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Amy H Mar 2015
that night I read your note
your words
your song
and knew it was the butterfly
still chasing the raven;
who, with her heart caught in his mouth
sees the ground and fears the fall
from his lonely perch;
so drops the heart she gave to him
and doesn't even see it
there's her body
but out of reach, this heart
cannot be joined with her again
and ravens always crush what they catch.
the heart is his forever...
there under stars
and in our eyes,
you held me close and
kissed my eyes,
"I'm ready."
without demand I hoped;
loving my raven free,
raven drops these hearts
when they taste of fear.
but he forgets
and takes hers, new again
and this could go forever...
a dysfunctional cycle, with Raven the scavenger, and Butterfly who reinvents herself to start again
January, 2011
Amy H Mar 2015
To indite or
to indite;
there's really
no question.
a lesser known word
Amy H Mar 2015
or do you?
you can feel it
when it fills you
and then it spills you
on a page
like life over-run
with nowhere to go
and then it's done.
look down and see
words arranged like
turmoil, a mess.
do I dare pass it on
or even read it?
some do.
they're poets.
Why not, right?
Amy H Mar 2015
my dad would say,
I was found under a rock.
worse things have happened.
there's life down there
we forget to see,
important work
to us all.
so maybe I count all the more
because of my

I'd say
I came to life
Dad, where did I come from?  "We found you under a rock."  Ha ha my dad really does love me, and I always knew it.  Listen to under a rock by Amy Hilton 4 #np on #SoundCloud
Amy H Mar 2015
a moment in the future
bids us come.
it can't come back to us
so we must run;
hasten our steps
along the winding path
that straightens as
it leads to us at last.

a moment in the future
bids us strive
for in it is
the start of both our lives;
when you and I are
only just a part
as oneness binds us
body, mind, and heart.

a moment in the future
bids us share
what can't be kept
from One with whom you care;
when evening talk turns
minutes into hours
and time and love and words
are only Ours.

a moment in the future
bids us walk
while hand in hand
Our strength will be my rock;
an anchor to my mind
and to my heart,
Our love will always
have the greatest part.

a moment in the future waits for *Us
A very old moment indeed, and yet still not arrived.
Amy H Mar 2015
the rain was just a drizzle
like my feelings any more
as we stood in awkward chat
and you can't find me any more.
not in here, at least,
in a quasi-happy fete,
with celebrations halted
because they make you fret.
I can't see my heart to give it
for it's always given back
and we'll stand in smoke and raindrops
with me turning myself black.
the black;
it can't reflect the light
so you'll perhaps not see
that my eyes have turned away
and my heart it didn't stay
and the part you have
is just the surface-me.
I won't let go, or let you in,
not again.
you'll only get the drizzle
not the swim.
My how it flows when it's a current, current.
Amy H Mar 2015
Not every honest thought
is full of truth.
Careful what comes out
in times of heat.
For honest thoughts can sear
a face with tears.
But truth will serve
and make a union sweet.
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