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 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
I don't know what love is
I just know how to take people inside
with their delicate shivers waiting to be seen
I let them use me like a stranger,
like a pillar, like a craw scare,
like a gentle touch , like forgotten certainty
I undress their dying souls in my silence
I remain in the hurt
I struggle  to spare the blinded of my words
only because there is a girl
I cannot let go
with her wonder eyes
carrying the river of blood
or dreaming of the brightness
of the others might

I don't know what love is
I only know the shape of my heart
with every man
with every woman
I recognize inside
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that ultraviolence*
Lana Del Rey

only you can explode gentle supernovas
in my hands
when the space is forever expanding
between us
until the night comes out of its womb
my heart is brimming with gratitude
for the gift of new life

as tiny hands grasp my fingers
and I listen to tiny breaths
I feel my heart filling with joy and thanks
for the ability to love and be loved

may new life begin in me,
so I may keep welcoming life

thank you for helping me walk though the darkness,
so I can bask in the light now

there is an inner light that lives in me and
in the life of this little one that I hold
The only words that rises to my lips are
"thank you I love you"
Thoughts of a new father grateful he survived times of depression, suicide attempts, an unspiritual life, to now able to live a life filled with gratitude and not resentments and fears.
Cut your teeth
on gasoline,
white lies, small death
and saccharine.

Hollow chests,
empty smiles.
thoughts and hearts
will stop a while.

Cold hands,
cold hearts.
we're dangerous children
with poisonous darts.
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
Aligned to unite
With others who lost their way
It’s a mess we perceived
To those in dismay
These lines create dreams 
For the broken
For the ones never spoken-
Of Love & Courage

Conjuring up notions of time
Structuring of desires preludes
To pursue what’s lost 
To preach and beseech truth
Faith denotes eternally
Surviving pain and deceit
What speaks only bleeds
To fabricate amity

Not fazed by power
But to denote greed
Greed of Love & Passion
Exhaling Hate & Deception
To succor the pillar of fate
To exist in this factual state

Your heart's a fragile thing. 
Everyone’s heart is. 
Don’t ever contaminate hatred
Contaminate love instead.
We're only humans. We're not perfect.
We come in different colours.
Don't hate on things/someone you don't know.
Don't erase a race/religion with intent of hate
Contaminate love instead.
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
A seven deadly sin.
Always tormenting me.

She is a beauty. Blonde effortless straight hair radiating sun and glowing endlessly. Soft brown eyes that warm the heart. It must be hard to resist. Since the days have begun to chill the body and the nights seem to chill the soul.

Me, I have brown hair traced with hints of pale gold. My eyes are hazel and contrast my newly pale skin. I am dark and mysterious.

Your ties are renewed
and the slight touch of her fingers tracing your back or the ends of your hair running through her fingers is an instant stab to my chest. My lungs are shutting down and the cold air makes it hard.

I am not like the sun.
I'm cold, distant, and a mistake.
I am a waste of time and effort.

It was never my intention to place you in harms way.
Enlisting your heart to trouble after we kissed on that precious day.
As time elapsed, my heart took a moment to understand.
You were portraying your earnest emotions subtly then crass.

The turmoil you must’ve felt during the time you kept to yourself…
Causing you to experience agonizing despair while delving into mournful swells…
Find it in your heart to forgive these third degree burns.
For it was never my intention to crucify your kind soul.

My love yearns to romanticize unhurriedly,
Seducing passionately while intimately feeding the soul so fluidly.
Is it too much to ask for an amorous exploration?
For what is love without a genuine vibration?

If *** is all you seek,
Be explicitly direct; don’t play games that will cause deceit.
Otherwise, in the end, ambivalent emotions will prevail.
Crafting a false sense of endearment that will soon be too much for you to bear.

I once journeyed to a crucible of love and hate.
Traveling far beyond the unfathomable depths of heartache.
Hopelessly exiled to endure the slowest of brutalizing pains;
A light was discovered, allowing the abhorrence to dissipate.

By: Michael M. De La Fuente
 Nov 2014 Michael Amery
I ache to trace the scars you've hid so well beneath your skin
   To feast on the nightmares that plague your sleep
Let my hunger satiate deprivation
       So that you may get an honest nights rest
   and tell me all about the good dreams you had

I want to know all the curves to your body
         and what makes them come alive
So that on days you're feeling dead
       I can help bring you back to life

Let me entwine my fingers into the curled strands of your hair
       And tangle them there for as long as you let me

Oh please let me do it for a long time

      I want to know you without borders

     over coffee and books we have read
         Books we want to read
     Books that weren't worth reading
            Books the other should read

And more coffee

Always more coffee so we can stay awake
For every moment that we share without borders

I want to sit with you in silence,

                 .             .             .

Look over and see you smiling with the pout of your lips
                   Like your dangerous
        And I'm asking for it
I'll always be asking for it

Without borders I would lean across the world
Just to hear your laughter
           And hold your hand in mine
              If only to feel your touch
                            Just once

      *Watch the sun saunter off into the horizon
      And the stars begin to shine
      As the moon lights up the sky
      In a world without borders
      I could be yours
      And you could be mine
Don't compliment me,
I might start thinking I'm worth something.
I have to stop writing 10 words and
actually write a **** poem or two.
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