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 Feb 2015 ashleigh
 Feb 2015 ashleigh
It got quiet real fast last night.
Not like usual where the people outside the walls screech until 2am when they finally stumble back to their respective beds.
It must've been too cold for screeching and wandering last night.
Because it got real quiet. Right around 12.

And it was the kind of quiet that makes you both tense and relaxed.
Afraid to move or you'll disturb it, but calm in the middle of it all because silence is rare.
In fact there's no such thing.
Everything makes noise,
When you roll over, the wind, the lone car that drove past, and your breathing.
Especially the breathing.
It's noisy in it's own quiet way just a vital in and out that keeps you alive.

Lungs like attention, they like to be heard.
Even when they're not shouting angry profanities, or cheers, or whispering I love yous...they make their gentle in-out whoosh. Reminding you that you're alive and that's
a splendid and spectacular notion
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
It all used to be really simple.
And I'm not talking about
Crayons and sandboxes simple.
I mean,
These people will take care of you,
And these people will love you,
Everything is familiar
And soothing
And unified
And simple.

I'm just a casualty of a war that happened miles away.
I'm not sure of any of the details.
And the aftermath is foggy as well.
I just don't know what happened.
Just that everyone is gone.
Every one who used to love and take care of me.
And who I loved and took care of.

I don't long for sandboxes and crayon simplicity.
Just a time where things were....
When we all were.....
When I knew what the **** was going on.
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Mohd Arshad
.        you can look into it and find your face,
.                                                                      smiling and grimacing both!
Notes (optional)
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
My best friends
are half empty bottles
and kitchen floors.
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
you have eyes
you have a sight
but you didn't see

you have a mouth
you have a voice
but you didn't speak

you have ears
you could hear
but you didn't understand

you have a head
you have a brain
but you didn't think

you have a heart
you could feel
but you didn't let it beat
not even a little bit, not even at all

 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Falling words
Ripping, tearing, scratching at my skin all I want to do is let the light in
destroy me
tear me apart
envelope me with your touch
cause don’t want to live in this body anymore
I want to disappear
or turn into something new
all I really want
is to get away from you
you body,
you skin,
I don’t want you anymore
I want to fly away
maybe to
go to the moon
all I know
is I want a place
where I can feel beautiful.
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
I B Liviu
Sandman comes 'n starts t' raise
Golden dunes o' fairy land
A world o' dreams ahead now lays
Come on lovely close yer eyes, 'n

By th' gods o' sea 'n sky
Start 'n sail on puffy clouds,
'n with them green 'n pretty eyes
Steer yerself t' cotton grounds,

Dream o' love 'n joy 'n sea
Made o' liquid silk 'n gold,
As a cap'n ye shall be
Sailing in th' Nevertold,

Hoist yer colours in th' blue
'n trust th' heart t' point the way,
Ye be sailing straight 'n true
T' th' port o' Dreamland Bay.
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