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 Oct 2019 Wendi Schneider
The allure moon,
Dashes through the tepid nightsky of Autumn,
Just to sink into the horizon, bidding us farewell,
What remains, is but a starlit, cold night.

~ Umi
The night was calm yet glowing,
with a sky so full of light;
I wondered if stars were singing,
a melody just as bright.

The children tucked into their beds,
and the autumn air so clear;
It's as if the song had come along,
just to tingle in my ear.

I walked among the pumpkins,
the leaves fell crisply there;
Along the coral pathway,
with the song still in the air.

Then suddenly I heard a cry,
from the hearty maple tree;
Reflected in the shine of light,
it begged to be set free.

So I began to sing up to the stars,
my favorite song of love;
And as my voice grew louder still,
celestial sighs came from above.

The peace I felt one eerie night,
can only be described;
As angels watching from great heights,
to keep our hearts alive.
The sky is filled with heavenly hosts,
who help us all survive !!
Dangling bangles in rhythm of light,
colorfully shining right into the night;
Caressing my ears with magical tones,
dancing on air while my mind gently roams.

Lovely to hear and so sweet to see,
the motion of sounds in a song that's free;
Notes call to the sky with a fresh melody,
my very own voice sings the harmony.

In Autumn we sense those mystical sounds,
of spirits awakening this time around;
Each breeze sends the chimes out into space,
with pleasure and smiles no cloud can erase.
Like the falling star,
out of the blue
and you, Out of the dark
Showed me I’m not really
completely falling apart

Like the stars,
you talked to me
Showering me with
kindness and vulnerabilty
Keeping me company
from my wavering sanity
and starting anxiety

Like the moon, it feels like
I knew who you are
but you’re a stranger afar
from the simple world
I created so far

Would you come again
like you did before?
would you show me again
How it’s easy to fall
and crawl and feel alive
Like how you patched
the constellation for me
on that lonely autumn night.
First part
Blue to gold
Gold to red
Red darkens

Specks of light
One by one
Filling my

Low glow east
Full moon rise
Smiling at

I smile back.
Today I feel light and free
As my hair is caressed by the breeze
Bright, beautiful, magical
Today has promised and will fulfil

Today, I rise in glory
Like a Phoenix reborn from ashes
Beautifully clothed in red satin sashes
Glorious like Pegasus on Mount Olympus

Today I rise, I soar in splendour
As the day keeps unveiling all her grandeur
Let the chains of yesterday break away!
Today is here, I will not cling to yesterday!
"If the doors of perception were cleansed
every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite."
Reality is just one red pill away.
Lines One and Two from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake
cherries stain lips
as lovers eat
below the moon
 Oct 2019 Wendi Schneider
I crave a dance
Not a hug,
Not a kiss or a delicate touch
But a dance
A red dress and a gentleman to take my hand
On a shinning dancefloor
On a trip outside the dimensions of this world
Where flying needs no wings
Where music feels like the gentle wind
I'd swirl and swirl
With my red dress flowing like the petals of a rose
Carried by the swift breeze
Till it come back
To you
I never danced with a man, ever
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