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Baylee Nov 2015
It's in the time when you're surronded
By nothing but air
And no one to talk to that the
Pain becomes too much to bear.

It's when you need it most,
That no one is near,
You bottle everything up,
The pain, emotions, and fear.

Starting a new life,
In a place with no one you know,
Can be one of the hardest things,
But it's a fear you can't show.

You have to protect your brother,
He can't know that you're scared,
As if moving across the country wasn't enough,
Then your mom's health - you weren't prepared.

You suit up to take life head on,
Act as your baby brother's second mom,
Take care of your mom, the house,
And family, while trying to remain calm.

It's a lot to deal with,
A lot of pain to bear,
But you're stronger than you know,
And by this, I swear.

Your support stretches across the country,
You've got people who care and love you,
Life hands us things that aren't easy or a choice,
But we know you're strong enough to push through.

May God bless you and your family,
With whatever life may bring you to,
You are always in my prayers,
I put my faith in Him to take care of you.
Written for someone I love and care so deeply about. Know that you have always got a shoulder to cry on, as long as I have shoulders. Know that I am always on your team. Always supporting you. Always. Love you to the moon and back.
Baylee Oct 2015
They say, "it's for the best"
and "it just wasn't meant to be",
but maybe it wasn't him at all,
maybe it's me.

Maybe it's always been me,
it's always been my own **** fault,
how can I sit here blaming guy after guy,
for what has happened to my heart; assault.

It was the fault of one guy,
and it happened long ago,
but it's affected every relationship
I've been in since then, though.

Maybe I pick losers,
or guys that don't know
how to treat a girl right,
or maybe it truly is me, my fault, and I.

Some people get married early
and last until the end of time,
others like me, stay lonely,
never having reached their prime.

Maybe being with someone isn't for everyone,
or maybe its just me,
I guess it will be a while before I find out,
but this is probably as happy as I'll ever be.
Baylee Oct 2015
A lot of people seem to think
that I would be great at
But improvisation
gives me bad

He also thought that stand-up
was in my best interest;
it isn't.
That must be why he
stood me up last night-
how's that for improv?

So there I was, downtown,
waiting alone, for a guy
that would never show up.
Put on the spot to entertain,
improvisation, you could say,
*but I'm not too good at stand-up.
Baylee Oct 2015
Some people
Are meant to be alone,
Like me...
Baylee Oct 2015
Did you ever notice the hidden words
In peoples names?
I did. I still do.

Like the silent "hell"
Hidden in

And I wonder if it's a
Coincidence or just
Very unfortunate.

But then I realize that theres a
Devil hiding inside
Your soul.

Your frizzy fuckery of hair
Hides your horns,
And your apron hides your
Dagger of a tail.

But you pierce the souls
Of everyone you
Talk to or look at.

When you call out someone's name,
Or summon them for something stupid,
You can almost hear their blood,
Boiling in their skin,
Their heart palpatates in their chest,
It feels as if the air was vacuum packed
Right out of their lungs
As they start to shrivel up in your chest.

But you just go on
With your evil laugh
As others wince in pain,
Because you might not be the devil,
But the silent hell in your name was
Not a mistake.

Nothing compares to the hell
You put everyone through,
Baylee Oct 2015
They say, "if you love something,
let it go" and that, "if it returns,
it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was",
but does that saying apply to people?
Because I don't want to let you go.
I don't want to let you walk
out of the door to my life.
You won't come back, but it's not
because you never were mine.
It's more because you don't have family here,
and once you're gone you wont have a reason
to come back here.
And it's expensive anyway to fly across the country
just for a visit with someone.
But I'll miss you. I don't want to let you go.
*I don't want you to leave me.
Baylee Oct 2015
The unique
left on coffee cups
is intriguing.

No two are
the same,
even if the same person
drinks from them.

But they aren't
all that different either.
A light tan drip
stains around the opening
in the lid
of each coffee cup.

Some are surrounded
by lipstick prints.
Others are just
a coffee drip-stain.
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