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Angel wings around me.
Feathers in my face.
Pillow the size of Jupiter.
Sheets of silken seas on surfaces of
Worlds yet undiscovered.
I sleep loved.
 Oct 2015 burning bright
 Oct 2015 burning bright
Night kisses on the roof,
We're drinking up the view
Please fill my glass with a million more stars..
So I can find the courage to spill out the truth..

Long ago I was in love,
Well that's what I thought it was..
5 years is a long time to know a person,
And 5 words was all it took to break that off

So, "how did it all fall apart?" You ask.. And, "Was the fall worth the hurt?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just a quarter of hers..

But that was a very long time ago,
So let's move this along..

My first year at college ******,
I never thought I'd amount to much
11 months is a long time to care for someone,
Even when those last few months,
We fell out of touch..
But with this girl I felt so safe..
Brown hair green eyes cute face
I said goodbye 2 nights after my 18th birthday,
.. I thought this time my heart deserved a different kind of break

"... So how did it all fall apart?" You ask, "do you still care/ love her?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just 1/4 of hers..

But i'm not on the rooftop with her, right now..
Oh i'm with you,
And this is where we are..
Singing the blues..

When that sun rises over you
Won't you tell me your stories too?
I'll give both halves of my heart if..
You give me all yours too.
So this is my favourite thing I've written... Ever.

Hope it makes you guys feel something too. It is very personal though, and quite hopelessly romantic somewhat hahaha.
You always told me about the colliding
stars between my lashes, the way they
looked burnt through your chest,
because stars are only raging souls in flames.
But where there is fire,
you will always carry gasoline.

And I hid match sticks beneath
your matteress, preparing my fingertips
for the day the room went
black and you wouldn't let me
hold your hand. You had petrol between your teeth instead of spit and traces
of flint under your nails.
You stopped comparing me to the sky
and started kissing me like
ashes and smoke.

Fairytales never taught me that dragons were alive, fairytales taught me
that they can be killed
and I learnt at a young age that I was
never going to be a butterfly,
or Snow White
or Jasmine
or anything other
than the pretence of Sleeping Beauty,

but I guess this way its more like Fading Tragedy.
I am the embodiment of the phrase
"love hurts"
and I've never been more than
the hurricane on your windscreen
that you're trying so desperately to
wipe away.
You can live without me, and I can live without you, but who's to say we didn't already die.
Humanity is your own family;
If you don't take care of it,
Evil will do its work!
Notes (optional)
 Oct 2015 burning bright
Everything is changing
But it all stays the same
I am broken and I am lonely
There's no one else to blame
The skies above our city are gray
And I don't want to stay
I dream to pack our bags
And grab your hand
Get in a car (a bus)(a train)
So we can see the land
But we can't
We just sit and wait
For a better day
For a better year
For more heart
And no fear
For our mothers to stop
Making our choices for us
Pushing their cowardice
and judgments
But I promise
One day that will change
One day we'll climb the mountaintop
And feel the grass beneath our feet
No one to tell us to stop
Or that we're in too deep
One day we'll fly above the clouds
And dream with our eyes open
Speak of those dreams aloud
Know that they will happen
One day we'll run with the waves
And sing with the wind
Because our hearts are the braves
They face life with a grin
This trap that we're in
The world where we live
It's not for us
But you put your arms around me
And everything slows
The clock is ticking
But time has stopped
No matter how much passes
It's not enough
When you're by my side
So I guess I can stay
I can keep fighting
For one more day.
This time it's taking too long, and I fear it's slipping away from me
But I believe in you even when they tell me not to
Maybe I'm wrong and maybe they're right
But my soul doesn't believe that
 Sep 2015 burning bright
I conceive you with closed eyes.

your existence is not defined by the armor you wear
nor its dents and scratches
you are more than your limits and shortcomings
you are the first ray of sunshine
after a stormy spring
you are a cold gauze
on a skin filled with burns
you are the song I hear for the first time
and yet I've known it my whole life
you are every color in the spectrum
for someone who has only known black

when I imagine my future life
perhaps I don't see you next to me
but I feel you;
I know you're there
you are the only one who belongs there
and with time I realize -
that's all that matters.
you are my everything when there is nothing left
 Aug 2015 burning bright
I dreamt of you last night.
Did you wake thinking of me?
My shoulders and back
feel cold now;
it's where your body
should be.

I dreamt of your hand in mine;
fingers laced, you holding me.
And then, it seems,
I awoke
to this cruel reality.
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