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 Jan 2015 ashleigh
with a Polaroid camera
I captured you
I captured us
made us tangible
made you mine
face to face
skin to skin
rough hands
bringing me back to life
I've been cold for so long
A touch and a tremble
Ignites new flames
Consumes me
Soft sounds
Perfect chemistry
Unfamiliar devotion
Belonged to no one
Belongs to you now
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Ella Catherine
When I was young,
I thought love was stupid.

Why attach yourself to someone with such,

Someone gifted me attention,
and I fell in this love.

I’m still not certain whether I was in love,
with you,
or the words you said.

But I was in the worst sort,
of love.

They didn’t love me in return,
I tried to convince myself that was fine,
I don’t need to be in love,
That’s when I learned.

I learned why love poems exist,
They aren’t for the lover,
No one wishes that type of embarrassment.

They’re for the author,
Because no one will ever know,
What your love feels like.

Except for you,
Only you.
I'm trying to get over someone as you can tell. Anyway please leave comments to help me improve or just what you thought of it!
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Nikki Gryphon
He is a hurricane in my throat. A burning in my chest. A sickness in my stomach.

You are the lozenge that soothes my torn up throat, the aloe vera for my singed heart, the calm my nervous belly.

You are cool waves that sway me back to safety after his harsh waves of words have carried me so far out.

You teach me how to sing again without being afraid of my own voice.

You do this by showing me that you are afraid of your own as well,
but you still sing above everyone else.

And for that, I love you.
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Amaya Bhavya
Forever is a lie
You disparaged me and left
Tomorrow I'll fall again
Not in love but in need
For that cute guy in my class
You don't define forever
You and me don't forever
We may have infinite chasm between us
But infinity doesn't define forever either
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
We danced toward
each other's wounds

with gentle step
and touched inside

and now the bleeding
has resumed

and all this blood
is hard to hide.
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Alexis Robson
you wage a war against yourself,
you only see what you want to of yourself.

people notice the change in you,
they trick themselves to believe it's not true.

each day is a battle without gain,
your mind is clouded with constant rain.

your light slowly starts to dim,
you forget how to light it again.

you begin to lose the war,
and see no reason to fight anymore,
but all you need is one win,
to bring all this sadness to an end.

but sadly,
you lose again.

 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Bleeding Rose
 Jan 2015 ashleigh
Bleeding Rose
It ***** being
afraid to wake you up.
because your dreams,
are better then our reality.
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