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Carsyn Smith May 2014
passionate affection or desire
for another person

A figurative roller-coaster,
the very thought of it excites and terrifies.
People wait in lines
for what feels like years --
sometimes they chicken out --
other times they strap themselves in.
Releasing themselves to the whim
of the mechanical beast,
they're powerless.
There will be moments
of pure ecstasy as they lerk forward,
plunging into the unknown.
Times of stillness will come --
sometimes the ride simply breaks down --
depending on the patience of the rider,
the ride might continue.
For most,
the ride will eventually end,
and they'll wait in someone else's line.
For few,
they'll ride that roller-coaster forever,
happily resting when all is said and done.

The single word that defines
was obviously assigned by someone
who has never been on a roller-coaster.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
Though I will stop breathing,
I do not die,
Not yet.
Not until my name
Ceases to graze lips,
Only then can you declare me dead
As I live on
Through the pages of my work.
Sorry I haven't been writing a lot of poetry lately, I've been really sick :(
Carsyn Smith May 2014

You can cut me up,
carve me into any shape you desire.
Cut me down, even,
Wrap lights and tinsel around my dying limbs
until I cease to amuse.
Then throw me out,
to the street with the rest of them:
the girls you grew bored of.
As we sit on the curb,
fishnet tights and short skirts,
we're no taller than a Bonsai.
We could be beautiful and strong
with love and care,
But instead we've grown harsh and gnarled
trying to sell it instead.

Just a small section of a poem I'm currently working on. I just wanted to see some reactions and suggestions from you guys :)
Carsyn Smith May 2014
It's cold down here,
the white cushions and blankets do nothing
to safeguard my withering body
from Earth's cold claws.
Remember when we used to sit in Summer's sun?
Ankle deep in baked sand
as the waves lulled us.
Remember how you held my hand the first time?
Side by side, we sat on that empty beach
our hands absentmindedly digging towards the core.
It wasn't until I was distant that I felt your fingers,
timid at first,
then coiling like a grape vine 'round a fence.
You remember, don't you?
It hasn't been too long?
You told me,
in that raining back alley,
that you wouldn't let me go.
You told me,
as I held your hand like a lifeline,
that I was going to be okay.
I kept listening,
through the rain and your tears,
for the sound of running footsteps
and the clinking of money in my purse as he ran.
Did you catch him?
Will he never hurt anyone again?
Please tell me,
so that I may feel some warmth in eternity.
Prompt: Message from beyond the grave.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
I'll be in the meadow,
but only moving still.
Just something that I hope will make you ponder.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
Love is a sword with no pummel,
simply just a piece of steel
with room enough for two hands -- our hands.
From the first time I held yours,
on that windy day up that winding hill,
we grasped onto that pummel-less sword.
As we grew closer, so did the cold steel,
until one day we're inches deep
rupturing organs and arteries.
It's not something you see right away,
love is almost like shock --
the way it clouds judgement.
I told you to let go,
to let it fall away and to let time heal,
but your grip only tightened.
Twisting and turning that sword
until you're on scrapped knees,
hoarse voice screaming accusations.
But while you wallow in pain,
I've stitched myself up.
Don't blame me: we've stabbed each other
Carsyn Smith May 2014
Today I listened to our song.
The very thing that I avoided
like a plague that might **** me --
I forced myself through every second,
exactly three minutes and forty seven seconds.
Every note, measure, and lyric
was a shake in my once impenetrable fortress --
a reminder that even I am not perfect.
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