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Jul 2019 · 375
LanceSkiies Jul 2019
A dollar and dream is all I have
Is it enough to make you stay?
A dollar and a dream is all I have

I'm here for a reason and so are you
Out of a billion people, it's not lost on me we are in this room
There is more than what meet the eyes between you and I

Us, it's always been us
You and I
A team
Which carries no "I" but certainly promotes "Me"
Is this why you chose you and left "me?"

If you asked me, I have no regrets
I told you what to expect
Long nights, trials and crosses
A man on a mission but it'll take time
Many steps to Mile and I guess this is where you get off
Jul 2019 · 331
LanceSkiies Jul 2019
Am I wrong for wanting more?
For not settling for less
Knowing I can earn way way more?
Am I wrong?
To be a free
To have a piece of mind not tied by the chains of mankind

Am I wrong for chasing impossible dreams?
When you are what you believe
And your beliefs are your thoughts

Your insecurities are my strength
Your fears are my bravery
I am an Admiral and the world's my navy
So I'll go far and wide
Until I'm no more
Until my dying breath
I'll fight
Craving my own path
Alorica is the name of Call Center in Jamaica.
Oct 2018 · 377
Back Again
LanceSkiies Oct 2018
Time goes on and I'm back again
I said I'd be back again
I Told You
I Told You
*****, I Told You
I'd be the man
And I'm the man

And you?
You're stagnant like a lake
Once a man now a BOY
And I'm the one that

360ed my life into paradise
While you 180ed back to poverty
Foolish pride
You died for yours
While I swallowed mine
And it's all worthwhile

Now I'm back
Drop top, windows down
Cruising pass the ends
Guess who's hugging the block?
I wave without a second glance
Cause that's the last you'll see of me
But you'll hear of me conquering the world like Cesar.

It is what it is.
Sep 2018 · 323
ANother DaY
LanceSkiies Sep 2018
A drop of light ripples through the waters of darkness
Deep breath
Deep breath
Eyes coming to like a newborn

A new day
4:47 glaring red
As the clock resets on life
It's another day.

Thoughts for the morning.
Sep 2018 · 5.8k
LanceSkiies Sep 2018
I'll be here for infinity x infinity
A penchant for curves like cursives
I say it in my verses
Vocab too wide for curses
Don't like likes
Fingers to whoever dislike
Like a vlogger: share, comment, and like
Oh yeah, subscribe
Fun, I prescribe
Right on time
Better late than never
Man of the hour
Original with the flavour
Chocolate and Vanilla
Black and grey
If you're too slow to comprehend
No résumé
No references
DIY my title says
Fickle fools play 'Simon Says'
Press remotes don't change but
Batteries can be replaced all the same
God - like
Holier - than - thou; Pope's attitude, beg for mercy
Self - driven, self - motivated
Ministering like Osteen
Light and dark
Yin & Yang
Angel or demon I can be
High off life
Limitless, no pills
I'm probably ill
Well it's my will
To count millions in $100 bills
Like ice, I chill
That's me, trill
And that's that
Suh bill

This one was whatever came to thought.
Sep 2018 · 348
LanceSkiies Sep 2018
I can feel the changes
The ebbs and flow of time

Time moves on
Even if I don't
Life and death lies in the constant of the universe
Rich or poor we're bound by
Inevitable, our stars can't change our faith

Someone once said, "life is an illusion and time is real"
Possibly, we're all living a lie
Probably, our essence is in searching for the truth
Whatever that maybe
Nonetheless, time goes on
And I'm trying to find mine
Before it's time.

Aug 2018 · 266
LanceSkiies Aug 2018
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Where I'll be someday
I can't say
Where I'll go
I don't know
Endless directions
Limited options

Can't freeze, can't stall
No time to waste a tall
Obstacles to over come
Walls to be destroyed

I can't say, where I'll be
And I don't know when I'll leave
My hope, it's on my terms
Aug 2018 · 250
LanceSkiies Aug 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018

G - R - E - A - T
Above Average
An Ace; better than the rest
Simply, the best

Age is respected
Achievement is revered
And, greatness is  based of one's level of success
And, dreams don't become reality unless  you wake
And fortune favours the brave
Therefore, greatness, is a brave risk.

Aug 2018 · 216
LanceSkiies Aug 2018
Carry on, carry on
You, carry on, don't stop
Carry on, carry on,
No breaks, carry on, carry on
Life is restless, death, still
Will yourself, move forward  
Carry on, carry on
Until your final breath
Carry on.

Aug 2018 · 209
LanceSkiies Aug 2018

Part |

Technology, seems to be our life
Our DNA stored on drives
Waiting to be uploaded online.

Part ||

Reals live forever  
Fakes shall be exposed
Souls trapped, in screens and boards.

Part |||

Jon Bellion
Humans' interactions - All Time Low
A conversationalist, exist no more.


— The End —