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Dec 2023 · 113
To Do List
ZWS Dec 2023
- [x] Workout
- [x] CVS
- [x] Tokyo Mart
- [x] Milk
- [x] Stockings
- [x] Cork town beard butter
- [x] Nicole gift
- [x] Krazy Jane’s
- [ ] I want you to love me with the force of one thousand winds
Oct 2023 · 137
Learn to Love Again
ZWS Oct 2023
Coloring rocks, watching kickball, and lying in the grass
I saw your glance, I looked away as you made about
Swaddled infatuation, feelings thought dead years ago
Unknown anxieties implore me, should I talk to her?
I hope that I get paired with you

Courage strikes me, your smile, your laugh, I’m young again
The others think I’m in over my head, and maybe I do too
Where did this feeling come from, from so long ago
Maybe I’m in love — I don’t know
But I’d be happy forever here, as long as I’m with you
I hope I get paired with you
Oct 2023 · 130
ZWS Oct 2023
Narratives hand strewn with loose fabric
Polygonal boundaries arbitrarily woven
Years-long contained tremors guide their silver lining

It’s the principle on the precipice
A class-act showboat of bloatware fanatics
Mania politics and placeholder values
Fallacy on fallacy, Andromeda poser
Double negative, positively improper

What is a pawn but not a spitting image of a god
Where they come from they will surely go
Every turn the tables turn, but the game does stay the same
What is a checkered board but a mosaic hiding in plain sight
Jul 2019 · 325
ZWS Jul 2019
Cameras are flattering until they flash
The depiction of Kings and queens until the shutter castles
Evangelical in nature what our pictures capture
Where the greens of your garden meet my pasture

I try to find my way, but only find myself as a knight with no sense of direction
Fighting for home, or for throne, the question begs itself
Where the answer is another question
Intrepid in nature,
Why do I play the game without something to wager

And slaves and peasants and king’s all the same in the end
Whilst the keep remains high and grand at the expense of what the treasury lends

Where pigeons can not land and letters bury the foundations
And there the queen remains, frivolous with men fascinated by their own incantations
In her jewelry and robes, her stallions, her fields, in a glow forged by ignorance and fascination

And here I am all the same, chasing after the same libations
Jul 2019 · 241
Not an Artist (hers)
ZWS Jul 2019
If you asked me to give you the picture
I couldn’t even paint her
This girl’s got me on retainer
Her purse is full of my pastels and pens, and I don’t quite consider myself an entertainer
And every stroke of my tongue comes out as a castrated slur
Yet on my way to hers
I trample through a trail covered in burs
They are stuck on me, but I am undoubtedly stuck on her
Jul 2019 · 192
Who is you?
ZWS Jul 2019
You move I move, scandalous, something to prove
Pretending to be who is who, who is you, who is me, woah is you
And I’m new to new, but I can’t seem to fit into the groove
There is black and there is blue, and when the sky turns back in lieu
Cash turns into change, and so do you
Jul 2019 · 405
Ashes on the Patio
ZWS Jul 2019
Dead TV channels and corn puffs on floor like skinemax and taxes on the poor
Stained coffee tables and sunlight through the glass pane door
The aftermath of ****** and scores
All of us have some kind of drug in our veins and pores

That ***** outdoor patio, with the edgy tattooed girls
Where we used to turn over chairs to find pearls
The 90% would always put us into a swirl
The moonshine would always help us unfurl

Saints on high our porches rumble
Where secrets held are worse than those under the Vatican’s
But we’re as dead as the mannequins
And we’re lost to our ambitions that we humble

Like kindred souls around a fire we lost ourselves to gravity
Our mornings filled with sweet nothings, our nights with serendipity
Where we found peace and home in entropy
In the lull of a dogtown in the middle of the world
Jul 2019 · 365
ZWS Jul 2019
Let me tell you a story that’s told, a place that’s dark and filled with brimstone
A place that can feel hot or cold, a place where brightness can unfold
Where men abroad are worn thin, some seem to think about little else, but skin
And as they walk their walk and talk their talk what they truly want passes like a gust of wind
The body and mind are acutely fixed, they lose their footing, they’re crossed and tricked
Head strong yet clumsy, tempered like an iron bar, these men will tell you what they think from afar
No real who’s, what’s, where’s or know how, their tongue trebles, it declares, without care or clarity, it cracks like a snare
Preaching strong and wide and broad like the big churches of St. Sinclair singing songs throughout outdated speakers, oh god
The opinions of shepherds are often the rumors of sheep, trapped in gossip like the bonds of viral news excused for tweets
They wear it on their arms and nationalize their pride all while being humble, they claim, but knows not who it harms
They make a point to point fingers for points overwhelmed with the poignant denial they pass off as practical
Cracking irony with their minds white washed from the wash and their thumbs I mistake for calloused ******
This human condition we oft’ know well, is dying right under our nose
Medicine won’t help those who are only concerned with what happens above or below
Jun 2019 · 579
ZWS Jun 2019
Faux Play

Webs of remorse cover my bed as I stumble back into brambles
A place that acts as a sanctuary but looks like a crumpled napkin
A recluse ******* that concerns no cordials
But those that comfort a king who bellows in his castle
Built high out of stone and assured to one day be ruins
A faux ploy to thou I’ve surrendered built on all of those who I’ve sundered
A war within my own; where ballast meets ballast
And blunder meets blunder
Jun 2019 · 182
ZWS Jun 2019
Warmth is something funny, like the embrace of another
How you long for it but hold that cold wall at night
Warmth can smolder, smile, and smother
It can burn you and choke you and make you feel as light as a kite
Sometimes it feels right, and it can carry you through your nights
The funny thing is warmth.. can come from cold hearts and warm hearts alike
Sometimes it’s adrenaline, and sometimes it leaves you frozen
Or flight?
Jul 2018 · 524
ZWS Jul 2018
Stapled in blue light harmony, I abuse my silence, thinking in a way that could be construed as past tense
Slaved to my sand castles that were taken by waves
I'm a kid on the beach giving way to tourists' enclaves

Seaworthy and daft I **** my own gun, a habit I tell you is nothing but fun
I smoke myself to death on this boat that lies rest to my wake
Waves I've created I tell myself I'm obligated to break

I promise the hinges of my door are stressed for holidays sake, and everybody's got a piece of advice that they need to take
It's always as transparent as wishing on a birthday cake

There is no salvation in my morning slumber, whether I hear birds chirp or horizon rise
Car sounds are just as good of an alibi
As childhood dreams are for validating highs
ZWS Jun 2018
The midnight voice that sings me to sleep
I hear is often accompanied by coffee stained eyes
Her nights end with a mug full of water and a sleepless tongue broken with sighs

She rattles at my door in the wee hours of the night, and I talk to her quiet till I don't hear a peep
She becomes the shepherd and I the sheep, as I jump over fences to get her to sleep

She wakes up every day with her nights forgotten and her days brand new
What she doesn't remember is out of the corner of her mouth slipped "I love you"
Pain, and heartbreak.
ZWS Mar 2018
Naive was I to
believe heavy lips
only carried
soft memories
A taste of Cabernet
stains my dreams like the
wilted vines of it's birth
Umbilical in nature my
faults are throughout the grapevine
Signs of an old path, that lead me back
Casted lines that only pull fishbones and rusty cans
And the fallacy of truth at the end of a ship in a bottle
The stern is to bottle off

I find my weakness within these somber memories
I float as if I've founded enlightenment
Halfway between heaven and hell
And the trainstations at the crossroads of a broken home
That we forget they lead somewhere else
Uncertainty daunts my misdirection
In a world that haunts of a forgotten past
The land I claim has lost it's value
As the sentiment has gone with the wind of another time

So remind me, where was it in the dark
As I stumbled through days with eyelids shut
My soul stuck somewhere between my heart and my eyes
I find my teeth grinding between each and every cigarette
Contemplating the poison hidden in stardust
And if roots can grow backwards

We are meant to age like wine
To allow all bitter things to become sweet
To allow vines to eat up concrete
And give way to uncertainty
We are not meant to forget that which haunts
Because our hearts were meant to beat
So just take a seat and finish this bottle with me
Jan 2018 · 243
The Likes
ZWS Jan 2018
The likes of you like the likes of those that like back like the likes of incestual narcissists
Social bureaucrats fat with pride, well, they're at the top of the pyramid
Nymphos, narcs, all the same, addicts that are only concerned with what they can gain
Symbiotic, sympathetic, and synchratic all built on a foundation of disdain
So life is too complex, simplify the pain
Cover it up because unhappiness is disgustingly profane

So pray to God, say "let us *******"
Then paint the mirror to assimilate
Lift weights, swipe dates, scale 1 to 10, "don't forget to rate"
Because whether or not we'd like to admit it, our culture treats sadism as a desirable trait

Alpha on alpha on alpha, apparently we have all evolved - to a point in which everyone thought the world revolved
If only technology had not built a wall
Natural selection would have it's pick, and the hive mind would inevitably fall
ZWS Oct 2017
This is ****** poetry

I am alone.

You are not here.

My lover is gone.

She abused me.

I still love her.

I fear the future.

I fear the past.

The present is beyond my control

I want her back

She will abuse me again

Is the abuse worth it

I want it to be

I don't know if it is

How long can love outweigh ignorance

Does it matter in the end

Does the pain make it worth it

Why is your attention so addicting

Your love is more destructive and addicting than any drug I've ever consumed

My life is in your hands

I need help

All of the above is true

This is a ****** poem
Oct 2017 · 222
ZWS Oct 2017
Here I am 6' 2" you 5' 4" a molten core knocking on that cellar door like Drew Barrymore

You furnished these cobwebs like Forbes magazine modern decor telling me how to feel about seasonal arrangements.. and small minimalistic hipster houses.. ****.
For every smile I'd be lucky to see, you were ready to implore

Red and black plaid flannel you caught my eye and then my soul
Don't know how many times little miss blondie from the shore is going to make me tell this story.. ****.
The things a person will do to you when they need you are unfair.
There's no warning signal when you're ensnared..
Where's my magazine?
Loaded hipster flannel furniture escape magazine
Oct 2017 · 492
A message to a dear friend.
ZWS Oct 2017
It's really hard not to talk to her when I can't sleep.

I'm always fine during the day. Usually I can distract myself then. But as soon as my mind's empty. It's the first thing. I try to think of the horrible things she did to me, but it doesn't make me feel any better. It doesn't make me miss her less.

It just makes me want to live forever in those good moments we shared. Indefinite bliss. The things that kept me hanging on, when I should've let go.

The smile, the way her nose pinched. The way she liked certain things just the way I did, and for the same reasons. The roller coaster rides. The times she would open up to me and let me in. Her soft skin, her messy hair, the way she looked when she woke up, and when she was asleep. Her small hands, her defined back, the way she would lean into me when she was sad. I liked the way she wore my t shirts, and when she would lend me her eyes. I just don't know if I was the exception, or if I'm just another guy.

Should I care? Probably not. Not now. Not after everything that happened, but I do, and I know that I will. No matter how big that demon is inside me, the love that I hold will always be stronger. It feels like there's a holy war inside of me, and I don't know whose side to take. I'd like to believe that light prevails, but does that mean it is my fault when love fails?
Nov 2016 · 598
Your Life.
ZWS Nov 2016
Where's the light in dark waters
Found my place there in between
But my telescope didn't reflect what I thought
And here we are in the midst
Makes me question the infinite

Your watering can is full of pesticides
And the birds only come in the morning
And when they leave you're left empty
The glass is left on the table with a fading imprint
And you never notice it till the next night
When you're paying with your emotions

I tried to cry, but couldn't
I knew you'd be there, but not like I wanted you to
Where 4 AM feels like forever
And the birds try and start a new day
But that day wasn't sung for you

Movies play on the TV screen
Projecting realities
Movies play on the TV screen
But it isn't your reality
Apr 2016 · 500
ZWS Apr 2016
Stuck somewhere between Sunday and infinity
In purple tabloids that make life seem bland
I harden my carapace to a sick world
I conjure a future, hopeless
When the hand of God is still tied behind his throne

Cast iron April skies **** my insides
And this town's scars have never looked worse
These thoughts are too expensive
At the bottom of a bottle, and the ashes I flick
I hope to be born again a Phoenix
But the coping is just a trick
Distractions are a fix, nothing ever gets fixed

And I was having this conversation with myself last week
And next
But it's hard to talk yourself down, when yourself gets the best of you and perpetuates this mess
I am sticks and stones, no use for bones, when your words mean nothing, and you find yourself alone
Dec 2015 · 386
Loveless Chronic
ZWS Dec 2015
Even though you're not mine I never want to look at another skyline without you by my side
Sunsets with silhouettes of big trees or city lights or the milky way
What is it that I need to say
Or should I say nothing and let the universe have its way

You give me your time of day here or there, but I wish for days where we can be a pair anywhere
And forgive me if I stare, but I'm just looking for a sense of clarity, here or there, in the dimples of your smile or the way you may play with your hair
Because I don't know if you love me like I do you, if you're saving me for later, or if you even have a clue

Because I looked into you by letting you look into me to see if you could find something worth saving forever
But you got scared, and now it's something we don't talk about, ever

I don't know if you're acting or reacting, but what I feel is chemical, like the way my hairs stand up on my body when I get close to you
Or when I feel so complete whenever I tell you something I tell everyone
Like you're the only one it matters to tell

But who am I to tell you who I am, you can already see part of me in you no matter how hard you push or shove
And no matter what you choose, even if you don't love me like I do you, you will always know in the back of your head that I was the guy you should have loved

But that's not how love works, it's non-sensical
Like a black hole that warps light around it
I'll be wrapped around you like obsessed photons
But you'll never let me in
Oct 2015 · 338
Second Chances
ZWS Oct 2015
I remember she said she didn't want to see me
And I knew that was true, but she did
She hated that she wanted to see me
And there we were talking on the side of my bed
Her yelling when all I can hear is white noise
And I have a pain in my heart because I know anything I do can send you flying out the door
And I've lost you once, I know what it's like
When you lose something you love because you're so used to it you don't know if you love anymore
And when things get hard you just throw it out the door
Leaving time as the only thing to sort out the sores
I miss you and I know I did you wrong
But I don't want this to be the end of our song
When you sing to me it brings me tears of joy
But I can't hear your voice anymore
And the only tears I have are of heartbreak
Loving you is such a chore
Sep 2015 · 603
O' Shepherd
ZWS Sep 2015
I'm so exhausted, but I can't even sleep
You're not even my shepherd but I am your sheep
I'm looking for a fork in the path, but my feelings are adding concrete
I've always tried to be the Ram
Strong but humble, I could climb any mountain
Like the Adrinka had taught, I could face any adversary
But I am not, clearly
You make me weak
And I cannot stop following
Sep 2015 · 681
Hurt me, hurt you.
ZWS Sep 2015
There's a lot of people out there who will tell you that they used to be romantics till they got hurt
And they'll tell you that they still should, and that they're completely aware
It's like a high you once had that you will never again reach
Even if you tried you couldn't feel, even if you cut yourself you couldn't bleed

So what I do when I ask you and you say I do
Am I just another believer who's killing the dream
Should I grab my things and have a way with them
Like you always do, and end up hurting you too
Or should I swallow my pride for a romantic sacrifice

People talk about diamonds like they never lose there value, yet they can be so easily mimicked
Isn't it sentimental, or is it something about mother nature's chemist
But everybody's got something to say
They all like their diamonds laced with *******

Talking to you is like playing a word game
And I'm not doing so hot
What is romance if I've already had a shot
What is a movie if I already know the plot
My script isn't true until it's old and used
Should I keep falsifying truths, or should I find something new
Sep 2015 · 655
Equations and Shit
ZWS Sep 2015
I'm sorry I'm in love with you
Can you really blame me you beautiful *******
I'm sorry because there's no common denominator and I'm bad at math
******* math

I just wanna hold your hand
And you're the only cold hearted candidate
For my overly simplified opinion on politics
Just wanna go swimming with you
But I'm just getting smacked with fishdicks
I'm just a radar and you're the only blip
And other cliche *******
ZWS Sep 2015
I saw a tight rope act where the gymnast was afraid of her own confidence
And she wobbled and then sustained
And she knew from then on that confidence is just a masquerade for pain
I wish I could see her face but her mask hid more than her circus name

And there her hands were, her frame, calling me forward
I told her "I'm not a gymnast," and she grabbed me
I looked beneath me, and I found the floor
She said "Neither am I."

Where has my mind gone to
Killing time in your room
Reading your books and the notes you left too
Looking into your eyes and finding truth
Getting lost in the cosmos with you
Crossing legs, crossing arms, I wish I could convince you
But I'm just here with my fingers crossed instead
Listening to some stupid playlist you gave me, and it means more to me than the rest of this stupid world
I wake up multiple times a night and you're the first thing on my mind. When can I wake up to you?
Sep 2015 · 362
Paradox Trivia
ZWS Sep 2015
Broken glass reflects me
Every time I see a mirror it's impossible to believe
My expectations float upon an unpredictable sea
When will I ever have something just for me

Don't know what's to blame
Can't seem to see the beauty in the universe that I like to say I believe in
When it's clouded by nihilism and insecurities
I think I believe in love but I don't think it believes in me

And they'll ask you how you are
But they only expect one answer
They're not around at night
They don't know my cancer

I play paradox trivia at the break of dawn
Ask myself questions unaswerably
What is this light on my doorstep
What is this eclipse in my mind
What is there to find in a blind spot
Thought my dreams would give me some answer
But I just start over
Hope is a four leaf clover

Watching movies with the volume low it led to an episode
My life gets foggy when I begin to realize it's more like a TV show
And I'm stuck in between scenes, static grows
Who needs music to tell you you're alone
When you're stuck inside your head, it's the only night you've ever known

And they'll ask you how you are
But they only expect one answer
They're not around at night
They don't know my cancer
"I'm good."
Aug 2015 · 362
Death Horizons
ZWS Aug 2015
Built on a pyre a man of death
A man of belief, searing away from his flesh sheath
A sword of fire, a song of wind
His body is carried into the thin

Night is certain, the moon reminds us of this
Even during day the waves may be ruthless
But without a day's work a night would be fruitless

You are a child, you are bliss, and you know nothing like the rest of us
We can never know a thing for certain
We can only see shadows through a curtain
So believe away and know that you will be safe
We can see what we see but never know why
Nothing is true, nothing is a lie
But would it be stupid to say that we all live in the shadow of the same God?
Aug 2015 · 428
Translation - ترجمة
ZWS Aug 2015
Everywhere I see people protesting beliefs
We see no pockets but yet we know they are thieves
They ask where the flowers have gone
But they are the ones holding a flag in front of the sun
We have seen this before, the news shows us bombs and guns

But maybe if we could speak other languages we could hear the news from their fathers and sons, and mother's and daughters lungs
An air they speak that we have not breathed before, unbiased, unscathed from the media and their **** lobbyists
It is a suffocation like no pain or sore
When blue skies are scary and metal birds only fly straight
What building would you collapse to escape this fate?

Education is nothing if you learn from one room
Or one language, or walk in just one pair of shoes

No, we must know what we know not and be who we aren't
When we haven't one idea of what it is to be a whole, but just one part
Yes, we're different but we can learn that we aren't
Just give it a chance, that's a pretty **** good start
Aug 2015 · 889
Projector People
ZWS Aug 2015
I need a new friend
Because everyone is all about loyalty
Because everyone thinks rationally
Because everyone is trustworthy
Because everyone is honest to me
Because everyone treats others empatheticly
Because everyone is supportive of those in need
Because everyone will listen to me
And anybody will take a bullet for me
And if there's a hole in my heart anyone would go out of their way to fill it for me
Everybody's there to be a good friend but they're just killing the dream
Because all their character flaws crawl through the seams
Maybe if we could look at ourselves from a third person view we could rebuild ourselves through our own analyses
Jul 2015 · 897
ZWS Jul 2015
She only speaks whispers that the wind carries away
She's a shapeshifter in my company
Makes me feel more alone the more that I say
Your foothills, so empowered, rolling astray
The transcendence she leaves in your wake

Her tender lips speak false secrets
Through silt and clay they filter out
From the freckles of your face and the dimples of your vowels
You are my purpose, my therapist
In your presence I am sinless

Watching your walls crumble down
With swollen tear ducts
I am escaped
Your lies are safe with me
But your prison is not
Jul 2015 · 470
ZWS Jul 2015
Why do I lose sleep when I think of you
Makes me wonder what dreaming is
Because you're a happy thought behind my shaky complexion
Caffeine eyes that look like coffee stains
And the pain beneath them resides
I think you could change the tides
I couldn't tell you when I live my entire life in hindsight

Am I falling for you or is my body addicted to your pheromones
Is it the thought of clashing bones, with bones
Or is it the harp inside my mind that your voice harmonizes and hones
Am I falling for you or am I feeling alone

I'm a love **** and I'm stuck on your drugs
I've caught your bug, and the only vaccine is the thing inside you that pumps blood
I guess we'll see tomorrow, but the waiting is killing me
I'm ready to start thinking about the future
Jul 2015 · 602
Impromptu Improptress
ZWS Jul 2015
Where'd you find those eyes, doll
All your needles, all your dyes
Why'd you make me fall
Where'd you learn all that voodoo juju

Impromptu impromptress who are you trying to impress
Cause there's a million guys who'd like to get under your dress
They forget you're the ventriloquist
And I'm SOL when you make everything yours
Like you always do, like you're so good at
I don't bat an eye, you're the inquisitress
And I'm ******* Johnny Defenseless in your inquiry imprisonment

I feel pins entering my skin everytime I'm around you
Acupuncture queen bee, your needles might get on my nerves
But most of the time they relieve me

And I'm here, and I'm waiting
And I feel a little blind when I can't see what I want to be seeing
I'm a little flawed, I struggle with just being
You're written in a different language, and while that might be deceiving
I hear you're a good read, and I'm getting a little greedy
Jul 2015 · 875
Sangria Boardwalk
ZWS Jul 2015
I've been looking down the bottle for so long my eyes are corks
When I'm drinking liquid bread there isn't a need for forks
The only reason I'm here is because my father shot the stork
And my mother was wearing that white dress like it was her corpse
And their love sounded more like morse
Constant disconnect, hoarse

Things get a little ****** when you're having sangria dreams
When you're void of love, and you're falling asleep on mail you never opened, and bills you've got to pay, and pills you never want to take
And a pile full of your mistakes

You brush off, you shave, you work
Or you don't, and you sit in bed all day with guilty insides
And you open up another bottle of wine
And you think about love, mishaps and ***
But this time it doesn't hurt
Till that bottle of wine convinces you the pain is a flirt
Jul 2015 · 459
Dear Eraser (10w)
ZWS Jul 2015
I'm not even sure that I can be fixed anymore.
Jul 2015 · 517
ZWS Jul 2015
I wish the big crunch theory was never disproved
Because I want to be unmade
I want to see myself going backwards
So my mistakes can be undone

Not so sure I want to be born again
Cause I'm sure I'll just waste all my dopamine
On pointless highs and someone I'd be coping on
Cause this human condition is something to cope with
Because hope doesn't exist it just works when you believe in it
And my mechanisms are missing gears
What do you do when the engineer is broken
So don't try and prune, just remove my stem

I'm the lonely astronaut
Because we're all just neurons in the mind of god
And I have no synapse friends
**** time, if I'm dead that's something I can break and bend
If I had more time, this broken repairman could mend
Jul 2015 · 462
ZWS Jul 2015
All the happy songs are just making me sadder these days
Cause somewhere down inside of me
Something way too deep, and out of sight
Needs to be pulled out
And I'm getting a stronger feeling everyday
That I can't do that alone
So darling won't you throw me a bone
Didn't ever want it to come down to dog fetch

And all these feelings come to me quite random
Cause I'm not the pilot of my mind
But I can hear him and he's going down
Mayday I can hear him breaking sound

And I'm feeling like I'm gonna die someday,
And I'm feeling like a fool
When I see you walking by and I let you go
I don't even know who you are
But you are a euphemism for me
Because pessimism isn't just in my head

This isn't a drill
The bomb is real
And I've been tucking my head in between my knees
This isn't a drill, I need
Jul 2015 · 970
ZWS Jul 2015
I remember when we were kids
We used to pretend we were astronauts
I remember when we were kids we used to pretend
Now we can barely fit inside the orbits in our heads

Am I your lover, or am I just your cargo ship?
Am I your lover or am I just full of ****?
Am I your lover or am I just your cargo ship?

I'm calling back to mission control
I'm lost inside all the signals in your head
I never meant to hurt you
But I swear I'll make it right in the end
I said I swear I'll make it right if you love me till the end

I remember when I was a kid
We'd always play hide and seek
But I only ever hid
I was blushing in the brush
I was missing out on what I could have caught
So tell me am I your cargo ship?
Or am I just some lonely stupid astronaut?
Tell me am I your lover or am I just full of ****?
Jul 2015 · 442
The Machine
ZWS Jul 2015
I can feel Hawthorne's ghost over my shoulder while I walk through this gray cubicle maze
It's not my money, it's not my fault, when I'm stored in a cooler five floors above a city I want to raze
Left with my own devices to disappear in magician expectations
I'm corporate livings favorite cog
Jul 2015 · 587
Take me there.
ZWS Jul 2015
Garland hair, garland noose
Day dream, catcher of faith
Where are you looking when your eyes are everywhere?

Disconnect, in cinematic discontent
Fill up the fever moon
With your widened gaze
Where you draw your lines
With your starlet guise
Where you break free of your ties

Take me there, take me there
Platonic figurine, you are my shrine
My faith artillery
Take me there, where its floral
I am to be choked by your noose
The pews are full, the church foyers echo
With passing lights, glow through the corridor
So radiant I could never oblige

Take me there, where its floral
You're so radiant I could never oblige
You are not to be my bride
I will watch you from a distance
I am choked by you
I will hang in your shadow
I cannot say words, I cannot breath in the dark
Jun 2015 · 590
Empty Carcass Cartoon
ZWS Jun 2015
Call it a catch-22, cause I've caught catharsis, and my conch shell has run out of clues
I've been eating away the cost of everything I pick and choose
Why is the coast so blurry, every time I'm taking my midday cruise
Trying to metabolize my surroundings, but all the people around me are just empty calories, even the closest few

They're all cheap, cheeky, circuited *****
That's why I've trained myself to be calloused, bruised, collected, and blunt
But you cannot make yourself all that you want to become
You can only intend, to spend, your chronic currency to coherence
I burn my pockets so I don't have to carry your candle
I'd rather be illuminescently bent, then hiding my head beneath a tent
With your boyscout projects, and afro-engineered beligerence
But I will be your calm cashier, I will take your money if you need to conquer your fears
And I do concur, slur your slew of words, I know you're just holding back the real tears
Beneath that cartoon cardigan and cyan crew
You're the carpenter, you didn't have to just paint every part of your body in denial and blue

I know you are the way you are, you don't choose
Somewhere deep in my cynical carcass I know you don't have to choose
Sometimes it's not what you choose
But sometimes it's who

Look deep in the culture of narcissism
You cocky carpenter, you have more purpose then simple cytogeny
Cut into your carcass and pull out something new
Jun 2015 · 840
Transparent Boxes
ZWS Jun 2015
Bar politicians and hobo drawers
This town smells like bad history
Oh mother cancer you're growing on me
You're my favorite stock holmes disease

Everything was a breeze, when the earth was spinning for me
Till the coriolis changed its pace, and the horizon seemed constant
Never to be touched by me
Something to reach for, but never to see

Spare me your sympathetic tendencies
I'm sick of replacing me with please
And acting like every want is a need
When happiness is just a mirage
Good thing I don't have a car
Because I'm using that garage to store all my old memories

A box full of unanswerables stacked up on top of my anxiety
On top of the box full of the blood and tears I bleed
And the forgotten hypocrisies under my apocryphal tendencies
Next to the karaoke machine that screams infidelity
How far back do I need to hide those suppressed memories for them to never surface again
What's the point if the boxes are transparent?
Jun 2015 · 524
ZWS Jun 2015
Some want to be saved
But opt out of immortality
Maybe that's why God's economy
Runs on love scarcity
Jun 2015 · 435
Falling into Love
ZWS Jun 2015
I wish you'd make me do everything you didn't want to do
I wish you'd boo at everything I tried to do
You can be the audience, I'll be the fool
Because I want to fall in love with you

I want you to hurt me
I want you to stain my sheets and I want you to sue me
I want a divorce, I want to feel blues
Cancel your plans, we've got some misery to do

We can do it like my parents did
We can stay together for the kids, but I know we'll lose
I don't care what you choose, I don't care what you do
Because I want to fall in love with you

How many more clues do I have to give you
Destroy me, destroy you
Let's fall into love like skydivers with no parachutes
Jun 2015 · 423
Black Chalk Blue Print
ZWS Jun 2015
Misery is like black chalk on a black chalk board
When paper's my only friend and my pen is my sword
Or a cocked gun loaded with cheap bullets
Doesn't matter where it's pointed, the only way is forward
I don't know how to let out my demons
They're echoing inside of my skull

Your Greek lips could melt souls
Your heart is the only thing that makes mine feel whole
But I can't get to you, I'm still inside
Because your body makes my head a void
When I look at you, I can't look anywhere else
You're so there I feel destroyed

But I can't get to you
You're on the other side of the Berlin wall
And there was never a revolution
I've got nothing to break down your institutions
And my social policies tumble in your presence
You're my lord, and I'm just a lonely tenant
Wish you'd save me, or kick me out
Now doesn't that sound religious?

It's so hard to get to you
When I have to get through you
Because I'm old school in your new news station
I'm an antenna in your static field
And all of my memories are in the radio waves
I can't hear them, but I feel the vibrations
Wish you'd save me from you
Beautiful architect of my world
May 2015 · 331
ZWS May 2015
Wasting away on this couch
And I don't know how to turn around
May 2015 · 1.1k
Unresponsive Love.
ZWS May 2015
Naked day, masked face, no sunlight
Unresponsive love, where are your friends
Preaching vanity, the cancer of insanity
Let's stay, let's stay, let's stay in here forever

Celebrity apocalypse, rapture on, intoxicate
Apocryphal day, cloudy haze, immaculate hypnosis rings
Eyes soar from tiger days when our future was a blaze
Imminent to fade away

Cascade into a passive rage
Unresponsive love enter the page
My words are trailing off
You're turning into sage
Silver skin, bright blue eyes
When will your statue come alive

Tally days, quiet wind, stale stench
Apocryphal, talk to you, old confidant
Your secrets aren't the same
Recite the days inside of fate
What you think you know

Recycled feelings left you dead
Enticing readings kept you silently said
My unresponsive love, please, get out of bed
May 2015 · 352
"I couldn't tell you."
ZWS May 2015
Did my finger slip, did I trip on my rhythm?
I killed your soul, with the sleight of my hand
When I had to be, I had to be so **** pessimistic
I told you you'd never understand

There's needles hidden in the ground
You're either hurting or you're calloused
And I'd like to say everything in the world is balanced
But I've run of of things to feel
I had a lot of things that I've wanted but I've lost my fishing pole
And all the string in the reel, when all those ambitions swam away from the shore

What does it take to convince people that I'm lonely and not dependent
Because you feel alone when you can't feel at all
Like you're just here to breath more air into this big blue ball
And float away into the atmosphere

What I wish to feel is beyond my own comprehension
That's why the feeling between real and fake becomes my tension
Where is the reason if life is just a lesson
When I'm dead and gone maybe I'll reach an apprehension
As my ashes journey into the corners of the world
I'll know then, when It's truly a feeling, beyond comprehension
ZWS May 2015
I walk somewhere like my feet are reaching a conclusion
But I meet the next line of my life with intrusion
Wish I could tell you there'll be a happy ending
The story is to be continued, the ending is pending unto
but right now I've got writers block, and I can't think of anyway
To turn the page without you
Paint your feet green, and I will paint mine blue
Everywhere we walk will be beautiful
and when my paint runs dry
Don't stop walking, don't cry
Just be happy we painted a picture together
and bring it everywhere with you
May 2015 · 408
ZWS May 2015
They like to tell me they're all different
But they all talk in tongues
And I like the way she walks away
When she's on her way to fill up my whiskey
With the ice she chipped off her heart

Am I seeing into you, or are you as transparent as your father
Is it a dead star I taste on your lips
Getting caught up in what you could have been
Getting caught up in what I could have been
And what you left
When you stumbled out with half your clothes this morning

You're the kind of girl who makes me disgusted by my own love songs
And you may be good at flirting, but you're no poet
You left this morning and left the door open
And I haven't worked up the courage to get out of bed and close it

Sick of gamblin'
When you get sick at the end of the night, and you just leave all your tokens in the money robot
Maybe it's somebody else's night to get lucky, you think
I've got a number written on my hand, and I hope it gets washed away
Because moments like you don't ever stay as long as the pain
May 2015 · 569
ZWS May 2015
Phoenix me, catch me on fire, and give me wings
Phoenix me, I'll be your imaginations incarnation in a disarray
While you wear your beige tanned sunglasses under the beige tanned suns you dance under all day
Something beautiful about the way the sun rippled in the water, and you saw your feelings before you in the window of the East-Bridge Kanteen Diner
You tried to run away, but your papers were falling out of your binder
And I was their asking you for another life in the reflection of your dead cold head fold blinders
Somewhere your dreams go to escape what your eyes see
And there I was seeing me through you, and feeling what it was like to be inside of your head and your hair, and your body too
But that's why I could never be with you
Because dreams are too inexplicably beautiful to understand
They're too beautiful to allow me to get through, all the way back through to you
Phoenix me, inside of you, reincarnate me through the feelings you saw in the reflection on the window of the East-Bridge Kanteen Diner too.
Do dreams mean something?
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