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3.7k · May 2016
Story of a prostitute
Sapien May 2016
Staring at her reflection in the mirror, not thinking anything and just staring. A few minutes later she took a deep breath and opened the drawer. Took out a box and observed it for quite long.
She took out a blood red lip colour and began to apply. While applying the lipstick she remembered how exciting was dressing up was to her when she was a child. This red colour was much brighter to her than now. These bangles were much more fascinating than what they are now. She recalled the days when she uses to stole her mother's makeup kit, She recalled how her mother used to beat up as if she had committed any sin.
Her eyes were much sparkling when she was a little kid, Now even the coal pencil cannot bring that shine again.
She stood up without any emotions, She was as blank as a white paper.
The beautiful red lehnga with golden embroidery suits her perfectly, Her long black hair and wide eyes compliment her outfit completely. Oh, how beautiful she looks but something is missing. There is no happiness on the face of the girl who always loved to look pretty. She was living the nightmare of every girl of her age. How ominous her life is she wondered, with this thought tear rolled down.
Took a deep breath and controlled her emotions. Wore her dupatta and came to a room, Decorated with roses and candles and bloom.
It was perfectly decorated like every girl fascinates. But for her, this was nothing of value here it is reflected by her face. This room was decorated for her like this every day, someone waits for her in the room every day.
Nights haunt her, the moon scares her. Men frighten her. Now she knows why her mother used to stop her whenever she said she wants to be like her, Now she knows why her mother cried whenever she hugged her.  
These bangles are fetters to her, All the colours are not so happy for her. Her innocence is lost somewhere, she doesn't even remember when she laughed last without faking.
She is like a body without the soul. She is like a night with no moon.
2.6k · Jul 2017
Hogwarts of Dreams
Sapien Jul 2017
There comes a point in your life when you dont understand what will happen the very next moment. When every single second astonishes you, when every other happening around you makes you question everything that you have ever done, every decision that you ever took, every path you ever choose, each word that you ever uttered. When there is darkness all around you and no hope of light. When all the motivational quotes of "finding a ray of light; hope, at the end of the tunnel", becomes as fictional as the world of potter.
But we still wait, yet we search for that fictitious light everytime, every second, every moment. Do you know why?
Because nothing in this world is stronger than your wishes, your passion, and your desire to get something that you want.
Believe in yourself and you will find your hogwarts one day.
1.9k · May 2016
Listen to your heart
Sapien May 2016
When your thoughts are at war, When you are not in a state to make any decision.
When you are stuck up in a situation so bad that you cannot see any way out.
Your head may tell you one thing but your heart will tell you another.
Don't think about what people will say just do whatever your heart says. Follow your instincts and you will be out from all the bad. Follow your heart and you will live a beautiful life ahead. Whenever such a situation comes,
The only thing to do is to listen to your heart. Do what you want to do, Be what you want to be.
Live a life without terms And conditions, Try to live this life according to your norms once?
You need to please yourself before you attempt to please anyone else.
You first need to be happy, Before becoming a rainbow in someone's sorrow.
Follow your heart always if you want to go Elysian Fields of your life, As sometimes even the mind is owned by devil but your heart is as pure as a soul of new born.
893 · May 2016
Few years down the road
Sapien May 2016
Few years later everything will be changed, When everything that is bothering you now will just become a faded memory.
Few years later when the person bothering you now, wont be a problem anymore. When you will not even remember the pain you went through. When every word that broke you now will be the reason behind your success.
Few years later you wont even remember why you cried today. You wont remember any of the tear that you shed.
Few years down the road people who are judging you now will be loving you and their opinions will not even matter to you.
Few years down the road nothing of this will matter. Whatever happening to you now will not bother you anymore. Things wont affect you anymore After few years, Then why to let them affect you now?
573 · Jul 2016
Sapien Jul 2016
Ever wondered how unpredictable life is? You never know whats gonna happen next. Maybe just after reading this you get a lottery ticket or loose your stock market shares, Maybe your crush will reply to your text the next minute or you will get into a fight with the person you love. Someone may get his dream job and maybe someone will loose his.
In one corner of the world a baby will be born where everyone will be engaged in making him laugh and somewhere a mother will be mourning for loosing her kid.
You don't know whether you are going to survive next minute or not so how can you even sacrifice your present for future?
Each and every minute is precious and important. Live every second of your life because now you must know how unpredictable is your life and be thankful for what you have
559 · May 2016
Heaven in my mind
Sapien May 2016
Laying In the bed staring at the ceiling fan, Infinite of thoughts cross my mind thinking what will my future be like?
Will it be like I always imagined or will it be like a ominous hell.
I was wondering and wondering, was lost in my own thoughts. I was hypnotised by the rotating blades and went to my own space. The place i where i love to be, The place where i find peace. Its my fanciful place, Its  my nirvana.
Its a place where i feel, free like wind, Beautiful like ballet, Soothing like lake, A bird freed from cage. place where there are no worries of my pietism life. A place where there are no more fetters, no more objections. A place where i can roar a place where i can scream. The place where i interrogate my inner self, Place which tells me the motive of my life.
Its like a garden in spring, Full of colours and joy. Its like blissful rain in summers, Making my mind fresh and alive.
No matter how painful life is, this place is my tome of panacea.
Its far away from the practicality of life, Its far away from the Judgemental Philosophy of the world.
Its my happy place, Its my pure place.  
With a blink of the eye my dream world is lost, Within a second the purity that place brought within me is bygone. All the beauty is just lost within a second, All my dreams are shattered within a moment.
I can again see that pale ceiling fan rotating, I can again see its blades making efforts to rotate. The calm mind of mine is lost somewhere again. And here i am laying on my bed, with numerous depressing thoughts again.
That place is a magic, That place is my pixie dust. That place is my dream which i will achieve. That place is My world.
538 · May 2016
Day dreaming
Sapien May 2016
With her aims big and hopes high, She watched all dreams with open eyes.

Her life has always been a miserable one, But her dedication made her a strong woman.
By overcoming all the hurdles and all the toil,She made her way to the heights.
With her Aims big and Hopes high, She watched dreams with open eyes.

Her life was dark, Dull and a despondent, But she made it bright like Summer's sky.
Suffered all the hurricanes of the life, But eventually got beautiful rain as her prize.
With her Aims big and Hopes high, She watched dreams with open eyes.

All those Agonize days and sleepless nights, made her strong Instead of Breaking Her psyche.
With her Aims big and Hopes high, She watched dreams with open eyes.
Recently i met a woman whose story insepired me alot. She did suffered alot during her early phase but eventually turned out to be a successful lady. This poem is for her who achieved her dreams without the support of anyone.
450 · May 2016
Love out of sight
Sapien May 2016
Who am i to take this right,
Shoot an arrow in your heart and make you mine?
Who am i to take your heart, Make things better like they have never fallen apart.
I always saw forever in your eyes, But you closed them. And every dream of us was out of my sight.

No I am not a cupid, But i wish i was. Shoot an arrow and make you mine
No I am not a magician, Though, I wish was. Chant some spells and take your heart.I am just the one who loved you and will always do.I am just the one who admires you with all her heart.
419 · May 2016
Beggers with life
Sapien May 2016
Wandering around the streets barefoot, picking up leftovers from the garbage piles to satisfy the hunger is mere part of a begger's myriad privations. No matter how talented he is born, begging is the only job which he has to perform.

Luxuries? They dont even know something like this.
Roaming around the road with their innocent smiles,
Getting a note of 10rs fills their world with joy.

When asked where they live,
Road was the answer that they give.
Do they own that road? Do they own that street?
Hardships don't scare them anymore,
As they are the free souls.

How strange is it that a smile always find its way on a face of a child who has born with no privilege. How can an eye which has seen only sadness can sparkle like a sunshine.
How can somebody have a carefree slumber knowing the fact that life will always remain cruel to him.

Maybe that is the irony of life, On one hand a person sleeping in king size bed cribs about the quality of his mattress and on the other side a  torned blanket is like bounty to

Why our happiness has become so expensive? Why all of us have become so materialistic? Lets learn something from these innocent smiles. Lets not be a slave of money lets try to see life beyond luxuries.
319 · May 2018
An actor
Sapien May 2018
He rushed his finger from the temple of my eyes to my cheeks and neck, asked me if I was scared as if he cared.
I ask the same question to myself, all the time; Am I Scared? I thought
Obviously not! I am a healer.
I heal the pain of people just like him. Who comes to this room disturbed and depressed.
Every night I meet a new man with different story and pain. He tells me his tale and I reduce his pain. I reassured this thought in my mind and held his hand and unzipped my blouse , said "I am a doctor, Do you know why? "
I asked him in the most sensual manner in which I can.
His heart started beating faster, So did mine. His eyes were shining but were not like mine.  
They demaded plethora of lust, but his wealth was my only thirst.
He was desperate and impatient pulled me closer to ask; what kind of a doctor you possibly could be and laughed.
I pushed him aside and went away, Turned the only dull yellow bulb of the room off and Darkness was everywhere.
He got petrified I could feel in his voice, When he shouted am i out of my mind
I started walking towards him slowly and slowly, He tried to figure out where I am through the sound of my anklet.
There is this darkness inside every human that I witness all the time. This room is the spot bring that out.
This darkness is what you need right now to bring that beast out, I said.
But was that really true? I asked myself.
Was the darkness really for him to get his real personality out, or for me to get into the character that I play every night. Is this room a space for people that brings their reality out, Or my stage to act.
You will incarnate as a personality of your choice tonight. Told him that, kissed his lips and continued my act.
301 · May 2016
Sapien May 2016
So many people around her, So many souls surround her But she stands alone in the darkness, frightened.
There she is screaming for help,
So many people there but none listen.
She knocks on all the familiar doors,
she seeks for help from every person, but no one listens.
Panic takes over her body, Each and every minute in this darkness frightens her more and more.
How lonely she is in this cruel world she realises, No one stands there when you are alone.
Promises are meant to be broken was fictional to her, But the reality; Broke her.
She witness each and every color of life in this darkness. Black just shows the sad truth behind every "happy shade" she realises.
No one stands with you in your bad times,
There is no one who holds your hand and take you out off all bad.
Its just you holding yourself ,so you don't break apart.
Its just you alone who could help yourself in the end, Because Forever is a myth.
295 · May 2018
Sapien May 2018
There is thirst that I see in everyone eyes. There is lust on everyone's mind; They say. People who come here have a complex personality, I revolt. People thought It's the money these lustful men speaking.
Who cares about the world I thought. Do I even have something to lose, I checked my purse.
My purse was empty in terms of money, My respect was on the ground, already in the society.
What is my profession they asked? I simply, smiled and showed them my heart. I spread love. This is all I do, people call it prostitution but I call it nurturing the truth.
It's not necessary that your love stays with you all the time. Sometimes people just need someone to talk and listen to them. They need affection to help them to remove self doubts. Nurture them to make them and motivate to love themselves in and out.
******* is just a part of an act, The  emotional disfunction therapy is my queen of the chess.
231 · Dec 2017
Comfort in strangeness
Sapien Dec 2017
Sometimes a completely unknown place feels so familiar,Sometimes extremely strange people feels like our own.
There is comfort in this strangeness, There is peace in this silence.
You don't always want laughter in your life, flicker of a smile, sometimes can resolve the complexities of the mind.
222 · May 2018
An average
Sapien May 2018
I am an average, will that work? I always came last in my class in academics, I was weak in sports too. I have this imaginery world that I live in, where I beat all of you.
There is tedtalks, motivational seminars and videos, telling about the "The life of Average"
But the people in there are so not that.

They say find your passion, what If I don't have any? In this world where only talent helps you to earn money, where should I buy this talent from? Is there any shop nearby?
No I can't sing, neither can I write. I **** at Art, neither can I make you laugh.
What should an Average like me do this what I think.
Till how long will you love me that's what i think.

— The End —