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Invocation May 2015
Sometimes I make animal sounds
And make tribal chants like Doodle Bob
You're like my twin but we're kinda far away
Don't worry
The two old threads can tie knots whenever
You'll be fine
Just take the time
Work for a dime
And get away to somewhere
Where you can grow
Little limpwurt root
Baby biscuit <3 <3 <3
Invocation May 2015
Whisper cold chills into my skin again
I will warm your throat with a gesture
Be a little less respectful
I wandered with only you for reasons I can't speak
Take me, anytime
My words are filling the space you create when you're nervous
I'm on your mind for a reason
I find you comfortable, and not just socially
The moments you drive me insane make me want to bind your arms
I resist because it's not about having what you want
I just want and that's enough for me

We can lie around for hours talking and watching the waves
I don't mind waiting
The breeze fills me with sand and salt and the water stings my eyes
SO many new flavours and textures
Your eyes being my favourite
Mr Noodles
Invocation May 2015
The past is a present I've already opened
The future is glass
Between the cracks I see non-lighted structures
Do you understand that I'm not real sometimes?
Today I feel whole but not together
Today I feel heavy, relatively
Today I feel like soft dirt spread across a lump of fire
add water, mix and set to spinning in a void
Whatever springs up will forget that you exist
Today I feel like a forgotten goddess
Today I am a beach, in rhythm with myself
I don't need anything else but my rhythm and my sky
I am my heartbeat
Between the cracks in my eyes you'll feel unimaginable things
It may take forever to remind you that you're real sometimes
Today you seem mechanical again, magazine and success in your eyes
Twitch to find your muscles
Is it so strange to speak to the body you wear your whole life?
Who is my skin?
Left pieces of me everywhere today
But tomorrow I'll eat them for energy and feel ripe again.
Don't listen to me, this is just artistic expression.
I'm tripping over myself
Invocation May 2015
First of all

                               it's a god ****** roach
                               I sit in there and do things
                               my bottom area is not your playground, man


                              the roaches here are about two inches long
                              so this one can **** right off
                              and leave me alone forever
much obliged
pardon the language

Edit: or they're four inches long and don't die
          THATS JUST ******* FABULOUS
Invocation May 2015
>Light! infused

We are all one under this sun

>wires unfused

Tap me out and tap me into you

>no longer confused

Bring me serenity and healing

>Life, unused

Let me stand as Earth and Mother

>Scars acrue

Battered gently, I will grow

>Ahead she flew

Your place in this universe will never change

>Not yet for you

Wait a while with me and sing of Earth's beauty

>Too much to do

You can help me love everyone
We are cell
Invocation May 2015
internal, shed
life unlived
cells between myself and I
pieces of me and of you, if you had been
Wander in wonder at pain unfolding
Is this creation?
Am I Mother?

Burning softly, little ember
life unlived
holding you inbetween me and myself
warm little creatures, life before life
Am I creating?
Am I killing by not creating?

Am I Mother, barren and overflowing
Am I Father, sowing and reaping
I am Earth internal eternal
Galaxy, spawn from where humanity will not

Nutrients imbedded imbue imperfection
I forgot you were here, little ones
Lives unlived
Little ember growing and flowing
I will endure for the sake of possibilities
Little me little you little us
Lives to make
People we create
I am Mother
A Menstrual moment of beauty
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