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321 · Mar 2021
When the one you love
is losing the way,
forgetting everything that was.
Seeing everything in another way.
Doesn’t know anymore who you are.
Stranger all the way.
Want to scream mother this is me!! She looks at you but doesn’t see!!
Hurts to the bone
Whole world is falling apart
Losing   someone while they’re still here gives
So much pain in the heart.

~When memories are lost everything is lost~

Many are confronted with a love one with dementia! Very hard thing to deal with.
321 · May 2023
Flower moon 🌝
Go into nature’s pure, untouched harmony
Bringing happiness and peace
There is where you’ll find
the healing herbs for the soul.
Go deep inside
find your core
Humanity and love.

When spring begins Earth’s like a newborn coming into light.
Different greens are coming back,
bringing hope and delight.
Pastel floral splendors in the make.
Hanami time is here
Flower moon appears
Poppy flowers open,
let’s fly high.
Genesis all over.

Poppy’s magic time
Flying high in wonderland
Flower moon’s delight.


Shell ✨🐚
321 · Dec 2022
Quote 138🌷
Some people are unforgettable
Some things are unforgivable
Still forget,
still forgive….

Shell ✨🐚
320 · Aug 2022
Fading away
Pine trees,
Looking up
Snow layered mountain top.
Kissing clouds behind dense fog.
Slowly disappearing.

Shell ✨🐚
Effect of global  warming
320 · Aug 2022
Ocean at twilight
Ocean waves are restless
It’s that time of the day when the sea waits for the moon to rise
For turning tides and changing surface
to yellow sparkles
Like stars born in liquid gold
The sky says goodbye to sun closing eyes while leaving brushes of bright orange behind
Low hanging clouds like flying dark ducks as if wanting to get home before falling of dark
Mountains afar are turning grey
Going out of sight
It’s time for the lingering love between nightfall and waves
when twilight sets in
at ocean’s side.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful twilight at the beach
319 · Sep 2022
Midnight’s dream garden
Take me dream to pleasant dreams
In silence
On  night’s island
where different colored flowers are awake under dark velvet blanket sky
In the presence of white admirals.
Black feline on the hunt
watching carefully this strange behavior.

Listening to silent night
of peaceful midnight longings.
Where in my dream I’ll pick for you beautiful wildflowers
Smell the sweet scent of nights air
while waiting for you
in my dream’s dream garden.

Midnight’s longings
319 · Feb 2021
Panic attacks
When people are living in fear
no one understands.
When something  happens
in your life
putting everything
upside down
Something unexpected
You  lose your balance
sometimes even your control.
The inner peace  has disappeared

This makes,  the once for you so beautiful world,
a fearful place no one
wants to know.
It brings pain to the the heart
and gives a restless soul....

Strong people seem weak now losing their mind,
missing their goal.
Many with panic attacks
no one seems to understand
Its a real thing
Let’s all keep an open mind.

Shell ✨🐚
Many people are very stressed now given the situation the world is in.
Stress can have many faces.
318 · Aug 2023
Quote 165🌷
If it ain’t hurt it isn’t love.
Love is love because it hold hands with sadness.

Shell ✨🐚
When you love someone, parents, children your partner you will be sad on many occasions.
Illness, parting, pain, death.
316 · Feb 2023
Quote 143🌷
Being rich
has to do with money.
Feeling rich however
has nothing to do with what you own.

Shell ✨🐚
315 · Dec 2022
Quote 139🌷
No one will find you
in the dark
So come
into the light and shine.

Sitting all by yourself at night
In the presence of moon and star
In the silence of the night
you can hear the sweetness
of a song.
The theme song of love
Like the sweet scent
of nights jasmine.🍃

314 · Feb 2021
The power of words.
Written, spoken and heard
Give relieve
writer, speaker and listener.

But... they can also hurt.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s good to write down what you feel, it helps you cope.
It’s good to listen, you learn, help another.
It’s good to read, you learn
313 · Jul 2022
Haiku ( hanami)
Sheltered walk of love
cherry blossoms heaven’s path
blending with nature

Shell ✨🐚
Walking under cherry blossom trees
313 · Jan 2022
Curious first look
Innocent eyes
Beautiful baby child
Sitting in nature
Watches with curiosity
Everything new
Where would all the water be.

313 · Feb 2021
Hold my hand
Let’s laugh and cry
Hold my hand
Let’s explore this life
Hold my hand
Never let go of it.

When you find that special someone
312 · Dec 2021
Closer to God
Sitting in rainy weather
Let soft rain caress your face
While there’s much pain and sadness
All the tears are washed away
Lift your face up, search for rainbows and skies blush of bride.
See the colors of life reflected
In the limit of the sky.
Feel the warmth of the sun
on a life full of sadness full of sorrow.
There will always be skies colors,
always an upcoming sun.
Just close your eyes
let tears fall in silence
Blessings of the rain will fall
Warmth of love will lift you up
Carry you to special places
close to colors, close to light
Closer to God.

Shell ✨🐚
Through sorrow and pain
We grow, we learn
Come closer to God
311 · Jan 2021
Different feelings
All kind of emotions
Precious memories
written down.
A notebook with notes
A box with sometimes
handwritten notes.
A collection of
pieces of the soul
put together
Fragile , precious
To be handled with care and respect.


Poetry is a very personal art.
Sharing your inner feelings.
Every poem is personal
A piece of the soul.
311 · Sep 2023
From hurt to happiness
I am sad.
This balloon is all I have.
Cheering  me up while hurting.
Why parents act so mean.
I rather run away with my balloon
then let it go.

Dear pet
When no one is here
you are by my side
Looking at me as if understanding.
That I’m in need of touching love.
You lick my face.

The words flow out of my mind
On paper white,
screen’s delight.
In many ways
I’ve learned to find
peace of mind.
Look at me now
I am a happy human being.

Shell ✨🐚
Always stay positive. Try.
310 · Sep 2022
Quote 129🌷
you don’t have wings
to sit in a cage all day.
Fly high, explore
As you were meant to do.

Shell ✨🐚
A bird representing a woman.
We all have the right to be free.
309 · Apr 2021
Quote 20🌷
The most beautiful words written come from
a heart in love
a heart in pain
a heart full of faith!

Shell ✨🐚
309 · May 2021
Mirror images
Clear soft blue sky
Not a cloud not a star
See your mirror image
in the  not rippled waters
Two pale moons to  be seen
Not a breeze you can feel
Not a sound you can hear
Silence all around
Giving innerpeace to be
I look at natures flawless painting
Gods own creation
Reminds me of all the mirror images on this earth.
Look at you and see me.

Beauty of nature everywhere in all of us.
307 · Apr 2021
Quote 10🌷
Stay true to your inner child
The only one you’ll die with.

Shell ✨🐚
Bright, golden yellow delight
Sunny fields
Natural daffodils
Ringing of spring
Making me happy, want to sing
Butterflies and bees in the air
Like airplanes and helicopters
Landing to kiss you.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s almost spring.
306 · Jun 2023
Quote 159 🌷
A father is the son of a mother first.
A woman is the mother of all fathers.
Women, be strong and loving
All fathers must be dads too.

Shell  ✨🐚
306 · Apr 2022
Quote 106🌷
You’re more then a part of someone’s puzzle .
You are a complete picture yourself.

Shell ✨🐚
306 · Jan 2022
Quote 81🌷
a  virtue to be
before its time nothing there
gives one inner peace.

Shell ✨🐚
Virtue for the new year
306 · Jul 2021
Wonders of nature
Beautiful picture of nature
Window framed
How you touch me.
Every time I look
it’s another painting
there to see
everything changing
Over and over again
You make me humble
and happy inside.

Every time I’m impressed with the beauty of nature.
305 · Jun 2023
Quote 160🌷
First you pray then you sing.

Shell ✨🐚
305 · May 2021
The written word
You can read it in silence
You can read it out loud
You can sing the lyrics of it.
It will stay forever still.
So write a poem
write a letter to all your
love ones!
With the written word
your word will live on
and on and on!

Shell ✨🐚
305 · Jul 2023
Quote 162🌷
With strength, perseverance and faith
Dark tunnels become paths of light.

Shell ✨🐚
304 · Apr 2023
Quote 146🌷
In the end you only have your own wings to carry you to the horizon of life.
To the light.

Shell ✨🐚
304 · Apr 2022
Just one look
When looking up
at the moon in moonlights charm
The moon looks
at you too
while her light sheds light on you.
So much love in just one look.

Shell ✨🐚
304 · Jan 2021
Quotes of the mind
~The mind is like an ocean
Sometimes calm
sometimes turbulent
But always infinitely deep.

~The mind is the place
where everything
comes to life
while  the world sleeps
where  you weep.

Shell ✨🐚
Feelings within
303 · Jan 2021
World peace
The best way to Peace.
Give food from hand to hand
Give love from heart to heart
Give aid from land to land
Embrace each others differences..

303 · Dec 2023
Quote 175🌷
By saying sorry you don’t change the past.
You change the future.
At least you try.

Shell ✨🐚
Someone close to me said, it isn’t worth saying sorry. What’s been said has been said.
It did hurt me hearing that.
302 · Jul 2021
Oceans blues 🌊
Blue oceans blues

Calming blue ocean
Take me away
waves of see
Carry me to eternity
Rock me with your movements
Lull me into sleep
Let me relax in your rhythm
In your beautiful sound beats
Blue ocean  beaches
Calming waves of sea
playing the blues
Come and take a stroll with me.
Whenever you’re down
Beaches rhythm will set you free.

Shell ✨🐚
A walk on the beach can be like meditating.
Breathing white canvas
picturesque flowing colors
many sunflowers

300 · Feb 2022
The magic of reading
Read a book
Uncover hidden stories
To discover hidden feelings
See magnolias butterflies
come to life
right before your eyes .

Shell ✨🐚
The power of reading.
299 · Oct 2021
Burning diya 🔥
Slowly ghee is burning.
In peace and quiet
placing diyas.
Togetherness of family.
Watching moving flames
bring light into the dark.

Happy Diwali.
299 · Apr 2021
I love you because 💌
I love you because,
You always smile back at me.
You always search for me with your eyes.
When I  need it most
You hold my hand.
You always comfort me when I’m sad.
You let me be me.
But most of all I love you because you set me free.

Shell ✨🐚
That’s the way love is  supposed to be!!
298 · Feb 2021
Winter day
Winter snow  today
Beautiful postcard vieuws
Memories to stay
are made today.

Shell ✨🐚
297 · May 2023
Luscious tree 🌳
Deep inside me is this seed
In search of light and water
to grow, before it’s soil runs dry.
Deep inside me is this dream that wants to awaken
to make itself come true,
before the sleep is over.
Deep inside me is this love in need of someone else’s love
To go hand in hand through life,
before horizon’s dawn.

The seed is in the dream
The dream is in the love
The love is in my being

The seed becomes a tree
The dream a shining light
The love the carrier of peace.

A metaphor.
We are just like trees in need of love and light.
Let’s save ourselves, let’s save this beautiful world.
297 · Nov 2022
One white rose
Thank you for the rose my love
I fly high and still look at you from above, every day.
I know you have many silent tears and so much pain in your heart.
Yes today was the day and that was the place.
I fell from that wooden bridge and drowned .
You must know I fell because of my seizure.
Your little man I was.
Always together, always taking care of me.
Being sick wasn’t easy on you as a single parent.
But what a love you gave me my love.
What a lovely mom you were.
Know that I’m not far away.
I am free as a bird in the sky
I often come and sing a song in the tree next to your window.
Tell you what I see up there.
It’s all good and I’m not sick here.
My one wish is for you to smile.
Maybe when my little brother arrives.
I will be still here, watching.
Thank you for the rose my love.

Shell ✨🐚
The comfort. When losing a child
I will pin it down
Beauty in sadness
Will make you cry
The sadness of beauty so divine
Blanket of love to cover ourselves
Poems ,
breathing jewels of the spirit.

Writing, everlasting.
295 · Jul 2021
Field of stars ⭐️ 🌻
Sunflowers golden field
Field of fallen stars
In search of  everlasting light
To find long lost life
That once was there
To shine once again
Now in light of day.

295 · Aug 2023
Egg yolk sun from billion years.
Burning staring eye,
hot air
Steaming Earth’s weather.
Silent mountains witness.
Full moon in full display.
Tides power play.
Life’s expectations linger.
Silence before the storm.
Then, suddenly
Journey over turbulent waters ends.
Kayak of life standing still.

Shell  ✨🐚
Global warming.  Storms, floods and wildfires. Hard to watch.
295 · May 2022
Simplicity of food is complicated.
In food we find long lost memories
We find mother
We find family
Sharing food, stories and laughter.
Makes it taste so good.
Preparing the meal as important as having it together.
Food brings you back
to home, back to your roots.
It’s a matter of appreciation.
Food means love, joy and connection.
Aroma of food triggers the senses gives you the feeling of deja vu.
Suddenly you’re back in your mothers kitchen
Back in her arms.

Shell ✨🐚
Importance of food. More then just that
294 · Aug 2023
Autumn vibes
Remembering mother’s kitchen.
Feelings of recognition.
Harvest time and giving Thanks.
View of yellow, tangerine golden leaves.
Pumpkin pie with cinnamon scent.
Gathering with family and friends.
Gratitude in our minds.

Shell ✨🐚
September the first.
Autumn time is here.
🍂 🍁 golden season 🍃 🍂 time to reflect.
Feelings of deja vu.
293 · Apr 2021
Pin down art.
Delicate beauty
Want to look at you forever
Let me pin you down
I will save you in positions
to be admired all the time.
To conserve you till the end of history.
Captured color, wind and light
in an art piece.
Forever moving  
forever touching the mind.

Art can live forever .
In any form!
293 · Oct 2022
Quote 131 🌷
Sometimes hidden in the dark
Grow to the light and bloom
Flower in God’s garden.
We all are.

Shell ✨🐚
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