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Oct 2015 · 30.1k
bouhaouel zeineb Oct 2015
I chose feminism because I believe in equality between genders.
because I’m against gender roles, men who need a woman to get their **** done are not “cute” and are nothing but spoiled little brats.
because my virginity, my body hair and how I dress up are none of your business.
I chose feminism because I’m not a *** machine nor a baby producer I value much much more than that.
because I don’t need a man to validate my self worth, I already know what I’m worth.
because in some countries ***** women are forced to spend the rest of their life under the same roof as their assaulter.
I chose feminism because a woman who speak up and raise her voice is a ***** .
because in my city a woman was beaten by her husband the night of their wedding because she didn’t “bleed” in the *******.
I chose to speak up because an 8 year old Yemeni girl died of internal injuries at the hands of 40 year old husband on their wedding night.
because ****** is not a ***** word and my periods are not disgusting.
because more women need to speak up and speak for their rights
I chose feminism and everyone should do the same .
Oct 2015 · 2.1k
lone wolf
bouhaouel zeineb Oct 2015
A lone wolf, that’s what I’ve always been
Walking alone in the shadows
Forever in the dark afraid to be seen
Seeking friendship from the glowing stars
Oct 2015 · 653
bouhaouel zeineb Oct 2015
I decided to befriend the devil and the one eyed monster
Maybe they won’t be as harsh with me as these humans are
bouhaouel zeineb Mar 2015
the struggle is not over yet we will keep fighting till our last breath with the same motivation the same enthusiasm
and we will win
we will win
it's a promise
**happy international women's day
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
A Beautiful World
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
we live in a world
where people are killed because they are different
because of their race their beliefs
where women are ***** till death
labeled as *** machines and baby producers
where nice people are stupid and naive
and hypocrites are smart and have understood life well
where with money you can get everything
where women and children are sold like sheeps
where the innocents are guilty and the guilty are innocent
where millions are dying from hunger and poverty
we live in a world where since its existence not a single day had passed without spilling blood
what a beautiful world we are living in !!
Feb 2015 · 812
Not a poem
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
RIP Deah Barakat.  RIP Yusor Abu-Salha.  RIP Razan Abu-Salha.
the three muslim victims  of chapel hill shooting

because **Muslim lives also matters
Feb 2015 · 580
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
not mine**
how to stop time: kiss
how to travel in time: read
how to escape time: music
how to feel time: write
how to waste time: social media
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
don't fear the demons
and the midnight monsters
fear the humans
they will not only hurt you
and then ask you what's wrong
but they would **** you
and then they will come to your funeral
Feb 2015 · 959
To my future lover
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
Slow dance with me
And take care of me
Ease me when I'm mad
Cheer me when I'm sad
Kiss me in the rain
And do it and do it again
Don't fool around with girls just to make me jealous
'cuz I would be nothing but furious
Write me love poems,write me letters
And let me wear your favorite sweaters
Let's have pillow fights
And watch the moonlight
Let's go on an adventure hand in hand
To a far distant land
Make love to me softly
Make love to me roughly
Surprise me amaze me
And tell me you love me
****** me charm me
And tell me you are mine
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
And then there were none
bouhaouel zeineb Feb 2015
not mine**
Ten little Indian Boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were nine.

Nine little Indian Boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Eight little Indian Boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.

Seven little Indian Boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.

Six little Indian Boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Five little Indian Boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were four.

Four little Indian Boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little Indian Boys walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two little Indian Boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Indian Boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
not mine but I wanted to share it with u
from the book of Agatha Christie "And then there were none"
Jan 2015 · 684
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I'm not asking to be a leader
but let's just walk side by side
I'm tired of being nothing but a follower
Jan 2015 · 356
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
oh i'm just exausted
I care too much
but no one seem to care about me
Jan 2015 · 2.6k
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I crave kisses
forehead kisses and hand kisses
neck kisses and french kisses
soft kisses and passionate kisses
morning kisses and good night kisses
i crave intimacy
delicate touches and soft hugs
cute nicknames and hand holding
I crave love
fervent passion
burning desire
hhh ;)
Jan 2015 · 3.4k
mrs devil
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
there was once a lady
with a heart as cold as the snow
feared by both humans and demons
in reality
in her younger years she befriended the devil
and now they are inseparable
they lived together in the darkest shadows
in the most sinister of forests
she was his muse his protegé
he was her knight her lover
they were like Bonnie and Clyde
partners in ******
partners in chaos
he swallowed her innocence and her purity
and replaced it by a beast that can't be tamed
thirsty for blood and obsessed by ******
she was like a burning wildfire with only one desire
to devour the weak and **** the innocents
she was a warrior but without a noble purpose
Jan 2015 · 984
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I made a vow to myself
a vow that I shall never break
no matter what happens
I'll follow my dreams
till my last breath
even if I have to walk on a flaming path
and battle the devil inside me
I'll survive their mockery and their prejudice
they will laugh at me, try to stop me and look at me with disgust
but I'll keep standing proudly
they will be jealous,envious and hateful
but their words won't harm me
they will call me names freak insane ***** and even "kefra" ( non believer)
but that won't take my dignity
won't take my pride
they will all stand against me
my family "my friends" and the society
they will try to scare me with their stupid superstitions
but I won't turn back
I'm strong enough to bear the harm and the pain
I won't break my vow
no matter what happens
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I wish my life was a fairy tale
no matter how dreadful the troubles you get in
there will always be a happy ending
the bad ones will die and the good ones will survive
and live happily ever after
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
The mad king is dead
The cruel king has passed away
Stand for the new queen
The merciful and mighty queen
" My people a new beginning awaits us
No more suffering
No more hunger
I will unchain the slaves
I will feed the poor
I will rule the kingdom with wisdom and justice
I will hang the murderers
I will imprison the thieves
I will chop the **** of every *****
The king wasted our money and fortune
Sold out our fields and women to the enemy
But we will take back what is ours
With fire and blood if needed
But now bring the food and play the music!!
Let's party!!
And **** the king"
Jan 2015 · 428
Hello Poetry
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Thank God for hello poetry
I'm more than delighted to be part of it

But aren't we all :)
Jan 2015 · 638
Slow Death
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
This loneliness is killing me
little by little
torturing me

this void that I can't fill
no matter how much I try
Jan 2015 · 453
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I just need a friend to understand me
support me , accept me for who I am
and makes me forget that I'm shy
but i can't seem to find one like this
Jan 2015 · 952
Dream Home
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
A small house made of wood
a few miles outside the city
surrounded by an enchanted garden
tulips lilies roses and strawberries
fruitful trees
plums and grapes
homes for those birds who would sing me good morning every day
a fall of fresh water nearby
a bright sun and a refreshing breeze
a magical bookshelves
whenever I finish a book a new one appears
a plenty of movies, TV shows and anime
a collection of my favorite music
cats ..plenty of cats
And finally a lover to share this paradise with me
and to love me forever
That's all I'm asking for
Jan 2015 · 16.0k
My queen
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Oh majesty
my queen
chain breaker
dragon slayer
Oh God almighty
give her strength
give her power
let her conquer the world
**** all the men
just the bad ones of course lol ;)
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
it's really weird
How much darkness terrifies me

I am darkness itself
Jan 2015 · 698
I'm a mess
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Behind my lovely smile
my so called funny jokes
my innocent stare
another world lives in
a world only made of
fear and regrets
tears and guilt
it's a hell inside

don't disturb it
it will all turn on you
Jan 2015 · 326
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Speak my friend
Say my name
But not too loud
You might wake him up

The devil who sleeps inside me
Jan 2015 · 631
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
My beloved ones
My darlings
I promise I'll be a good girl

Just Kidding
I'm Satan himself
Jan 2015 · 699
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Beating drums
Howling wolves

It's midnight
The ceremony is about to begin

My death ceremony
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
the queen of the universe
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
i’m the child of the moon
if you see me you’ll swoon
i’m the princess beyond the sea
you will regret if you met me
i’m your worst nightmare
i would **** you if you dare…isn’t that fair
i’m the circus queen
beware …i’ll soon own the big screen
i’m the poisonous snake
i’m the black widow
i’m houdini’s pupil
i’m the wicked witch
i’m the queen of the universe
beware …i have no mercy
no matter who you are
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Ephemeral paradise
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
Come with me my dear friend
To that place that no one have seen but we all heard about its beauty
And trust me we'll be welcomed like royalty
Aren’t we the king and the queen after all?
The sun has brightly risen
As we were leaving this prison
Take my hand my love and follow
Together we'll drawn away our fear and sorrow
Smile darling ...we arrived!!
Admire this enchanted garden
Listen to this beautiful melody
Don’t you think they make a perfect harmony?
Darling why don't you make me a flower crown
That matches my silk white gown
Let’s enjoy ourselves before time ends
Till 00:00 that's the pact
A minute more we'll be stuck here forever
But isn't that we want...
But dear don't forget the enchantment is ephemeral
Because by midnight all nocturnal creatures will awake
Vampire Ghouls Cyclops wolves...a real hell
So let's enjoy ourselves before midnight
Let’s swim along with the mermaids
Let’s ride the silver chariots
Let’s dance naked and sing around the fire
Let’s climb the highest mountains
Let’s drink in the fountain of youth
Time flies when you are having fun
The bell started ringing but we were far away from the entry door
Hand in hand we started running
Running and running
Running and then crawling
Running and then crawling
The door is closed!!!
What shall we do now!!!
We are gonna be stuck here forever my love
And we looked at each other
:"time to hide» .....
Jan 2015 · 6.2k
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
I’m an angry feminist because women are told that their place is in the kitchen
I’m an angry feminist because walking by myself at night is never safe
I’m an angry feminist because men want 4 wives while they can't handle one properly
I’m an angry feminist because I was told to sit right and close my legs
I’m an angry feminist because she was asking for it is still an excuse
I’m an angry feminist because women are killed because they “betrayed” the family honor
I’m an angry feminist because we teach girls how not to get ***** but not boys not to ****
I'm an angry feminist because girls are sexually assaulted no matter how modestly or immodestly they are dressed
I’m an angry feminist because we are told to shut up when a man speaks
I’m an angry feminist because women are still beaten by their partners  
I’m an angry feminist because women are still judged by the appearance only
I’m an angry feminist because women are still faking *******
I'm an angry feminist because your sexist jokes are never funny
I’m an angry feminist because we should never say no to a man or he will feel offended...oooh i have pity on them.. poor creatures
I’m an angry feminist because people still don't know what a feminist means
Lesbians who hate men they say
Jan 2015 · 472
tales of terror
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
i looked in the eyes of devil
and the devil looked right back
the journey of terror just began
there is no way to ran
i began to live in the darkness
and i became heartless
i start to face my cursed fate
with a shattered mind
i was blind and unkind
i was dancing around the fire
with the devil by my side
i was mumbling nonsense
since i lost my conscience
i started to cast spells
like a crazy wicked witch
it was a full moon
so i prayed the lord to give me strength to battle the devil
so i could reach another level , the level of the ultimate purety
and suddenly it started to rain glitter and stars
and i knew my soul was saved
i could see the sunlight right now
i feel enlightened and shiny
everything seem beautiful
Jan 2015 · 4.3k
queen of sorrow
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
she was shedding tears
what's wrong little dove he said
i just realized
i'm no queen of carthage
nor the heir of england
i'm no khaleesi
i can't slay no dragons and
i can't free no men
but you are much more babydoll he said
no i'm nothing but
the queen of sorrow and sadness
the heir of sin and guilt
i'm a useless creature
and a heartless *****
i lead a meaningless life and
i deserve to be butchered with a keen edged knife
Jan 2015 · 740
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
blessed from the lord or
cursed by the devil
scared of death or
afraid of punishment
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
obsessed by you or
possessed by the devil
pretend to die or
already dead
what a messy girl i am and what a messy world i’m living in
haunted house or
confused mind
cutted head or
buried alive
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
a sinner or
a saint
pretend to die or
already dead
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
serial killer
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
it’s morning light
not a time for a ****** fight
he prefers waiting for the night
it’s morning light
he is so quiet
he’s not fighting even for his right
ooh he’s a serial killer watch out for your life he doesn’t have pity killing just make him feel better
it’s not morning light anymore
he isn’t quiet like before
he took his weapon and passed by my door
oh dear god i ‘ve just seen a dead body on the floor
i guess it is not safe anymore
he is right behind my door
ooh he’s a serial killer watch out for your life he doesn’t have pity killing just make him feel better
he is coming armed with his shotgun
he’s coming to have some fun
the serial killer is a creature of night so don’t expect to see him in the morning light
Jan 2015 · 669
chronicles of a lost girl
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
as the clock rang midnight
i left home with the speed of light
with a heart full of bitterness
and a soul ripped by sadness
the road was obscure but sublime
and that owl's hoot was making rhythm
i was heading to the shadow city
where flowers never bloom and trees never grow
only mist and wind you know
no bird singing and no baby laughing
only dog barking and wolves howling
there was a castle high as a mountain
standing next to the secret fountain
the castle's bells start ringing
the ceremony is about to begin
and then i opened my eyes
it was just a dream
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
dark thoughts
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
my head is full of dark thoughts
so i better stop thinking
before i lose my mind
Jan 2015 · 770
time to break free
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
i spent 18 years of my life locked in a cage
isn't it time to break free
and start living like a normal human being
or is it too late
Jan 2015 · 4.0k
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
hey i'm talking to you
please don't ignore me
i'm right here
can't you see me
don't ignore me please
i'm talking to you
hey look at me
what's wrong
am i that pathetic
or am i invisible

— The End —