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Nikkie Jan 2021
It was beautiful, that night...That night when we first made love.
Our heartbeats kept matching, our breaths were in tune with one another.....The intimacy was stagnant, but in a good way.
Nikkie Jan 2021
Shades of you link to me; like our spirits joining at the conclusion of the sea.
We pass through each other like northern lights, and touch the very essence of love. I beseech the sun to shine in your honor; I summon the moon to copy your brightness.
I see my future when I look into your eyes; you are everything I’d hope you’d be. My beating heart; each breath I take, the twinkle in my eyes, my pillow at night.
Our spirits were born to unite together, to dance in the beauty of God’s good Grace. You’ve weaved a hem inside my heart, that flows love blood to another place; a journey that begins with only you.
I’ve discovered a place that I am free; listening to your heartbeat combine with mine.  It’s inside of you, that I relinquish my defenses, because I know you’ll be my undying defender.
We blend together like an Indian summer, fitting perfectly together like hands in a glove.
A shade of your love blends into me while coloring my heart; my mind, body and soul. With unforgiving nectar thick like honey, your spirit alive is where I will stay.  Refined like sugar, shimmering like gold; a mold like clay on a thousand-year-old masterpiece.
The shades of you flow full speed ahead, like an express train whistling toward adrenaline.  Flowing through my emotion like nirvana, the shades of you, the shades of me, will bind us together beyond infinity
Nikkie Jan 2021
When it’s real you can feel it, like hard raindrops spanking your skin.
You lay back in your comfortable resting spot, and cover yourself with their spirit alive.
You take a deep breath, because it feels so good;
inhaling mutual passion that’s well understood.
They shine bright like northern lights, intensity growing stronger than the highest fahrenheit.
They have your heart buried in their soul; you dig deep within and lose gentle control.
Pure essence exudes from their eyes, you feel their fear of uncertainty,
you sense the pain of their broken past and pray to God this is built to last.
Eyes that see a special connection, two hearts growing stronger in some special direction.
The embrace you shared can still be felt, the look, the stare, the deep embrace,
the heat that impedes your personal space.
No need for kisses (not just yet); but then again,
you both have needs that are destined to be met.
When it’s real you see inside their soul, wanting to hold them close and not let go.
Who are you kidding, the connection is there; when it’s real you can feel it everywhere!
Hands that touch, eyes that see, a heart pumping love blood abundantly.
A sense of completion because this is real,
we both feel the desire of this *** appeal.
Nikkie Jan 2021
As I look at the sky; I can see the immense beauty of God’ great love.
Nothing can top what God can do. I want to be a part of God’s family.
I want to sit next to Jesus and shoot the breeze.
I want to bow down to my Savior and give him constant praise for being in my life.
Can you imagine what God will look like; can you imagine the magnitude of how beautiful heaven undoubtedly is?
I think about that all the time, heaven, earth, God, Jesus.  I even think about the devil.  I know that God is good; I know that Jesus is good!  With all the goodness before me, the devil has no place in my life.
I can almost see the beautiful image of Jesus; he reaches down and grabs my hands, takes me into his arms and gives me the most loving embrace that I’ve ever experienced. He is proud of me; he is pleased with the life that I’ve chosen to live.
I bow down to my King, I thank him for his glory, and I praise him for always being my Lord of Lords.
There is no other type of love that can surpass the love I have for God.
Even when I’m at my weakest, God is with me, holding me up and whispering in my ear that everything will be just fine.  
I worry too much, much more than a child of God should.
God holds my battles within his hands and blocks his child from all hurt, harm and danger.
I don’t know what heaven looks like.  But I want to do all I can to find out!  I want to walk through the beautiful valleys, talking to Jesus, laughing and asking him do you remember when?  
I want to be there, breaking bread with my King, I want to be the child of God that I know I can be.

Can You Imagine?
Love, Jesus, Heaven, God, Savior, Christ
Nikkie Jan 2021
My heart overflows with love for you.
I can’t describe what you do to me on the inside.
You are the only being on earth who reaches inside
of me, and touches the tip of my heart with your soul.

How on earth can this type of love feel the way it does?
I can’t breath, I can’t see, I can’t even reason.
But yet, I can breath, I can see, I can even reason.
You make me feel a love so deep, I cannot describe it.

This type of love isn’t possible, yet I know that it is,
because I feel it for you.
Time stands still when you and I are together.
Almost as if distance never set us apart.

When I’m in pain, you know to call, you
seem to know when I need you most.
There must be an invisible bond that
connects us still, just like it did when we were together.

This type of love is scary for me, I never felt anything
like this before.  We don’t even have to say anything,
our love comes out in the air; it comes out of our pores.
The love surrounding us is like tension in the room, you
can’t see it, but you sure as hell can feel it, and it feels good too!
Seeing you, the real you when I look into your eyes,
cements the bond that connects our souls.
I don’t think that I will ever stop loving you.
You are my destiny; I can feel it in my soul…mate
Nikkie Jan 2021
This was a complete shock to my system.
I wasn’t ready to leave my family, I wasn’t ready to leave my friends.
It was way too soon for me to leave, and It was way too early for my eyes to close.
I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t sick, I wasn’t ready to give up yet.
I see your faces, I see those tears, I laugh at those stories that you share so dear.
I am the beam of light shining high above you,
I am your reflection when you look in the mirror.
Before you close your eyes to pray, sleep peacefully with my love inside.
Look up to the stars and see me shine.
I am way beyond that better place, I am high above where life continues.
God’s promised will has been officially done,
I have transitioned to a beautiful place!
Don’t be so angry, don’t stay sad, don’t shelter yourself from God’s great love.
Most of all you have to forgive, not for my sake I’ m doing just fine.
Not for your sake because you’ll see me again.
But for the sake of him that took me away, forgiveness will keep you close to
Forgiveness will bring you out of your agony.
It may take some time for you to heal, but rest assured I am always near.
It’s incomprehensible the beauty I see, before me here on this other side of life.
It’s the very thing we’ve all talked about, to go to heaven and meet the Lord.
My life on earth may be over now, but my eternal life has just begun.
What can I say I am with the King, it may be incomprehensible to you right
now as to why I had to leave so soon.
My mission on earth has been fulfilled, I have crossed the mighty
River of Jordan.
I have crossed my path of least resistance.
I have won a battle that you thought I’d lost.
Family of mine I love you deeply, I won all the innings,
but I fumbled this quarter. Yet I’ve tackled the enemy
who thought he was worth, the life he stole in a cowardly way.
I’ve won the ultimate round of life and Glory to God I have taken my place!
It’s incomprehensible that life is so short, but family and friends I’ll see you again.
You’ve seen how bright the sun can shine, you’ve seen how big the moon can be covering the earth abundantly.
It’s incomprehensible how things just happen,
but our God remains in total control. My victory was won
a long time ago, I am just now getting MY crown of gold.
God is truly amazing y’all, just know that my help came from the Lord.
It was just my time to seek my place and embrace the tenderness of his wondrous embrace.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I had to realize you didn’t care.
A part of me thought that you would always be there.
You made me cry I didn’t think that that would be possible, but it was because you did it to me.
You introduce me to your mother, you introduced me to the rest of your family!
How could you tell me that I was the one, then leave me out in the cold like you picked me up on the corner?
That night we took the picture together, people said that we were made for each other. They saw love in both our eyes.
But you were a coward, but you were a liar,  but you were fickle, I thought you were a man, but I found out all to broken heartedly so,  that you were a broken man that took away my dream of you! *******!
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