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Nikkie Jan 2021
I don’t know when it started.
I guess it was always there,
my ability to feel ones energy.
My ability to read tarot cards.
People, even complete strangers, are shocked at my
pinpoint accuracy.
How is it possible that I dream and my dream
becomes a reality?
Through vibrations and voices, I hear statements,
I feel what Spirit wants me to deliver.
A year before my mom went to heaven, I heard
A voice loud and clear, “this will be her last Thanksgiving.”
November 2021, my mom went to be with the Lord,  
a few days before Thanksgiving.
Why was I chosen with this extraordinary gift?
Why was I chosen to deliver messages?
I channel messages and feel spirits near.
But I’m glad I can hear them and not see them.
I’ve dreamed of loved ones coming into my sleep,
Passing on messages for me to deliver.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool, my abilities
have gotten stronger through the years.
I am happy that a part of me can do such a
wondrous thing.
People may not agree with me using my gift,
at first I felt the same way, but people are being helped,
their concerns are being put to rest. I am blessed when I
help a person who needs answers.
Like it or not, I am here to stay, or at least my
Intuitive abilities are.
Nikkie Jan 2021
The core of your emotionally charged vibration gives me shivers,
then evens me out, like an illegal drug shocks the system.
You calm me down like a deep ****** after an exhausting ******* primal event!
I can’t say when, why, or the exact moment in time,
when you entered into my solitary world.
I can’t seem to let this go, the feeling of passion, the warmth of unity,
the wholesome finality of not feeling alone.
I don’t want to wake from my fragmented sleep,
because I feel you deeper when my eyes are closed.
I know it takes time and patience to hone in on what you feel.
I’ve waited so long for this slow dance to happen,
and I’m not about to give up now.
You make me feel like a female dragon in ****** heat,
expelling thunder like an old-time flashcube, dancing within my murky emotions.
Brandy filled chocolate covered cherries; melt from the heat inside of me,
Intoxicating the alcoholic burn on my tongue.
You’ve become a distillery of thoughtful contentment, that slowly releases
a flowing continuum of deliberate desires.
I’ve had some ups and I’ve had some downs, when it comes
to relationships and emotional intensities.
The air around you have pierced my reality and rebuilt the broken
chambers of my heart.
Feelings have been set free, with re-deposits of evaporated pain;
changing charged up devotions into kinetic realties.
My Mister Devine you bring out my divinity,
from the safety of your embrace to the finesse of your masculinity.
Nikkie Jan 2021
You left something out....
I was not mistaken...
You left something out...
How do you think I'm supposed to feel?
You left something out....
I want you to know I am not okay with this...
In essence, you lied to me...
You omitted the truth...
I like this job, but not getting paid for the holiday's **** big time!
You left something out...
How am I supposed to deal with this?
The pay is left something out...
Why didn't you tell me while working this full time job,
that I would not get paid for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all the other holidays I am accustomed to getting paid for...
Nikkie Jan 2021
For a long time I was afraid to fall in love.
When you came into my life, my heart spoke and my mind stood still.
With you I can believe that life is sweet, and have faith in the emotions that combines our passion.
You are the time, location, and destination, that enters the closeness of an eternal bond.  
If I had a choice between life and death, I'd prolong death for as long as I could.
Just to spend my life with you.
Nikkie Jan 2021
You left me with no explanation after I told you that I loved you. I felt like a jilted bride left standing at the altar.  You once looked into my eyes and told me that you could feel it if it were real. It was real for me. But you changed your mind when it came to your feelings for me. Was I that wrong? Did I misunderstand you when you told me that I was the one? Did I misinterpret it when you told people that I was your lady as you introduced me to their acquaintance?  Did I get it wrong when we went to the jazz concert, when you kissed me for the first time in front of a room full of other jazz enthusiasts? Was I dreaming when you laid next to me at night and held me close while we slept?  You know what, the only thing I was wrong at was, giving you ANY time of day!
Nikkie Jan 2021
You can be anything you want to be; a clown, a lover, a serial killer, a tarot card reader, a musician who likes to eat pickles. You can be a prized fighter who falls in love with love itself. When you read you can be anything, and I do mean anything. But when you can see what's happening in front of you, you can be the night sky, in the twinkling eye of the child when she is being read your bedtime story. Put yourself in my place, when I am writing I close my eyes and the story that wants to come out is vividly clear in front of me. It's amazing what words can do when the right ones are put together: time stood still when you looked at me. I felt what you didn't say, I felt what you were gonna say. You smell so good, I can't wait for you to.....You know....It's all good, I know you feel it too, if this is just my imagination, I need to stop drinking so much coffee, the caffeine is starting to get to me.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I've got to taste your darkness, it doesn't matter if it's day or night.
Your strength alone is rated ten stars strong.  
You never disappoint, expect when others try to copy my strength.
They fail to comprehend, the darker the brew, the happier I am.
A shot of cream that's thick and rich, takes my coffee drinking experience to new levels.  
Most of all you have to be strong, you have to thwart your dominance towards me. You, strong coffee, is like catnip to me. When I drink of your power, I become your slave...until it's time for my next, cup of darkness.
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