I fashioned a heart dark and bold,
One that never grows old,
One that withstood all degrees of cold.
A heart that was daring and never fearing,
One snaring and never caring.
One so solid, it was unbreakable,
One so steady, it was unshakable.
I fashioned a heart of darkness made for chaos,
One of pure blackness made so heinous.
I fashioned a heart so dark, it showed no spark,
One so bleak, it would never feel.
A heart so dull, it would never fall,
One so evil, it could never feel.
And glad I was,
For what I once had was so nice, it told no lies,
And so frail, it was bound to fail.
I fashioned a heart of darkness that would cease my sadness. For I lived in a world of evil, and it's pain was endless. So I sought out a heart so daring and ended the things that made me caring.