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 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Abi Sweeney
Happiness is many things,
But one thing it is not is you.

Because I don't need you to have happiness
And you don't need me to have happiness

And all of this means nothing
But saying it means everything.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Jessica McFall
Grown vibrant by the sun
My beautiful flower you may just be the one
I have never seen anything so fine
With your petals and color most divine
I am so lucky you appeared here
In this garden of mine.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Mila Berlioz
It might be love
It might be fate
It could be so many things
As a quote says "My atoms have always loved your atoms"
I think that explains a lot.

Basically, I love you
And I love how you get mad at me
It makes me love you even more
I find it cute
I find youcute
I find cute when you say my name
I find cute when you call me baby

I love you, and I love your flaws
I love you
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Stages and Ages
I’m sorry.

I realized I never

kissed you goodbye this morning;

I thought I was coming right

back. I am so sorry.

I miss your lips.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
I woke up
thinking about that time
we stifled our movements
to keep from being heard
by your friend in the next room

The sun on your back,
I tried to wrap my fingers
around rays of light
and run them down your rib cage

Our lips hit like bolts of lightning
followed by thundering smiles
and streams of hot air

Your hands held me
as I wiped the hair
from your forehead
and laughed into your ear

As you try to peel your body
away from mine
I summon you back
with the taste of my tongue
until you have ingrained it
into your memory
and can remove yourself
without unanswered questions
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
I like to wake up early morning

not to get ready for work, but

to see the sunrise and hear the birds sing

and my dear,

to see your cute smile while you are still sleeping
And this, gives me the perfect positive start for the day.
It gives great pleasure to see your loved one getting a sound sleep.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
addy henderson
I would write
a thousand rhymes
a thousand times
if my words could chime
through your mind
to remind
you to unwind

when your mind is upright
theres no need to fight
turn off your light
and dont invite
your thoughts tonight

Goodnight, my love
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