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ARI Oct 2015
Ribbons of desire
Wrapped around her wrists
When He claimed to love her
With all his promises.

Little did she know
Inch by silken inch
Those ribbons transferred poison
Her soul; forever His.

ARI Oct 2015
I told you that you gave me scars
And the look upon your face
Was that of deep despair.
Your eyes met mine and I watched
As pain and guilt filled them
I couldn't help but smile.

For scars are what we receive
When damage to our bodies heal
And the pain we felt starts to leave.
I had many open wounds
Across my tattered soul and heart
I could barely manage to breathe.

But you wound your arms lovingly Around my waist and you held
My shattered soul together.
Your kiss upon my once shy cheek
Seeped deeply into my aching chest
As the salve my burnt heart needed.

You gave me angelic scars of which
Are the product of your touch
Weaving together my brokenness.
The scars you gave me
Have made me whole in every way
I love our intricate scars.

ARI Oct 2015
As I placed my hand
Upon your naked chest
The heat of your skin
Seeped into my fingers.

I had said, "You are so warm
And I am quite cold."
I quickly realized, no truer words
Have ever been spoken.

I wish your warmth
Could heal my soul
But I have been frozen
Far too long; I can't be saved.

ARI Oct 2015
There's a little boy
Drawing in his room
Momma comes and sees
A vibrant ocean blue

He says mom would you like to know
Why this painting is my life
And why this image in my head
Haunts me every night?

When you look at the ocean
You only take the time to see
What's on the surface
You don't know what lurks beneath

You see blue skies and birds
Hugging the salty water
You don't see the shark below
Devouring someone's daughter

And over in that corner
A ship has sunken down
It took a family with it
All the children drowned

But over on that beach
So many people play
They won't acknowledge the danger
For that would ruin their day

I feel much like the ocean
People only come when all is calm
But when everything is upside down
Suddenly they're gone.

Doctors post videos of me laughing
And photos full of smiles
But when I need the cure
There's silence stretched for miles.

They say I am a warrior
They call me brave and strong
But for this I've had no training
They've never been more wrong.

ARI Oct 2015
Youve asked me
To describe her
For you say you want
To understand her.

But all I can say
Is  that she
Is simply a poet
With a shattered pen.

Life's ink has stained
Her slender fingers
Dark blots cover her paper
But still she writes.

You cannot understand
Illegible scrawls
Scattered across
Once clean paper.

To you it seems as if
She's finally gone mad
Perhaps she has
Always been mad.

But she is brilliant
For she has hidden
Her broken pieces
Beneath those ink blots.

If you truly want
To understand her mind
I suggest you start reading
In between the lines.

ARI Oct 2015
Loving her was like
Dying every morning.

You never really  
Lived, for her
Sadness 'ever grew as  
Depression's immortal vines    
Painfully crushed your bones.

Thoughts of suicide poison
Hearts of defeated sisters
Hurting far too much to pray.

ARI Oct 2015
It took me five years
To find red lipstick wearing courage

It took you five days
To steal it

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