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  Dec 2019 MSunspoken
Grace Haak
nostrils flared
can't believe I ever cared
fists clenched
drenched in rage
now on a completely new page
I erupt
but those around
remind me that I am
just a sparkler
not a fire
and so my anger must retire
good riddance
I'll be dancing
dressed in silver
matching the stars
MSunspoken Dec 2019
Curse on the soul-
An impending wrecking ball
A deep deep hole
Closing you in
Leaving nowhere to go

It’s a ride or die
You decide your fate
Ride the tide
Or get buried in its wake

Nobody can simply ignore
That missing piece-
But you were naive
And at the time you didn’t know
That if you let your heart grow too far
It will  rip and leave you wanting more
MSunspoken Dec 2019
A crisp night
Illuminated with the oncoming excitement
A jolly season all in all
Creates an ignorance great enough to fill the world with joy
And create shadows on the truth
To mask any horrid feelings
For -anyone that may be feeling down
Wll be excluded from all the glory-
And so nobody hears it
And they all ignore the drops-
Of crystals into the sky
As the moon sobs high above
Only able to watch everything unfold
While everyone is cheery
And shouting in happiness
They forget the oncoming troubles
That will create a massacre great enough to shroud all hope
Of a Merry Christmas
MSunspoken Dec 2019
Will the light of reality wake you up
Or make you turn over and fall deeper into your dreams
MSunspoken Dec 2019
Walking through the dunes
Of this deserted island-
Stopping for nothing
Couldn’t even if I wanted
there are monsters creeping
Snakes who pretend to be sleeping
Right until you step near-
And they’ll bite with a vengeance
So blaming, blaming
How could they dare!
My actions are justified
No matter the tear
Don’t look at me like that
I’m not like the others
I walk with one purpose-
to escape from this prison
An isolated place
So different from the rest
It welcomes you in
But you may never escape
Like the jaws of a lion
Or a decision you made
Such as continuing on-
Can you ever stop?
And as you try to climb, the mounds of sand so high
you slip and fall
Will you keep trying at all?
Of course
But you’ll break from the exertion
Yet you continue climbing
Knowing soon will be your end
But why  not play the game of the land
And sink all the others-
It’s Simply because you don’t want to know
The ***** ways of the snake
And the consequences of the show
So you trudge on with ignorance
And live in your beautiful bliss
That is until it hits you-
Reality that is
I won't reveal the personal story behind this, but the point is pretty clear.
This will be interpreted differently, depending on one's experience, but I hope that for at least one person, they find the tone to be happy rather than  somber.
MSunspoken Dec 2019
relishing in the happiness of my peers
And drowning in their sorrows-
Sympathy always has been risky
But I know nothing else to follow
Take another’s kindness-
And put it on display
So it can grow bigger with time
And set someone’s path on replay

Make a  friend, share another
No matter the cost-
Don’t let anyone feel at a loss

Show your feelings-
As you will take in others
And connect with those around you
Without remorse

Look at everyone-
Always as if for the first time
Using an eye of wisdom
To tell of their time
I look beyond to see one's true self with clarity-
And never look down on those who glare at me
Because all I seek in a world of pure hatred-
Is at least one shred of pure amity
This is for someone who I feel is unappreciated. She is so kind to others, and I never see her expecting much of anyone in return. I can only hope she doesn't become plagued by the people around her over time.
MSunspoken Dec 2019
Have you ever wanted-
To fall and land on your feet
To let your shadows creep into the light
To open your arms and scream to the world-
“At least I try!”

A dream is a knife
Your thoughts for a grip
And your feelings the blade -
You cut yourself up, piece by piece
Until there’s only a broken face

Are you ever glad you wandered?
This abyss is eternity
One less step, and you could’ve had everything
Everything but yourself-
But what’s that when you are all you have

Plucking a rose takes guts-
You must know the danger
As you pluck the flower of lust
Even though it may be the fairest flower
The drop of a petal can result in your ultimate shatter

You trip up on every step
Your life is broken by your sins
Your heart is shattered with your ignorance
Your personality means nothing, since everyone left
Have you ever wanted to know how else things could’ve went?
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