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Tea Aug 2019
I miss the good days...
But I must choose between ways...
And whatever I choose...
No matter if I go loose...
I will stay like a ghost...
Roaming Belgium the most...
Why do I feel so lonely?
Why do I feel so empty?
Why do I feel so dead?
Is something wrong with my head?
Why do I feel so stuck?
Have I run out of luck?
What has happened to my emotions?
What is wrong with my actions?
Am I fading out of existence?
Have I spoiled my last chance?
Have I lost my way away from the herd?
So many questions which are unanswered...
Luckily they don't drive me crazy...
Because I have someone in this world that makes me happy...
He lifts great lifts from my shoulders...
He is so unlike others...
He is funny...
And when he is angry...
I know he can become sorry...
He is so lovely...
He is so trustworthy...
We were both so lonely...
But then we met each other...
And then happen the wonder...
We laughed together...
Our lives turned to the better...
We had imaginary adventures...
We had pet vultures...
We rode in battle side by side...
We didn't even think about where to hide...
But now...
I wonder where he will go?
Tea Aug 2019
Oh, Gabriel where are you now?
I need to talk to you, but how?
You are so far...
I hope you are not at war?
I am just so desperate...
Is it already too late?
It is past noon...
And I wonder if I shall see you soon?
Will time bring it along?
Or am I totally wrong?
Time drags past so slow...
But I want to see you now...
Why can't I teleport?
Or will that hurt?
I don't care a thing...
I would do anything...
Just an hour with you to talk...
Remember when we went for a walk?
I cherish those precious memories...
Sometimes it is like a bunch of lies...
As if it never happened...
But then I get reminded...
The letter you wrote...
Or shall I call it a note?
I can't thank you enough...
Every time I go through my media I laugh...
I discovered something and I want to tell you...
You made me smile and you still do...
I found out that my heart is still on fire...
Even though I have tripped over a wire...
You helped me up to my feet...
And I type this as I feel my heart's heat...
I am sure of it now...
Don't ask how...
Tea Aug 2019
I got tired of trouble...
And I turned my back on all the rubble...
Now I'm feeling better than before...
I'm going to take a few steps more...
Even though I fell from the sky...
I got up again to try...
I'm going to run once more to fly...
I was soaring so high...
But then I hit the harsh reality...
And I turned from happy...
To hurt and sad...
I missed the lad...
The last few days it's not so bad anymore...
I'm just worried that he will wither to his core...
But I don't think so...
I must decide whether I stay or go...
I want to stay...
But maybe I'm looking the wrong way...?
Maybe I should go far away...?
Maybe I should fly night and day...?
Maybe another guy is meant for me...?
But where could he be...?
Tea Aug 2019
No matter how friendly I stay...
My mom always has another way...
She points at all my bad stuff...
And I know that I'm sometimes rough...
But she goes over the line...
I'm trying to clean myself so that I can shine...
And I believe that I'm making some progress...
But in her eyes, I always make a mess...
I don't mind if she helps me here and there...
But it is like she points everywhere...
I don't mind if my brother plays with the stuff I throw away...
But whatever I say...
They'll never understand or see...
The soft pain inside me...
I know my brother is still just a child...
But he goes wild...
I don't want to see how he destroys...
My old toys...
But no one cares a thing...
Except for my King...
Tea Aug 2019
There was a time when days were short...
When I felt like dirt...
It was not good and not bad...
Until I met a nice lad...
He gave me friendship when I needed it most...
When I felt like an invisible ghost...
He made me feel real again...
He was sunshine in the middle of rain...
But then the days of happiness came to an end...
My straight future bent...
I had to say goodbye...
And it hurts because I know why...
I admit that I was wrong about half of the things...
It feels like I broke one of my wings...
I know I will heal again...
I just don't know when...
I came to realize that I was not as right and correct as I thought I was.
Tea Aug 2019
I never thought silence would be hard to bear...
There is nothing to say and nothing to hear...
I feel trapped by strings from an unknown source...
It strings me with little force...
From time to time I break free...
But it always has another way to grasp me...
I need to get used to all the new circumstances...
But I doubt my chances...
All I can do is smile and see...
The sad world all around me...
Tea Aug 2019
I am still standing on two feet...
I'm starting to put on the heat...
I'm planning to fly high...
Into the night sky...
No one will reach me...
I will look around and I will see...
I will forget all the bad things...
And I will fly on my own two wings...
Up in the air, I can laugh into the wind...
I will leave my sorrows behind...
No heavy rock on my back...
No more things which I lack...
Some people won't notice that I'm not there...
Some people might see that I'm not to be found anywhere...
But I can't really care...
Because I'm here...
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