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ARI May 2016
I am
To open the graves
Of my past hidden in
The deepest part of my being.

For I
Once they are out
I won’t be able to rebury
Them before they consume me.

I am
To release the words
Of which have become rusted
Barbed wire imbedded in my throat.

For I
During their release
I will find those words have
Sewn themselves into my tattered soul.

I am
I will not survive
The verbal barbed wire
Demolishing me on its way to freedom.

ARI May 2016 sad songs because,
      I don't want to feel

ARI May 2016
I was so alive
Like a
Sweetly cared for.

I thought you planted
The sweetest
As you gracefully entered my life

But I was so wrong, for
You were
Weeds with every step.

Slowly, I withered away
While you
Claimed what wasn't yours.

You demolished my every
Root of
Until I was left lifeless.

You left me as a
Dying secret
Lost within myself.

ARI May 2016
To forget
Your name
Your face
Your smile

 I want to Forget

Your hands
Wrapped around
My arms as if you
Owned  ME.


Your voice
Ripping through
My once innocent  mind
Scarring me forever

But I Remember

Your hands
Pushing me to
My knees because
You "deserved  it"

I remember

One ***** hand
Over my mouth
The other
Bruising my leg

I will always remember

My trembling  voice
To STOP but
YOU didn't want to.

ARI May 2016
Were broken
And I spent
Countless hours
Collecting the shards
Of your shattered soul
From the impact
Of a death.
Were sobbing
In a heap of
Bloodied tissues
And I was there silently
Destroying evidence of
Your depression
Induced self hate
As I held you closely.
Were a gnarled
Garden of lost
Beauty and I
Was there to rid you
Of the invasive weeds
Happily devouring
The life in your veins
Leaving you to die.
I was left with
Bleeding hands from
The shards of your soul
Razors sinking in my skin
From your example of
The weeds of depression
Strangling me and all I needed was

But you never came.

ARI May 2016
I find it funny
To be called a poet
When often times
I cannot sew together
A simple sentence
To explain to you
The anxiety drilling
Holes deep within
My bones of which
Often feel non-existent.

I find it funny
To be called a wife
When often times
I cannot collect
The energy to make
A simple dinner
Meant for two
Or wash and fold
The laundry now
Two weeks past due.

I find it funny
To be called a friend
When often times
I cannot pick up
My phone for
Even a simple
Message to let you
Know I love you
Even if it may seem
Like I avoid you.

I find it funny
To be called funny
When often times
I am the **** of my
Own jokes and they
Have no clue that
To me, I am stating
Simple facts with
A hint of laughter
To keep from crying.

ARI Apr 2016
When the time comes
For my eyes to 'ever close
And for my Heavenly
Father to call me home;

I hope my lips hold onto
A faint forever smile
Of which often spread
Heartfelt "I love you"'s

I hope my hair will be
A flowing stream of silver
With flowers placed
Sweetly around my head.

I hope my wrinkles
Are like an intricate map
Of the vibrant life
I've tried my best to live.

I hope my heart is
Filled with everlasting
Memories of which
My loved ones gave me.

I hope my name
Brings joy to those
Who speak it when
Their hearts are missing me.

For that is how
My grandmother
Left us; with pure love
Wrapped around our souls.

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