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I broke up with McDonalds
On Valentine's day
People said she was no good for me
I had to get away

So I told her, It's not you,
It's just a phase I'm going through
But as we all know -
Dumping fast food is not a pleasant thing to do.

So I broke up with McDonalds, didn't see her for a while
Was doing pretty well - there was the occasional drunk-dial
When I walked up to the window
And I slipped into the queue -
But then I came back to my senses
And realised the thing to do...

Was to keep on walking
Keep on walking
Right past her
Ignore the temptation
To suckle
On those golden arches
Ignore those bed-like burgers
And those oh-so-easy fries
Divide our shared world up
And sever all ties!

Yes! I broke up with McDonalds and my life is better for it
When my girlfriend serves up rabbit food I simply adore it
I was scared of life alone with no kebab to walk me home
      What I once spent on burgers...
                                                     I now spend on...
                                                           ­                      Haribo!

Oh Haribo! Haribo!  
You are a fruit tree in a sack
And although it feels wrong to see you
Behind my girlfriend's back
She can not be hurt by wrongs she does not know!
No - the new love of my life is Haribo, oh Haribo!

But then one evening after work
My girfriend came home early.
Caught me curled up on the couch  
Soaking up her girly  
In front of me
A bowl of
Not nuts, nor seeds...
But fizzy, yes fizzy,
Cola bottles  
That were  

How could you do this?
My girlfriend screamed at me.
Cannot you see the damage that they do-eth to your teeth?
(She'd been reading Shakespeare)
No, my eyes are on my face, I can't see in my mouth.
Right, she said, If you think I'm joking then I'm going to kick you out.

So she kicked me out the flat and that was that she said.
Not quite...
I grabbed my stash of Haribo from underneath the bed.
I told her all the things about her that I really hated

And the moral is:

Relationships with things that you can't eat are over-rated.
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
If I would have surrendered myself
To your lingering presence
We would have lost
The morals we promised to adhere
Our passion we thought to never run dry

I needed to let you down
In order to save
Whatever is left of
Bittersweet Irony...
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
I am caught
By a net of promising words
Lured in by your luminous character
Convinced by your hollow smile

Your affection like venom
Numbing my senses of right and wrong
Unexpected actions
Turned my world upside down

You've done well...
I've been infected...

Now let me cure these feelings
Sometimes certain persons just catch you off guard and feelings emerge, where no feelings are wanted.
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

Silence of sleep time
Dreams are at prime
Setting fancies free
Imprisoned thoughts at glee
Loved one appear
Whom you loved unclear
To be loved or loved so much
Slothful emotions bother and touch
Clouds of doubts cleared
Wake-up mind dreared
None offered love
Not even the dove
You were never loved
Nor liked
Rest morning tells
Get ready work and the dog yells
I still think of* you,
Late at night,
When I can't sleep right.
I still dream of
In my grasp,
When loneliness refuses to unclasp.
I still long for
By my side,
When my tears have dried
I still cry over
Every waking second,
When my beating heart beconds.
I still can't forget
Every single day,
When I say I'm okay.
Is everything still,

We really have no idea what's going on in eachothers lives anymore. For the most part I think I'm doing better on my own, by that I mean us not talking... It's hard, I can't lie, this piece sums up alot of what I'm going through on the most basic level.
These pieces don't help me like they used to, back in the day, but I guess it's a good way to say things I wouldn't usually be able to.
I hope you're doing okay, I hope you're happier now and with people who improve your day, mood, happiness and life. I'm trying to do the same for me...
I look forward to counselling, and to being in a better place, atm I don't know what for, who for or why I am living, so finding a reason will do me good.
i would do anything
to have your lips stutter my name
let your words grasp my hand
watch your eyes search for mine.

to wait for you is impossible yet divine
when we exist in places
so far from where we are destined.

we are parallel lines

i would do anything
for us to be a painting instead
i'd color you in hues of unrequited love
and put us on a frame
i'll give it to you and say

'keep it. keep us. keep me'


'because we are so much more than just parallel lines'
finally found the inspiration to write again. i believe sorrow brings out the poet in everyone.
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
Star BG
Every age to me is the one I am waiting for.
To grow and expand in a sea of footsteps
Sometimes my dancing feet moves
in puddles of tears
spent in challengers.
Other times on a sunny
cobble stone path
where music plays in ears.

Every age a chance to dance in dreams.
inspired by Khaliyah Keedah  thanks
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
Star BG
 Feb 2018 Sally Thomas
Star BG
LET the breeze of breath fuel the candle in heart.
LET the glow of light illuminate your dreams.

LET the moment in breath fuel your meditative journey.
LET the wisdom flow to carry your visions.

LET me say "I love you" and I hear it echo in your heart.
LET the words ignite passions and we get lost in a kiss.
Inspired by Hussein Dekmak  Thanks
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