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 Oct 2019 Wendi Schneider
Red wine stains your lips and teeth,
reciting Tolstoy; war and peace,
smoke leaves your lips  each word you speak
-as if it was, somehow, for me.

A dwindling old lover's flame;
we lay warm on a bed of coal.
Beneath the sheets, I've seen your face,
but every time your hands were cold.
beside me
moon quaked
inside thee
a lake of
water lilies
scent of fresh moonlight
around me
The rose will disappear
in the shadow of the night
for a moment or two.
Just for a cool break
only to bloom on the Moon!
The turn of summer's end
already caused  ailing leaf's stems
to tremble and quiver
one last hand, one last trailing touch before a final
release on high wind,
the leaves descend
transcend in their death
back to the earth which gave birth
a bittersweet rejoice
as colours and ribs fade to dust
and return to soil
to feed the tree nutrients for life.
Trees withered by the winters cold
Snow and ice covering the road
Winter sun lies low in the sky
Waiting to blind the travelers eye
People rushing here and there
Wanting to get home to their cosy lair
All missing the beauty of the scenery
The calm, the still, the tranquillity
Mountains tall covered in snow
Snowdrops adorning the hedgerow
Dusk is fast approaching, time slips away
Darkend skies spell the end of another winter's day
Soon the moon will appear
Stars in the sky, crisp and clear
The beauty of winter is clear to see
Summer is just a distant memory
 Sep 2019 Wendi Schneider
By the evening when it covers the earth softly in a veil of darkness.
As all the colours change, from a bright inviting blue of the heavens,
now softening, losing their glow, as shadows fall beneath the Earth
When the last ray of sunlight has arrived the stars rise in order to claim the sky for themselves, as so does the moon, overshining them.
Vision may shrink due the lack of light, causing many to get anxious if they would have to travel throughout the arrival of the night.
The time to rest has been brought near, but some do choose to stay awake, gazing, observing, watching as the stars above them leave their gentle, slow and most importantly fascinating trail.
Thus for them, the lovers of this declining day, made it their mission to stay awake and admire all the beauty the night serves them.
A time of charming for those who share love, for those who have engaged themselves in the sweet embrace of slumber.
As time goes on I lose myself in this wandering fragnance, until the light of the sun, manages to greet me for a fresh day.

~ Umi
 Sep 2019 Wendi Schneider
If I added up all my scars,
across my arms and over my hips,
I could stitch them up,
into untold stories and engrave them on my skin,
so everyone could see,
the vulnerability within.

If I spread my wounds across a canvas,
purple, blue, red, and other hues,
creeping on rippled fabric like stars in the night sky,
I’d create galaxies,
with craters, suns and moons,
constellations of healing wounds.
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