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 Oct 2016 Bluebird
All in pieces divided in you
Falling in and out of you
To be in debt, to be in love
The time if I could control
Put together a deceit moment
Blessing of words and cigarettes
Your hands held my face
Your heart in my pocket
But I am all burned and dead
Cool, you're too cold to call me
My sweet, sweet memory
I will be lost and drowned
I will write verses all for you
To win your kisses while I sleep
Residues of your lost smiles
Catching on my ignited lips
Cause it will get dark around here
I will then hold on to your light
To whatever MM dreams of.
I am left with his nightmares.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
storm siren
How can I tell you
all the things I wish you knew?

like how when your voice takes an edge
and I have to bite my lip to keep from flinching?

or how I wish I was calmer or that I wish you would pay me more mind?

or how I look into your eyes
and see universes beyond this one?

or how your smile fills my heart just right
and your laugh makes it over flow?

how can I tell you?

that your kiss feels like the birth of a thousand new stars
or that your hand in mine is exactly what I imagine home should feel like?

how am I supposed to tell you
without breaking?
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
A Bird in a strangers town.
Feathers of much to learn,
Different colours all of which
Are bright,
However some, neglected by the light.

This bird has come along way from home.
The seeps in the trees
And the tough of the storms
Marks how much she has grown.

The bird still struggles for her place
For her nest,
For the comfort of relief from a dream persisted by flight.

Because the bird is uncertain,
Of its track being right,
If her feathers are made for the wind.

She lives for the day when she can stop cashing pray
And simply just lay.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Emily B
Sometimes I wonder

if I even survived
my childhood.

Maybe some part of me
is sleeping
up on the hill.

One of those
That I couldn't escape
Carried me off
In its jaws

and so maybe
I am planted.
Looking down
At all the people
I can't remember.

I hope that I am ashes.
I never wanted a stone.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Ravanna Dee
You're a million separate puzzle pieces.
Each a little different.
Some are a little plain.
Some are exceedingly detailed.
Some have sharp edges.
And some are softly curved.
But all together,
I know,
it's an extraordinary,
and priceless
Worth an entire life time,
Actually...possibly even longer.
We're all so complicated and unique in our creation. We all deserve someone who wants to piece together our whole picture.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Simon Soane
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Simon Soane
The seemingly impassable
obstacles vanishing,
at a hint of your arrival;
stumbling blocks
fade into easy ground
when you’re here
when you’re around.
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