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 Sep 2015 Kyle
 Sep 2015 Kyle
And no saftey net to catch me
Your eyes pushing me over the edge
Your smile making me weak
I'm falling
And there's no hope in surviving
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Lyz Elysian
We are all torn paper dolls
No sounds we make when we do fall
Could etch into our porcelain skin
How easy paper is to bend
We have been cut and ripped and folded
Dipped into glue mached and molded
I have learned I am not that thin
My will remains though paper bends
I know we all are paper dolls
One by one in line to fall
I thought us weak until I knew
The falls were a choice
Instead I flew
I wrote this for my creative writing class.
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Love Smack.
 Sep 2015 Kyle
I see now
what they say
how love
smacks you
in the face

like an inevitable
falling leaf
how the moon
pulls at the

love is un-
and can't be
cut away
and only
incessantly with
every embrace
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Lara Trujillo
I've flooded every inch of my brain to rid of how we spent our Summer wrapped around our fingers
and in the illusions we've created for a better future and as hopeful thinkers

But I'll wait here while you're there
while I try to drain those fluids from my head
Regardless of those terrors I will face sleeping alone on my bed
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Bek Blanchard
Ayer is the Spanish word for yesterday

I am his *ayer

His tomorrow I’ll never be
All the days have been stolen away
By an unyielding melody

I am his ayer
He’s the only air I breathe
The smell of lilies gone
Polluted by my disease

I am his ayer
He is my Aries
I can’t live without his fire
My heart he still carries
I'm still trying to figure out if this poem flows nicely... Work in progress.
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Mila Berlioz
Consume me
Consume my whole soul
Consume me
Consume my whole mind
Consume me

Use me
Use me in a good way
Use me
Use me to make you happy

Love me
Love me passionately
Love me
Love me as long as you can

Destroy me
Destroy my walls
Destroy me
Destroy my whole world
And let me live in yours
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