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 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
I remember the first night we kissed
The feeling of fireworks
Erupting on my lips
Of electricity pulsing through your fingertips
Tracing down my hips
To the curves of my spine
The standstill of time
As your eyes looked deeply into mine
And you drew the words i love you with your hot breath
And stamped them
Beneath my rib cage.
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
I don't want to *******.
No, I want to be the midnight air
seeping into your pores,
witness the horrors
of your mind
and make them no more
I wish to row,
gently down your stream
of consciousness
and to arrive safely
at the solutions
to all your heart's
and hope to God
that I am one of them.

I'll make love to you,
if you want to, too,
or lie silent in the night,
syncing heartbeats,
never touching you.

But I don't want to *******.

I want to set sail to your words,
to conquer the ebb and ride the flow,
establishing allies and vanquishing foes

I want to know the history
of every mystery
that you find compelling,
to correct your m̶i̶s̶p̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶  misspellings.

To be the lyrics to your favorite song
to be the sunrise when the nights get long
Yes, I long to be the object of your sideways looks
and to sleep between the pages of your favorite books

To stare in admiration at your eyes
like constellations
and wish on every star
to know every part of who you are

To have my sun-baked skin
be consumed by the waves
on the curves of your face

To trace and map
every landmark
on your effervescent skin
and be the nervous sweat
that clings to it

I want to let your strong lungs intake me
and let your cool air sustain me
and pray that you might save me
a spot in your heart

I wish to start pulling your mind's
fibers and wires
and to start a fire
under your frozen tongue
and be the unsung hero
who rescues you from yourself.
I want to silence your loudest thoughts
and embrace your silent tears
and I want to make this clear:

I do not want to *******.

I want to be inside you.
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
I catch your cologne on the breeze
A sea of faces but none are looking for me
Olfactory memories are like that of elephants. Amidst hundreds, thousands of people that are not you, I can still smell your smile weaved through.
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
Your lucid skin stretched itself tight across your cold protruding bones
And you, you'd spent years building up and tearing down the homes
Others had helped you to construct in your heart
you'd spent decades practicing and perfecting the art
of destroying your foundations
and crying
as you watched yourself
fall apart
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
you were dust before i held you
and your memories were tainted
before we fell through
the cavities of each others hearts.
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