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 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Marte Lindholm
Hello, my love
I miss you quite terribly
I am not okay but I will be fine
If you just stay here with me

I wasn't looking for love when I met you
But that was exactly what I found
A love so strong it never died
Even though we’re thousands of miles apart

When I see you I feel happy
When I see you I feel safe
You raise me up
Even when I am at my worst

Months without you was hell
But here you are
With me again
I will not let you go

One day we'll meet
And then you'll be mine
Don't leave me waiting too long
I belong in your life and you in mine

Don't you see
Others will never be the same
It is only you
It will always be you

Please give me another chance
Give us another shot
I promise you it will be good
I promise you it will be worth it

I dream about you every day and night
So please come here in my arms
And let me kiss your lips
And feel your presence

I don’t want to be sad
But without you I am
So please don’t go
I just want to be yours

I will tell you something my dear
And remember this forever
I have always loved you
And I always will
Sad Love.
Should I Love his heart or forget
About him inside my heart
He has broken my heart
For my love is shattered by
His lust for greed
For my heart is dwelling
In utter pain like never
Before I cannot cope
With utter pain he has
Truly broken my heart
My feelings are saddened
By pain hurt greed o why
My Lord as I sleep alone
Again I feel Abandon
By love as I look upon these lovers who have dying love o I
Truly wish my love would
Heal and see how it is
My true love has sunk inside
Me and my love is no longer
Here I cannot cope without
Love I'm like a candle blow
In the wind all alone and
Lonely o how I wish I could
Find true love again my Lord.
David P Carroll
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Marte Lindholm
She was the burning sun
Giving us all warmth

She was the moon and the stars
Brightning up the darkest hours

She was the flowers on the field
Colouring the green, green grass

She was the waves in the blue sea
Calming and relaxing for the mind

She was the blowing wind
Pushing us when our sails stand still

She was the singing birds
Making our mood so good

She was so much
For me everything
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Marte Lindholm
She was so tired
of all the expectations
so when he stood there
with his hand reached out
she saw no other way to go.

She breathed in deeply
reached her hand out
without knowing that
what seemed like a way out
was her last breath in life.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Marte Lindholm
A blank canvas
Ready for color
With some paint
and a brush
After hours and hours
She transformed it
to art

A clean face
Ready for make-up
With some mascara
and a lipstick
After hours and hours
She made herself

With her make-up on
she said to the artist
"You're wasting your time
with all of your paintings"
Then the artist said
to her pretty, little friend
"Tell me darling,
what is really the
difference between
you and me?"
When I was young & poor,
I ate a lot of cold spaghetti.
I don't think I learned
Anything from such a diet,
Such as it was.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Dark Jewel
When the bond breaks,*
I suddenly feel free.
The pain has passed,
The crime is done..
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Kristen Hain
The neighbors dog hit by car
Down the block dragged for four more
Twentyfour ****** overdoses six deaths
Half-life response time of paramedics 4 minutes
Medicinal cabinet next to the microwave
A whole four shelves
“You’d just get sick if you took that whole thing
You wouldn’t even die, just wish you had.”
Public programming on twenty-eight channels
An attack on US soil post 9/11, it’s not even them
9 mo. Infant ***** to death
petition for the murderer to be publicly hanged
who would be the executioner
as the mother remains unconscious
on the sidewalk down the street
neighbors dog hit by car
dragged for four more
The goal of writing this, personally, had nothing to do with the presentation and attraction that violence gives us. It had all to do with violence in media, film, and facebook in particular. It's a part of our lives, it instills fear, it makes us afraid. The repetition of the neighbors dog proposes the idea of violent deaths happening just next door, it's so close to us.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Amanda Francis
"A flea has smaller fleas that on him prey, and these have smaller still to bite em , and so proceed as infinitum" ~ johnathon swift!
Didn't wanna forget this line.
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