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Esther L Krenzin May 2019
I don't think I'll ever get accustomed  
to seeing your lifeless corpse
every nerve screams for me
to shake that frail frame

For a moment
I let myself
envision your eyes opening
and smiling up at me
but they remain closed
and all I can do is watch
myself fall to pieces.
Esther L. Krenzin
For my great-grandmother.
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
I saw the birds this morning
and couldn't help
but feel your presence
and I don't think I was alone
shoulders curving inward
our starving gazes devoured
all the fragments you
left behind.

Esther L. Krenzin
For my great grandmother.
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
I wasn't lesser
that was never how you said it
there was just nothing more to me
then what met the eye

You singed bridges
cut ties
left me alone with nowhere to run
when I left myself bare to you
wholly exposed
and you took my brokenness
and threw it at my feet

I blame myself for your absence
"If I had just..."
I whisper
"Than we wouldn't be right here."
"We would be happy."
But happy, is not a word I understand
and sometimes
I think I never will.
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
Crimson skies
ducks wing their way
wading through the hues of
the croaking of frogs sink
into my bones
a sea of tangled brush
and marsh
stretches to encompass a little
kingdom in its own right
through it all
I think if you.

Esther L. Krenzin
For my great grandmother. An avid nature-lover who loved to surround herself in beauty and watch the ducks fly in.
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
beneath the moons shadow
rough rope gripped
between trembling fingers
spinning stars
a solitary wind teased my face
toes brushed dew-gilded ground

I leaned backwards
as if folding into the silky embrace
of darkness
eyes closed
the nearest my wingless form
could get to soaring

Slipping back to earth
I took a flying leap
throwing myself onto the
mere slip of a swing
the world tilted like an axis off kilter

There, in the stillness of the moment
I feasted my gaze on the way
the trees reached upward
as if they too, were searching
for something

Reality, right then, felt fragile
I dared not blink
for fear of breaking the spell
nothing existed outside
blinking fireflies
the wind as it enfolded around me
and I
gorging to gain the weight
my soul had lost.

-Esther L. Krenzin-
Ataraxia: the state of bliss and serene calmness.
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
I hiss and withdraw
to the core
retreating behind my thicket
of thorns
fangs bared against
beleaguered attempts
to shred the serendipity
I've fought relentlessly
to nurture.

-Esther L. Krenzin-
Beleaguer: to exhaust with attacks
Serendipity: finding something good without looking for it
Esther L Krenzin May 2019
Plants, like us
require sunlight and dew
in the midst of droughts
when the sun is barely a glimmer
they shrivel
but hope hope is around
the corner
for those who seek with hands
that fumble and quiver
for what is beyond them
and after every storm
when the sky has caught its breath
there will be hope
if only in the form
of a rainbow.

-Esther L. Krenzin-
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