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Invocation Oct 2014
I thought I knew what love looked like
now every time I log on
I get lost in your eyes

I thought that I was stronger than ever
but your smile makes me feel weak
I thought I had matured and grown
you make me feel like a schoolchild crushing

Whatever it is, it won't matter
Whatever it is, it can wait
Whatever it is, I don't care.

Will I be enough?
Are you real?
Are you warm to the touch?
What does your hair smell like?

I thought I was crying
until you made me look

we have time
// gg
Invocation Sep 2014
Don't change it, please
just wait
After this song
our lives can continue
as before

but everything
will change
as the chorus woefully crescendos
your eyes stare into the sixth dimension
and I can't control my tears

and the emotion will lie bleeding on my floor for you to notice
as I blush
when the last note
***** shorts and hesitations
Invocation Sep 2014
I feel like something has changed inside
My odd new quirks won't let me hide
But what can I do to extract this?
A poison, or a cure for the masses
I could be lying, you won't know
Not until we wake up tomorrow
**** me today, and we reset
But I've told you this a thousand times
I wish we'd never met
All I have to do
is reset
great movie but now I feel odd
Invocation Sep 2014
skirts spinning in wind
on the hill I wave goodbye to the cityscape
lines and let the rain dash around on my eyelashes,
the warm grass lush under my bare feet I chase cloudshadows
and wander (searching for foxes) and the hunt is on, sanity escaping
and tranquility abounds as I bound from tussock to tussock, hair blazing little fox tail wagging and I lash the sky with open arms
home is where the heart is
and my earth is my den
My Old Spice scent is laden with cinnamon
I am spice and will kickstart your heart
Invocation Sep 2014
Every word an enrapturing photograph
I can feel her insides pour through my psyche
the cold water hitting my warm stomach lining,
chilling my ulcers and numbing my stress

I drink far too much soda nowadays
I should be taking it in
not the sweet stuff
the purest water
by the gallon
by the
I have found you at last, the soothing beauty
  Sep 2014 Invocation
Bugs bitten skin deep soul
[I slept on lot of empty plastic bottles]
Salted eyeballs, a chopstick
Two, they always asked for two
White chalks, bitter coughs
Childhood! Roses and a caterpillar
I had taught myself not to cry
Grown like gecko, became huge as *** of fears
Empty cocoon
Music box, grandmother, her smile and mole
[Nice pass, basketball]
Please turn off the lights and lock the window
[Too fat, though]
I wondered what more I could ask for
How perfect, monochrome
I was born, the world
[Moths are beautiful too]
Hey hey oily feathers
Butterflies cannot fly too high after all
It was never battle scars the ocean loved
[Eyeballs, remember eyeballs]
Babies and the steps
Climb your stairs, lungless
[Eyes were the most burned]
Chest, o Christmas tree and wedding cake
Claps, stories of mockery
Photographs, memories, what stays and fades
[The bridge saw you and fell in love--
I was crossing it
I was crossing it]
Invocation Sep 2014
Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam,
Et lingua eius loquetur indicium.

Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,  
Quoniqm *** probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae.

Kyrie, fons bonitatis.
Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison.

O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam benigma, quam amoena esse Virgo creditur.
O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam benigma, quam amoena,
O castitatis lilium.

Kyrie, fons bonitatis.
Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison.
O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam benigma, quam amoena,
O castitatis lilium.
Elfen Lied
-not an orginal work-
I love this song
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