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Carsyn Smith May 2014
I watched God this morning.
I observed all He did.
I sat as the fog lifted.
The great sky that stretch far --
from the rocky beach 'til
my head could stretch back no longer --
was now broken.
One mirror with a single crack
right across the middle.
One barren strip of land --
a single tree.
I watched God
as He lifted away the fog
to reveal the beauty in imperfection.
One morning on the lake...
  May 2014 Carsyn Smith
Tom Leveille
kissing you was like swerving into oncoming traffic

i can never tell if i am more haunted by empty picture frames or the ashes of their contents

you taught me that the saying "pick your battles" meant not answering when love was at the door

sometimes when i drink whiskey i swear i can hear your voice in the creases of my bedsheets & i sleep on the floor

i still catch myself running my hands over things you touched the most, looking for the echoes of your fingertips

i practice things i'll never say to you

i remember the day you told me you didn't like poetry, how "everything's already been said" & how "nothing meaningful can be captured without being cliche" you know, i don't miss you like the sun and moon, i do not miss you like tide bent waves crashing on the shoreline, i miss you like a chernobyl  swingset misses children

rumor has it that drowning is a lot like coming home, that drinking bleach can **** the butterflies in your stomach

for your love of cigarettes, i would have been an ashtray

this halloween i want to dress up as the you when you loved yourself and show up on your doorstep

i never understood what you meant when you said i was an instrument, back when you would cup your hands around my chest and breathe through the holes in my heart, i still wonder if the sounds i made remind you of wind chimes

i never paid much attention to abandoned buildings until i became one

in my dreams all the flowers smell like your perfume

i am the only person who has ever wished for the same snowflake to fall twice

if i could go back, and rewrite the definition of audacity, it would be how when we lost the bet of love, you said "we never shook on it"

i love you, if the feeling is not mutual, please pretend this was a poem

the only apology i want from you, is to have you repeat the names of children we will never have in your parents living room until they *****

we are the same person if you find yourself up at 4am dry heaving promises, or if you are kept awake by the laughter of those who've abandoned you

nobody ever told you that goodbyes taste like the back of stamps

sometimes i'm convinced that the only reason we hug, is so you can check my back for exit wounds
  May 2014 Carsyn Smith
kyla marie
I can't believe how amazing you are. You're the only person who's made me feel this special in a long time [delete]

are you sure you just want to be 'friends', I think I'm in love with you [delete]

can I have a goodbye kiss? I love your kisses, they taste like summer [delete]

I wish you would just say "Hi" to me in the hallways [delete]

that girl you always walk with is beautiful, I can understand why you didn't want me [delete]

when you told me I was beautiful and **** and all you would ever want, was that all a lie too? [delete]

I got a mosquito bite today and it reminded me of when we slept outside and were attacked by them [delete]

it smells like the nights we spent together [delete]

one, two, three...I've lost count of how many drinks are for you [delete]

I wish you thought about me as much as I think of you [delete]

why are your words stuck in my head [delete]

I was naive and young, I'm sorry I actually thought you loved me [delete]

it's been months since the summer nights we spent together. please tell me you miss me. [delete]

my chest hurts. my heart aches. everything about you from the way your lips tasted to how I got chills down my spine from just one touch makes me want to explode [delete]

the blood running down my wrist contains the words you said but never meant [delete]
  May 2014 Carsyn Smith
Emily Dickinson

What mystery pervades a well!
That water lives so far—
A neighbor from another world
Residing in a jar

Whose limit none have ever seen,
But just his lid of glass—
Like looking every time you please
In an abyss’s face!

The grass does not appear afraid,
I often wonder he
Can stand so close and look so bold
At what is awe to me.

Related somehow they may be,
The sedge stands next the sea—
Where he is floorless
And does no timidity betray

But nature is a stranger yet;
The ones that cite her most
Have never passed her haunted house,
Nor simplified her ghost.

To pity those that know her not
Is helped by the regret
That those who know her, know her less
The nearer her they get.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
I wonder if you ever think about me?
Do you stay up at night,
tossing and turning,
whispering secrets to only the angels,
like I do?
Do you replay what we had in your head
over and over,
until they bring you to tears
like me?
Do you ever find yourself looking at my pictures
thinking She used to me mine
like I do?
Do you read the notes I wrote you --
or did you burn them? --
like I do?
Do you smell my perfume
randomly in the hallways
like I smell your cologne?
Do you miss the way we used to talk,
hushed voices or crazy laughter
like I do?

I can't escape you
because you have something I need.
A piece of me,
no matter how small,
still beats somewhere inside you,
and I can't seems to stop
until I get it back.
another insomniac poem that I will, no doubt, regret... but maybe it's the truth?
Carsyn Smith May 2014
For some reason
I thought you were mine again.
That those words
Spilled out of my mouth
Never happened.
For some reason,
At the end of the night,
I could call you mine
I could rest easy in your arms.
I found myself wondering
What your lips felt like,
How they would taste
If you kissed me right now.
I couldn't stop thinking
About your hands on my waist
Spinning around that small dance floor
Like it was just the two of us.
For some reason,
For a split second,
I let myself believe it.
I felt a happiness that couldn't be described,
It filled me to the brim, yellow, like the sun.
I turned and smiled at you,
But thank goodness,
You didn't see me.
At that moment,
My heart broke all over again
And all I wanted to do
Was scream.
Cry out in frustration
“Why do I feel this way?
Why can’t I let him go?”

It must be the very thing I wanted to avoid,
My greatest fear:
Late night/early morning insomniac poetry... aka I'll regret it in the morning.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
My mother told me once
To love yourself before you
Love others, because one
Day you'll be all you've got.
Well, what am I supposed to
Do now that she's left me?
She walked away in a fit of
Disgust and shame. I am as
Hollow as the empty beer
Bottles that litter the side of
The highway. If I can not
Trust myself to simply love
Myself -- if I am not capable
Of keeping her…

how could I possibly love you?
Found this in my journal, it's a few months old, but I thought it was pretty good.
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