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 Nov 2015 Sean Harbor
Katie Ann
other people can't fix
the hole inside my heart
because other people can't fix
what was broken from the start.
A broken family,
Creates broken hearts,
And broken hearts,
Tear families apart,
A torn apart family,
Is considered broken,
The cycle goes on and on,
Never slowing.
I got into an argument
the argument was over the radio
he wanted to listen to music
I wanted to listen to silence
I got out of the car
and began to walk
I walked and walked
for forever.
two hours later I walked home
mom and dad were worried
they called family and the police
why couldn't I have held my anger?
what's wrong with me?
Why couldn't I listen to music?
I began to cry and I screamed,
the silence was broken.
I have a blister on my right heel today
the blister stings and burns
but I deserve pain for upsetting my parents
Next time, I'll step in front of a car.
I walked away from the brother the other day and walked over 10 miles to get home...
I'm sorry for whatever I did
to make you not care
I'm sorry for whatever
made me disposable
I'm sorry for
everything I did wrong
I'm sorry
I wasn't good enough

I'm sorry
I'm a horrible person
I'm sorry for
failing you
I'm sorry for whatever
made them better than me
I'm sorry for whatever I did
and am apologizing for.
 Jul 2015 Sean Harbor
 Jul 2015 Sean Harbor
We don't hate the world we see,
we only loathe the society where no one can flee.
Ask for a cup of hot tea,
they'd judge you for not drinking a coffee.
Simple things, they'd make it as serious issues;
Serious matters, they'd pretend it doesn't exist.
Unknown people will always be ignored,
everyone knows their hardships, but no one cared enough to end it.
The popular ones have had their sufferings too,
I'm asking, why only them get the sympathy?
Aren't we all pretty?
Fake smile,
           Dried eyes,
                       Scratched wrists,
                                         Bruised thighs,
                                                         White pills,
                                                                      Rope tied,
                                                                                Gun loaded,
Can I die now?
I wish
There was no gravity
So people wouldn't get hurt
When there's no one there to catch them

When they fall

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