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Apr 2021 · 870
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2021
I hide my pain behind my smile
And truth behind the lies
And I save them for my monsters
Who come visit me at night
Because they see straight through my lies
And the hurt I try to hide
But they dont say anything
Instead they hold me till the light
Apr 2021 · 427
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2021
I've gotten so used to loosing,
That now when I take,
The more my stomach waits.
Waits for me to fill this hole,
That I've created over months.
But I can no longer take.
Because the more I take,
The more I gain.
And the more I gain,
The more I hate,
Hate myself for taking the plate.
Apr 2021 · 736
I cant carry this anymore
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2021
"Mama said gonna be all right
But mama don't know what it's like in my mind
Mama said that the sun gonna shine
But mama don't know what it's like to want to die"
Song by Anson Seabra
Dec 2020 · 198
Is this it?
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2020
Is this it?
Is this missing piece
The dancing in the rain,
The everfading pain,
Is this it?
Oh for what is this new feeling that I didnt realize I missed,
And the feeling of what it's like to be kissed
Oh the joy
Is this it?
The end of the puzzle
The end of the search
The end of the pain
This is it isn't it?
This is happiness
To dom, xoxo
Dec 2020 · 142
I Love You
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2020
When the bad turns good,
And the leaves turn gold,
When the wind starts to blow,
And the leaves start to brown,
And when the storm starts to brew,
And the frost begins to set,
To domnick, who lights my way in the dark
May 2020 · 190
Two Lives For A Bottle...
tiredkoalahugs May 2020
What’s a life,
If you’re going to throw it away,
With yourself down the bottle.
Is it worth the 9 months,
Just to see,
The baby carried away with cold feet?
Because YOU couldn’t stop drowning your sorrows,
Bottle By Bottle.
Now you may get a living one,
But what is to be of he/she,
Will they not be able to talk,
Or just an addict meant to be.
Now the first sip of alcohol
Will be the last first goodbye,
To the baby you never gave a chance,
To have a normal life.
So will you just put down the bottle,
To save the unborns life?
Or will you drink away your sorrows,
Thinking everything will turn out right?
May 2020 · 111
tiredkoalahugs May 2020
I ended up forgetting
What true happiness was
What it feels like to be proud of yourself for once
But then the moment is over
And the next minute the sorrow comes back
And you miss that happiness even more
May 2020 · 102
The 'bad' things
tiredkoalahugs May 2020
Why do all the bad things,
The self harm, denial, and everything else,
End up helping the most?
Edit: Ah Im almost crying becuase of how much love this poem has gotten and all of that in one day and this has never happened and thank you to everyonr.
May 2020 · 97
Once upon a time
tiredkoalahugs May 2020
Once apon a time
As if it was a dream
I was a kid
And I didn’t know a thing.
May 2020 · 68
tiredkoalahugs May 2020
I am broken!
Don't you see?
I am broken
Can I be me?
Apr 2020 · 80
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
"Dont worry" She says in the middle of the night.
"There are no monsters under your bed.
Little do we know, they are all in my head.
Apr 2020 · 86
We are
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
We are the shinning flower in the light
But we are the one star who hides at night
We are/know/am series part 2
Apr 2020 · 81
The "Happy" Girl
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
I am the girl, I say with bright shinny eyes
The girl who "loves" to dance in the rain
I am the girl, I think as I drift away
The girl who uses the night to cover the pain
I am the girl, I smile as I walk by.
The girl who's "happiness" is the brightest light.
I am the girl, I write in the journal I try to hide.
The girl who feels like she is losing the fight.
I am the girl,
Who is tired of being.
The "Happy" Girl.
I actually love this and I know it probably wont go far, but i really hope it does, if you are reading this please share it, that would be very kind.
Apr 2020 · 81
We know
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
We know that people come and go,
And it hurts so much but that wont show.
This may become a series of poems at some point
Apr 2020 · 88
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
Why does love have to be temporary,
And heartbreak be forever?
Why does happiness last a second,
While sorrow lasts a year?
Why is life the beginning and middle,
But death the very end?
Apr 2020 · 125
Death knocking
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
When life is present,
Like a shooting star,
You wish for death to come,
Knocking at your door.
But when death comes knocking,
At your very front door,
You wish for life to come running,
But it isn't there no more.
Apr 2020 · 96
It's in my head
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
How long does it take?
How long does it take to realize,
When the monsters have moved
From under your bed
And now
Live inside you head
Apr 2020 · 54
tiredkoalahugs Apr 2020
I feel dead and broken inside,
I'm paralyzed
From the inside out,
But I can't describe
The way the monsters keep calling
Me toward their grave,
And how I don't feel
Like being brave.
Mar 2020 · 80
A book
tiredkoalahugs Mar 2020
A book is a home,
Where lost souls adventure into,
Where you go to escape a life,
That was never enough,
Where you find love,
And freedom,
And hurt and despair,
Betrayal and new friends.
A book is a home
But when you leave
It is,
The End.
Not my best, and I havent written in a while. I hope everyone is staying safe and at home. Message me if you need to talk!
Feb 2020 · 102
breaking in two
tiredkoalahugs Feb 2020
I'm breaking in two
I dont know what to do
My life's a complete mess
Without you
Feb 2020 · 93
The storm
tiredkoalahugs Feb 2020
My thoughts are covered in a velvet coat of darkness from the sky,
And a silk blanket of sorrow from the storm.
Feb 2020 · 86
tiredkoalahugs Feb 2020
If I am over you
Why am I thinking of you
Jan 2020 · 70
Just a guy
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
You know
Just a guy
The only one who would actually make me happy and laugh
Just a guy
I mean, we only hung out like everyday
And played games and watched movies and did art and celebrated the new year...
Just a Guy.
Just a guy.
Jan 2020 · 66
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
My mind is a jumble of thoughts
My heart is a tangle of knots
Jan 2020 · 76
The clouds cry
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
Goodbye my friend,
For winters den,
Has turned the nights a sorrow.

The clouds cry,
Birds don't fly,
And she left, for new tomorrow.

At the bottom of the hill,
With the bare white trees,
At the lands fallow.
You sit there,
Wondering throughout,
The nights sorrow.

But don't fear my friend,
For in one seasons day,
There will be tomorrow,
With the blue-birds singing,
And church bells ringing,
As I wait at the hallow.
Please read, this is just one I wrote and Im reallly proud of it.
Jan 2020 · 80
1 Week
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
6 weeks since we meet
1 since i left
Jan 2020 · 92
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
Why do I always tell the lie Im fine?
Because, after a while, I may start to convince myself too...
Jan 2020 · 128
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
Im tired
and my heart is broken
I want more time
But my time is stolen.
Jan 2020 · 83
Im afraid
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
Im afraid
Not of others
The fact that they can hurt me
But of myself
Becuase Im always to one
Making others hurt
And that is what scares me
More than anything else.
Jan 2020 · 111
Broke your heart...
tiredkoalahugs Jan 2020
I did it, I broke your heart
I didnt want to, but I did
But dont worry
I tore mine apart.
Dec 2019 · 551
Break your heart...
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
I feel like I may break your heart
Like I could tear your life apart.
Dec 2019 · 153
Roses are red
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I cant stop my mind
From thinking of you.
Dec 2019 · 109
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
Love is a drug
Love is contagious
It can stir up your heart
For ages and ages
Dec 2019 · 100
I have fallen so so much
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
I can just sit
And talk with you for hours
And watch you draw
And I cant believe how much Ive fallen for you
But its imposible not to
I cant stop thinking about you
And I'm going insane
When I'm without you.
Dec 2019 · 120
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
I love your smile
Its contagious
I love how when you try to keep a straight face
You just break into a smile right afterwards
And it melts my heart
I love your smile
It makes me happy
To think
That it may be
Because of me.
Dec 2019 · 105
Cant get you off my mind
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
It's chritsmas time
I cant get you off my mind
This hasnt happened to me
I don't know how to think
But its christmas time
I cant get you off my mind
and honestly
Thats fine by me.
I have fallen so hard for a guy and these next many poems will be about him, hope you enjoy!
Dec 2019 · 158
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
Is that all your gonna say
Not why
Not anything else
Hi to you too.
Oh, look at that
A "Whats going on?
You good?"
Everything is
Dec 2019 · 112
Its sad
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
Its sad
How one can be around so many
And around lots of friends
And yet feel so alone.
Dec 2019 · 117
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
But you see this,
how they just
this is why
why you build up a wall
because if you don't
they will take over
and leave you more broken then before.
Dec 2019 · 123
All the time
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
I tell them this lie,
All the time,
I'm fine,
Just tired,
Now whats the time?
A lot believe me
Most of them don't
But they never try talk to me
And that
That hurts the most
Dec 2019 · 128
I tell them
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
I tell them I'm fine.
And they believe that lie.
But I just want them to look me in the eyes.
And tell me
I know your not fine.
Dec 2019 · 116
Do you ever...
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
Do you ever want to yell?
Do you ever want to be mad at someone?
Do you ever want to flight?
Do you ever just want to curl up and cry?
Do you ever have to lie?
Do you ever just want to die?
Do you ever just want to disaper?
Dec 2019 · 153
tiredkoalahugs Dec 2019
It hurts inseide
And you try to hid.
You just ball your emotions up.
And throw them into a dark cornner.
But they come back
They wont go away
So you keep them at bay
Long  enough
To start another day.
Nov 2019 · 202
Everything goes
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
Everything goes.
Everything leaves eventually.
Everything dies eventually.
Everything will wither from your life.
Everything goes.
Nov 2019 · 89
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
You should't worry,
When I care to much.
You should worry,
When I stop caring.
Nov 2019 · 99
You know...
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
You know what *****
When you give it your all
And your still not enough.
Nov 2019 · 94
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
Nov 2019 · 114
I don't know
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
I don't want to feel
I just want to hide my eyes
And cry all night
Till life's alright
Nov 2019 · 120
I can't
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
I can't do this anymore
I don't want to fight
I don't want to try
I can't do this anymore
Nov 2019 · 94
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
I can't do this anymore...
I can't do this...
I can't do...
I cant...
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