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Mar 13 · 50
Rupert Pip Mar 13
\ I flutter back /  
      \ from time to time /  
     \ to loud hearts and /  
  \ gentle minds; to cityscapes /  
   \ in golden light, to neon bars /  
   | and street fights; to country |  
   | lanes and drunken drives with |  
    / good old friends and future \  
  / wives; to summer nights with  \  
/ campfire jives, to ***** shots  \  
/ and sunken pints; I flutter back  \  
      / and stay a while, \  
      / with no regrets \  
        / and only \  
          / smiles \
Mar 8 · 65
Talk of Spring
Rupert Pip Mar 8
It wasn’t just the leaves that died over winter
A part of me fell to the earth too
My hair has started tying knots
My car is choking rocks
Falling away, decay.

The whole world upside down
perished, frozen winter ground
LED sunlights,
early nights
Falling away, decay

But God gave us Spring
and all good things showed their face
With gentle serendipity
and a tranquil sensibility
It’ll all just be okay.  

Leaves come back to arm their stations
flowers grow in all locations
Sunlight blessed the freezing minds
The beautiful life where preside
It’ll all just be okay.
It’ll all just be okay.
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
Oh, Mother
Rupert Pip Mar 2022
Sunshine lights this endless day;
I swim amongst the lake above,
walking round the flat terrain
of Lincolnshire’s spring, in love.
Jack adjoins my roaming mind
and Allen sings aside the birds;
I walk n’ walk with woes behind,
so marry up with the Mother Earth!

I bless my hands with fallen leaves
to feel the way they’d hug my skin.
My eyes expand in disbelief,
this leaf and I are one, akin.
I need not find another soul,
for all the love and what it’s worth,
is out there now, outside the hole,
so marry up with Mother Earth!

The clouds part quick;
a wanderers dream.
The grass grows thick,
enveloping me.
Flowers dance with helpless joy,
as I have found another birth,
insects smile, a bubbling boy,
so marry up with Mother Earth!

Travel home, and all things close,
as slammed doors shutter frames.
My phone lights up for one more dose,
and I burst out in flames.
I miss the sky, the summer rain,
the grass, the birds and endless mirth.
Indoors I find a stomach pain,
I miss the ******* Mother Earth.
Feb 2022 · 1.6k
Passenger Seat Solemnity
Rupert Pip Feb 2022
I was drowning
in the passenger seat;
the road ahead
was flooded
no less,
and the
night above
bled out light
like a thatched roof
dressed with war wounds.

That storm we found ourselves in
was a peculiar one;
all my clothes were drenched
much were yours, I guess,
steering the wheel as you did.

The city was just so beautiful
on that night;
if only we could been there instead:
dancing and laughing, as we would.
We were far enough away
that it could have had its own
seatbelt on, sat besides me,
being thrown left to right
by all this
solemn debate.

"Everything will be alright."
the man on the radio sang,
...will it?
Everything will be alright.
Feb 2022 · 463
Rupert Pip Feb 2022
She had eyes like crazy oceans,
angered by the shoreline,
stepping on it's heels.

i miss them.

Maybe not tripping
over them everyday,

But i wish they'd meet
with me tonight
just so they can **** me up
one or two more times

then i will return to write,
with sand slipping
through my fingers

Jan 2022 · 676
The River
Rupert Pip Jan 2022
Down by the river
the water is running laps
laughing like a child after sugar.
Dec 2021 · 627
Christmas Haiku
Rupert Pip Dec 2021
Severed tress and fairy lights
Capital punishment for plastic Claus
Yule embers singing songs.
A (American) haiku
Dec 2021 · 1.5k
Life is a tax-man
Rupert Pip Dec 2021
and for the record,
no one thinks they're pretty
when they rain

so cry your ****** heart out,
and snort around the trough
whilst you’re covered
in mud.

Just let it all remind you
why this poem is
absolutely pointless.

And so are you,
and so am I,
and so is your dog
you love so much.

Because all we know
is the point in which
you start breathing,

and that eventually
you’re going to stop too,

so do something decent
with the middle
won’t you?

may aswell x
Life is a tax-man, indeed.
Dec 2021 · 475
Rupert Pip Dec 2021
I miss the waves
that kiss shore
like the hair that falls
to greet your body

but when your
here with eyes
transfixed on
the night

and I get the
pleasure of
seeing it

nothing seems
so bad.
Dec 2021 · 610
Cheerful Mornings
Rupert Pip Dec 2021
O' baby-faced days,
where kettles hum contralto
and stoves sing "Pancakes!"
Nothing beats a cup of tea, and a lovely breakfast in the morning; oh how British of me.
Dec 2021 · 309
Almost Anything
Rupert Pip Dec 2021
I would do almost anything
for you

Except watching the door
clip the back of your bags

knowing I could have done
something about it.
Nov 2021 · 379
Road Traffic Accidents
Rupert Pip Nov 2021
If you've never been in one,
the irony of
road traffic accidents
is this:

You see them all the time,
hear about them everyday,
you drive past the wreckage
engulfed in flames

yet, they'll never happen to you,


my mother would tell me:
'Don't rest on your laurels,
for tomorrow isn't promised.'

and I guess she had a point.
Sep 2021 · 318
Rupert Pip Sep 2021
So sincerely
   do I miss

the face you make
away from me

as though I
   can’t see

just how much
you’re smiling

when we’re
    out driving

on the
homeless roads

under the
candle-lit stars

on this
    romantic escapade
Sep 2021 · 2.2k
Rupert Pip Sep 2021
I wonder what all
the greats would
think of this generation

and how their

only goes as far
as the

before it
eats itself.
Aug 2021 · 650
Rupert Pip Aug 2021
With all things
the mind displays life
in capital letters.

But in almost every instance,
life does not
Jun 2021 · 821
Case Closed
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
In truth,
I'd love to believe
that he's gone to
a better place,

I'm not sure I
believe there's a
better place than here

with us.
A friend of mine came to me for a chat as he lost someone dear to him. I'd have loved to believe that his friend had gone somewhere special, but they were so close that I think that the best place he could of gone was round for a cup of coffee or three.
Jun 2021 · 1.9k
Phone Calls
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
You didn't tell me we'd be listening
to music when I picked up the phone.

Your dulcet tones danced through my velvet
head and perched upon the crescent
moon that was my lips.

You could see my body drifting away,
so you took my hand and saw that I moved
in time with you, sailing upon the song
that jumped over a telephone line.

In awe, my tongue was pinched,
my ears became a playing field for
all the ***** you had to bat.

Birds began to sing in the early hours
as we put away the chitter chatter

But it didn't stop my phone from

me from glowing,
you from lighting up.
A phone call with a lover leaves the sweetest tastes on your tongue.
Jun 2021 · 1.8k
Self Care
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
I hope that one day
you come home with
somebody you
really love,

But more than
I hope that
person is
Look after yourself, kid
Jun 2021 · 1.3k
When the mind wanders...
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
All of my favorite things
involve your

or the way your hair would
naturally fall over your eye
as though it was the veil
that was hiding the only
woman in the room.

Everything else is
when you open
your mouth,

the world doesn't
turn when you

the rain doesn't pour
when you

nobody sings when
you talk

piano keys won't pla-

Or uh...
Jun 2021 · 465
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
The deepest
and most devoted
love of all is found in
Jun 2021 · 689
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
Looking down at you
looking up at me
I see the whole world
glistening in your
wild, wild eyes.
Love is in the eyes.
May 2021 · 2.3k
Time Floats
Rupert Pip May 2021
Where am I
when you're
not here
but lost
in empty space,
wishing the time
would just
run, run away
then stop
dead still
to catch
it's breath
as soon as
I saw
your face.
Apr 2021 · 509
Rupert Pip Apr 2021

Bit of a shameful plug, but I’ve created an Instagram account for my poems. If anyone is interested in reading more of my work, or seeing them being performed every so often, then I will be posting them there too. Thanks in advance! :)
Mar 2021 · 1.5k
Rupert Pip Mar 2021
Perhaps that's the point of it all,
the mate of the soul,
they cannot be two feet down
and smothered in endless
concrete, but instead they
must be made of words untrue,
a lapse of perfect fiction,
for when they come to flesh
and blood, your eyes can't
seem to breathe and your
heart leaps and leaps.
Rupert Pip Feb 2021
Dread is a disease
most unkind, and
my guts riddled with it
whilst walking down those
narrow corridors for the
very first time.

In fact, those feelings
didn't drop until I was
stood out amongst the
spitting rain under
grey spring skies,
half enjoying a
cigarette that my
nervous body had
searched for.

A lad came to me
with cuts and bruises
decorating an otherwise
friendly face, with
an escort to keep
him stood up straight.

Before we
even shook hands
you made sure I wasn't
going to be alone upon
my first evening there.

There is only so much
handshaking you can
do until you realise that
no one actually cares
how you're doing or
what your name is
until your reports
have landed on their
desk once or twice.

But you, you cared
for a stranger before
you even know their
name. I knew from
then that you were
the real deal, but
I suppose the blood
splatter of chemicals
rotting away your liver
had dampened a
clean sheet.  

I was sad to hear
you took your own

Maybe one day we
can go for that

and I'll tell
you that I
learned from
you and all
this sadness.
Feb 2021 · 713
To Reflect
Rupert Pip Feb 2021
I am the cascade rain
of chivalrous knights
and bubbling veins.

The gap you mind
and overstep,
The mind that’s gapped
without repent.

Yet the lake reflects a smile
and bellows out broadly
in the broken streams of Nile
in the thoughts of this, a while.
Feb 2021 · 360
Rupert Pip Feb 2021
They say she couldn't read between
the lines, like the page was scrawled
with shapes of black ink, without
the formation of words.

Perhaps this was true.

I once saw her
put paint on wet skin and wonder
why it all rolled away, and asked
me why she looked so pale.

Maybe some
of us creatures just can't see
what lies beneath the tree,
or deep beneath the ocean
top where you dive in and
found yourself bitten.

This is just how it is,
but sometimes, the lines
are only there for show,
and life just writes free hand
anyway so you're forced
to find the order
amongst the
Feb 2021 · 272
Part II
Rupert Pip Feb 2021
London's eyes have
shut for the night.

The train tracks
cannot be danced

just as pillows are
only made of

I will write
as I have no doubt
that you shall sing

but just not in

The city
that has never
slept has finally
gotten a good
night's rest

and I suppose,
we'd better
tiptoe around
the house,

to not disturb
her slumber.

Even if it
means we
must be

Jan 2021 · 292
True Love Does Not Exist
Rupert Pip Jan 2021
There is no one out there
for you, for me, for anyone.
There are just people taking
life one tincture at a time. I know
this just as I know that cigarettes
will just make you cough, and just
as surely, you will smoke them
until your voice sings out of
tune anyway.

There are no great cameras,
no screenplay writers, to lap
you up and kiss you until dawn.
Instead, you bitterly spit through
half-smiles and half mean them too,
and only half the time are they lovely.

But you've been told otherwise,
huh? Red lips, red wine and red meat
is dream that's sold to the dreaming,
in life it leads only to red stains.
Sometimes they don't come out and
you'll cry, sometimes they're a piece of
the evening you'll welcome to your
messy wardrobe of messy clothes.

Let's just call it what it is and know
that without those words
we are just bags of
skin and bone that watch the stars as
chemicals fight in our heads.

And that isn't always perfect,
because it's not written that way,
this way, your way, my way or
really, anyway
at all
Nov 2020 · 321
Rupert Pip Nov 2020
Everyone always says
"your twenties are a funny time to be alive"
but no one told me that
it was going to be a
******* joke.
Your usual round of happiness. Hope everyone is having a good day.
Nov 2020 · 327
Rupert Pip Nov 2020
Eyes wide like
vibrant skies;
flown high and
tie dyed. Stars
burst in blushed
sighs with lovely
smiles; oh how
they shine.
Just a bit of fun, really.
Aug 2020 · 266
A Haiku: hug
Rupert Pip Aug 2020
The first time we touched
was a hug to say goodbye;
my deepest regret.
Aug 2020 · 421
Rupert Pip Aug 2020
You catch life
one tear at a time
to one day
fill an ocean.
I heard you liked short poems, so here's one for you.
Jul 2020 · 216
Rupert Pip Jul 2020
Watch the eyes!
The eyes are God in the head of man.
See them as they twist and shout, begging
just to be looked at. Glistening in wonderful
retreat as they roll off the back of a
lovers remark. Catch them as they fall
with a heavy heart or lift them as they smile
when your heart smiles too. Treat them as
a key into the world around us; live and
breathe through the sights and fend away
from prosthetic thoughts, thoughts, thoughts
that bounce around an empty mind. Those words
that beat a shade onto vibrant times. See the world
through coloured eyes, and watch nature leap
and frolic, enveloping your every essence, as
you brim a hearty half shaped moon across
your sinless face. This life, oh how it cheers,
watch it all, through two round *****, as it
moves, shapes and bends inside
two beautiful eyes.
This life, oh how it cheers
Jul 2020 · 208
Rupert Pip Jul 2020
I am an outbound train,
a passenger absorbed in the
comforts of your mind.
Your seatbelt holds me prisoner,
I am shackled to your presence,
chained to your tones,
addicted to you.
Let us ride to
the very
last stop,
to the
Jun 2020 · 217
Rupert Pip Jun 2020
Mark my words.
Meaningless exclamation
marks that hide the full
stops buried within.
Wishing good nights
and good mornings
like they ever had been;
Why do I lie to you?
to me?
May 2020 · 195
Rupert Pip May 2020
Extreme emotion
frowns in a pool
of self reflection.
Skin will shiver
and shake, freezing
with the ache of
winters scarred
affliction. What’s to
say about a world
where eyes tell lies
about a fruitful youth?
Perhaps it’s just a
laugh told up front
in the glass to a child
that never waves back
to say hello.
May 2020 · 205
Rupert Pip May 2020
I hate how much I’ve missed your face
despite how much you’ve changed.
I scroll and scroll for hours on end,
to no end, to find an end,
to only seeing your face
when the lights go off.
Apr 2020 · 665
Cherry Blossom Sighs
Rupert Pip Apr 2020
Under the gentle hug of a cherry blossom spring
She found herself while lost at sea.
Rain soaks through her precious skin
As the wooden raft rocks over violent waves.

‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself.
The cotton touch of grass wraps around her fingers.

Her mind snaps back to the terrible terrain.
Lost. Bewildered. Endangered.
Unsafe as those who hang from tall places,
as scared as those who beg to rich faces.

‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself.
The sun and moon exhale.
Their whispers kiss her lips.
Her body enveloped in natures tender care
While chemicals fight with angered cries.

The wooden planks break.
The sea removes her breath.
Drowning in the face of it all
While her lungs are filled with water.

‘Breathe…’ she murmurs to herself.
‘What’s wrong with here and now?’
A leaf falls down and greats her body.
Like a warm day,
She glows.
‘Breathe...’ she murmurs to herself.
Apr 2020 · 196
Questions, questions.
Rupert Pip Apr 2020
Do you still love me?
Are we falling out of time
like a match once struck
cries against pavement
slabs after one good use?
I wonder these things over
a round mug of black coffee.
Beans swept away by
a turning teaspoon.
Dissolving into one
lovely, jumbled mess.
I wonder, I wonder.
Apr 2020 · 288
Exhalation, the mistress.
Rupert Pip Apr 2020
Rising and falling
Breathing in and breathing out
Deeper and deeper.
Apr 2020 · 242
Rupert Pip Apr 2020
Bring me back summers
with open fires and laughter,
until then, shiver.
Mar 2020 · 178
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
In the morning rain
the birds sing their sweetest songs;
Melancholy howls.
A miserable haiku, for a miserable morning.
Mar 2020 · 215
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
I came to you with vicious cries
and overwhelming unknown.
For years you nurtured my tender
mind and helped for me to grow.

You’re the rock I lean against
when the mountain roads
stand tall. You’re the feathered pillow I
cry into, when oceans tides are raw.

You’ve come to me with coffee beans
and endless love sung in a mug.
You’ve seen me into better days
when worse ones have come forth.

You fought for me a sweeter life
when all around grew sour.
My tastebuds came to taste the
joy of earth within your power.

You needn’t hug with loving arms
when words wrapped me in warmth.
You brushed away the coldest days
and gave me your best coat.

Thanks for all the thoughts you’ve shared
and truths I’m not without.
Please don’t ever leave my side
you are my confidant.
For a man that changes my life, day in, day out.
Mar 2020 · 187
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
If I could travel back
through time
and space, what would
happen if I’d just turned

Would the world have opened
up and swallowed me whole?
Would you have leapt with
me and fall and fall?
We’d sing along the open roofs
at night alone when stars
would bloom. We’d curse our way
through empty streets and dance
until our hearts would meet.
Read the lines across my lips
and touch them with your
autumn bliss.
We’d run and run until
we fall, upon a bed in
lovers call.

Smiles and
laughs into the night, if only
I’d turned left, not right.
Mar 2020 · 175
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
In a world
where we’re guided by
paper and coins, may you be
judged by your words
and deeds; not by
the colour of your skin,
the threads on your
back, or the shoes on
your feet.
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
Let me float as our lives
break the mould of plastic lies,
and brought me back to
open fires.

A glimpse of life,
the star scattered night,
laid flat out right in nature’s shrine.

What is this strife without
the fight? But in nature
we will confide.

Between the leaves of
ancient trees; distant
worlds with no concrete.

**** the life of roadside
dreams. Let’s sing for
worlds of hope and peace.
Between the busyness of western life, there are fields full of life yet to be explored.
Mar 2020 · 218
Falling out.
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
We haven’t laughed in so long.
We haven’t looked like we used
to look at one another for as long
as I can remember - we haven’t really
looked at all, in fact. I don’t know how
to keep loving you when I don’t love
Mar 2020 · 311
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
What is the day without the
sunlight? What is the dark
without moonlight?

What are we without us?
What am I without you?

Would I find myself like
a ragged dog dying out
on the road?

Would I find the solace on
a world away from a tattered

Do you wish for me to beg
for an undying lie to come
to light?

What is a rose without it's
thorns? What will I be in
a life that's not yours?
Mar 2020 · 193
Winter Skin
Rupert Pip Mar 2020
Warm water shatters
my winter skin.

A tumour of ice
cracks underground.

Steam breathes on
freezing ceiling tiles

and heat will rise and
rise and rise.
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