck, where ever it does so hide.
**** the I, who puts up with lies.
**** how i feel sometimes when you aren't by my side...
Verse: V
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Oh no ....almost time to go...
I dont want to but this we all know..

I just  have one thing to say before I do....
I just want you to know that I will always love you!!
I will and do.
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Pug Rollins
I have two arms, right?
See em? Don't?
Too bad. But you assume I do anyways, because most people do.
And then there was Eddie, who had one arm.
He ran from his troubles so that he could evade the police. On their search for Eddie, scratch that hold on Eddie was a she, she liked being called that.
It made her happy. Anyways, she ran and ran, and then she found a bar+inn she could hide out in.
She ordered a cup of whisky, and being the good girl she was, she didn't drink it. She left it out for cops to find and they drunk it instead, one keeling over. Success!
She ran away from more of the police for two years before moving to Texas under a new name, Ashley. So Ashley
laid low and had wine daily. She got someone pregnant and got in even more trouble.
Now you might be wondering "how did she get someone pregnant?" and I tell you this: She had a ****. Most girls don't, but as far as she was concerned, that didn't matter. She was a good girlfriend. Her eyes were more easily compared to ????! Forget that metaphor. She could run, really, really fast. People in her
vicinity ran because they thought she was odd. and she was. but not in a bad way.
to her, everyone else was odd. oddity is a confusing thing because it dances by itself at a party, leaving normalcy as the wallflowers. NOT TO SAY she was a wallflower.
ashley was outgoing. she danced, she broke her hip, she grew her hair out cut it off then grew it out again because the army wouldn't accept a ****-having girl.
Shortly she realized the army was unnecessary so she simply danced to the sound of oddities for the rest of her life.
No one bought her a drink, but she had dough so it didn't matter.
Texas was hot and she considered herself hotter. Whether or not that's an oddity is your decision.
A bit of prose poetry, just seeing what I can do with the form.
It's sad when you give everything away for people to smile
While you're dying people are spying thinking you're crazy
Baby when i die dont bury me I'm going to die in the west
I thinks it's only best that i dissapear
People fear What they don't understand and.thats me
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
'If you are fat then what am I?'
No you are mistaken
I do not see others as measurements
that is something I hold to myself
I need to loose weight
for the achievement
for control
for me to feel mentally stable
I need not hear about how
'it's not attractive to be that thin'
because I don't give a ****
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Edward Coles
Don't give yourself to points of misery
every time the die doesn't fall your way,
for tomorrow could be the day you wake
to all of the outcomes in the right place.

I have seen it for myself, my dear friend,
the way days drag on but you have no time
to find a conclusion, to find a reason
as to why you even woke up at all.

But the day will come when fear has no hold,
only loose ties to old loves and old selves.
You can learn to count your blessings amongst
all of the wreckage of your misfortune.

You will find yourself amongst lost pieces.
You will finally see all that you've done.
You are noticed my friend, and always loved.
The day will come when you see it for yourself.
Because even I need to be a ray of sunshine SOMETIMES...

 Dec 2014 lotus lord
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
I have so much to do
But I am a statue.
I'm frozen.
Words are held just on my lips.
Power peppered on my finger tips.
When much is given much is expected.
Prose. Prose Prose Prose.
No one knows.
What do I know.
Am I a God.
I am a God.
Gods lead, Gods create.
I create.
I create at will what I will
I will what I create.
Not good enough. Too late.
I have so much to do...
When you're a God
Who do you pray to?
Close your eyes
And it'll be over soon.
You won't feel the blows
Or his unwholesome touch.
I miss the one who cared for me,
If I close my eyes,
Maybe I can pretend he's here
And not the one who hurts me.
If I close my eyes,
Maybe endings will be easier.
If I close my eyes,
It will all be over soon.
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Kate Irons
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Kate Irons
she's choking herself with the tears she's holding back
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