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Apr 2016 · 3.3k
"Clouds of Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
I feel your love so close to me,
   while looking at the sky;
I sense your watching me right now
   as soft clouds roll on by!

No fear at all within my life,
   like Eagle in the wind;
I know you're always by my side,
   on You I can depend!

Although I fall away sometimes,
   with sins you must abhor;
I feel the devil tug at me,
   as waves tug at the shore!

I've seen your mercy in my life,
   sun shining down in rays;
My sins are all forgiven now,
   as moonlight turns to day!

I feel You working in my life,
   slight touch of guiding Hand;
I know You're present here with me,
   see footprints in life's sand!

I know You've never left me once,
   as lightning danced around;
I've felt so safe within Your arms,
   such peace and love I've found!

You fill my heart with joy each day,
   You take away all pain;
I feel Your love wash over me,
   like standing in the rain!

I thank You Lord for saving me,
   for guidance from above;
I know I'll live my life for You,
   tucked under clouds of love!
Apr 2016 · 483
"Something About Grace"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
There's something 'bout My God's dear grace,
Where peace and love abound
Once deep in sin, He rescued me
Once lost but now I'm found!
He died for us so long ago
Our sins to all forgive
He bore our burdens on that cross,
He died so we could live!
God sent His Son right down to earth
A man like you and me
He felt the pain of martyr's death
On hill called Calvary!
A short time later after death
My Jesus rose again,
A perfect sign of second chance
Since rescued from my sin!
He plucked me out and gave me life
He's filled my soul with joy
I once was blind, but now I see
How sin was Satan's ploy!
I have no fear to leave this earth
As death has lost it's sting
Now I can't wait since I've been found
To hear those Angels sing!
I know My Lord is coming soon,
Can't wait to leave this place,
A Heavenly joy now fills my soul
All thanks to God's dear grace!
Apr 2016 · 878
"All My Dreams"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
In these moments I've spent here
I've thought about my life
I realized all I've put you through
The sorrow, pain and strife!
I'm sorry dear I have to say
I've caused so many tears
No matter what, you stood by me
So strong for all these years!
I don't deserve a girl like you
A blessing all my own
I can't imagine living one day
Without you and alone!
You've often made the hard times pale
Those times that seemed so bleak
You stayed so strong and fought so hard
Those days I'd fallen weak!
I'll never find the words to say
How much your true love means
You're on my mind and in my heart
You're filling up my dreams!
I've prayed I'd find you all my life
I'd almost given in
Now that I've got you to myself
Won't ever lose again!
You're every thing I'll ever want
You're all my dreams come true
My life now makes such perfect sense
Since moment I found you!
Apr 2016 · 320
"Fortress of Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
You'll never find a love like mine
   from sea to shining sea;
So as I wrap you in my arms,
   don't think at all, just breathe!

Breathe in my love I'm showing you-
   you'll never be without,
My love will never leave your side;
   my love will never doubt!

When often trials come  our way,
   I'll hold you in my arms;
You'll be so safe right here with me,
   all life from any harm!

You'll wake up every morning to
   sweet words said in your ear;
I'll tell you how I'll be right here
   relieving all your fears!

I'll never let another hurt
   or tear our love apart;
I'll be so strong defending you
   as the keeper of your heart!

Now as we travel on down life's road,
   I'll help you to believe,
My love is not a word just spoke,
   but actions you'll receive!

I know quite well where I belong,
   I'll be here as your King;
In this fortress of my love for you,
   my princess and my queen!
Apr 2016 · 393
"Love Swells"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
First ripples then waves
  that wash away sand;
The way that my loves grown,
   since taking your hand!

It started so simple,
   t'was only a kiss;
Yet broke free when I fell,
   and turned into this!

It's more than true love,
   yes, far more than that;
It's more like a mountain
   that started out flat!

It formed from a small thing,
   a soft spoken word;
With just an "I love you",
   but somehow absurd!

T'was nothing real massive,
   yet felt just so right;
When I fell in love
   with you at first sight!
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
"Second Chance at Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Your lying here right by my side
Wrapped snugly in my arms
Your sleeping sound just knowing that
I'll keep you safe from harm!
You make me feel like Hercules
Or strong as superman
Cause when life gets a little tough
You leave it to my plan!
I'll always hold you tight and safe
I'll stick to you like glue
You ever feel a bit alone,
Just look, I'm here for you!
I took my place right by your side
Just on our wedding day
I promised you I'd honor you
In each and every way!
I know I've let you down some times-
Forgive me for the past
Just give me one more chance to build
A love to always last!
It won't take long to prove to you
I'll never leave again
I'll stand with you and hold you tight
From now till very end!
So as you lay right here beside
Lost only in your dreams
Know I'll  be here through all our life
And show what true love means!
Apr 2016 · 260
"Just Us In Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
With you beside me here tonight,
   the day is all but done.
Our bodies intertwined so tight,
   our hearts beat soft as one!

I cant begin to tell you now
   how much you mean to me;
A love that spans beyond all loves
   from sea to shining sea!

If pictured in the finest book,
   suns rays break through the trees;
If love could ever have a scent,
   it'd be of ocean breeze!

If Webster could define this love,
   no words would be enough.
It's best described in picture form -
   a photo just of us!

So can you start to see it now;
   what true love really means?
Most people never find it once,
   some only in their dreams!

I tell you oft, I love you dear,
   I hope I've made it known ,
I'd never live another day,
   without you and alone!
Mar 2016 · 397
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
So what in the world does true love mean
And how is love best shown
A gift to love in life each day,
Be sure you make it known!
It starts with "L" for laughing a lot
Don't spend your life so sad
Just keep it light, enjoy each day,
Don't ever leave her mad!
Up next is "O" for observing her,
Just watch her everyday
She'll soak up all your attention then
Your eyes won't ever stray!
The "V" stands for total vigilance
Always work on showing love
Don't ever let your passion lapse,
Show it's her you're dreaming of!
And lastly "E" stands for everything
Show her what she's truly worth
Let her know she's all you ever need
Or want upon this earth!
So let's re-cap, just Laugh a lot
Observe her everyday
Be Vigilant that she feels your love
In Everything you say!
This spells out "LOVE" that a real man has
To show best to his wife,
He gives her all each and everyday-
She stands by him through life!
Mar 2016 · 921
"Beneath His Wings"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Everytime I think about,
  what My Gods done for me;
The more I give my life to Him,
  more mercy I can see!

It blows my mind to think how long,
  I ran the other way;
Thank God, My Shepherd found this sheep,
  This one that went astray!

He called my name, then brought me in,
  from sinful life I lived;
He talked to me and paved the way,
  My sins to ALL forgive!

Now each new step I take in life,
  My Lord now close beside;
He walks with me each night and day;
  He matches every stride!

Such joy and grace I've came to know,
  since God came in my soul;
Such hapiness and peace I have,
  Since giving Him control!

When now in life the hard times come,
  His arms are open wide;
He gives me shelter in those arms,
  A loving place to hide!

Now looking toward my Heavenly home,
  since death has lost it's sting;
I'm sheltered now from all life's storms,
  Beneath My Saviour's Wing!!
So here it is a brand new week, a whole new week of love, adventure and blessings, as well as a whole new week of trials and struggles. The greatest thing about being one of His Children is that in good times and especially in those hard or stormy times of life, we have a special place we can go to for shelter and protection! A place we can rest in the peace God's Love brings as well as a safe place to regain our strength to face what comes next in life! You too can find solace here beneath My Saviour's Wings!
Mar 2016 · 421
"Heavenly Design"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Why not stop and take a moment
  Just to think what we'll behold
When we all go Home to Heaven
  Earthly beauty times ten fold!
Picture highest snow-capped mountain
  Eagle soaring high and free
Valleys full of richest fragrance
  Sky as far as eye can see!
Picture canyon's rocky faces
  Water rushing down below
Vast expanse of earthly desert
  Cooling winds begin to blow!
Picture ocean's rippling water
  Salty waves upon the sand
Islands far beyond the breakers
  Skies horizon meets the land!
Picture vast expanse of night sky
  Million stars all shining bright
Watch a yearling take it's first steps
  Baby bird just taking flight!
Picture rich and greenest pasture
  Brook meandering as it wills
Storm clouds gathering in the distance
  Lightning dances in the hills!
Picture all this times ten million
  Then in Heaven you will find
That My God has kept His best for
  His Own Heavenly Design!
Have you ever stopped to think if God put so much care in the beauty of His earthly creations, what more does He have in store for us in His Own Heavenly design?
Mar 2016 · 647
"Heaven's Jubilee"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
My God went there, prepared a Home
A mansion in the sky
What glory and splendor we'll behold
The very day we die!
We'll all rise up when trumpet sounds
To take Our Saviour's Hand
He'll guide us Home right through those clouds
To Home in Beulah Land!
We'll stop in awe at massive gates
Huge pearls swing open wide
That's but the entrance to our Home
Go on now, step inside!
Your mouth will drop right when you see
The sights of Glory Land
When beauty melds with Heaven's sound
Of Angels in His band!
Take in the sights, soak up the sounds
And stroll down streets of gold
But watch real close 'cause soon you'll see
Your loved ones there to hold!
Now grab their hands and don't lose pace
There's so much more to see
You've yet to meet Him face to face
  My Lord, The Prince of Peace!
These words can't even start to show
What glory that will be
That moment when those trumpets sound
From Heaven's Jubilee!
Are you looking for that day? Are you prepared? What will you think when we finally hear Heaven's Jubilee?
Mar 2016 · 475
"Scars to Bars"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Yes He'll bend and try to break me,
   yet with strength I will not fold;
As Job said it in The Scriptures,
   "I will come forth as gold!"
He'll put me through life's fires,
   He'll hold my feet to flame;
Yet that which doesn't break me
   Will help me bear the pain!

He'll take some loved ones from me,
   my broken heart so sad;
He'll see me through those troubled times
   with gentle guiding hand!

Oh yes, My Lord knows just what's best,
   He's always in control;
And just when seems He left me there,
   Such strength and peace He'll show!

At times He'll give us crosses,
   each one of us to bear;
But if we leave them at His feet,
   true mercy He will share!

My God's the Master of everything,
   He'll turn your life around;
Since now I've give my ALL to Him
   True peace and love I've found!

Although I still face trials in life,
   with God I'm standing bold-
He now has turned my scars of past,
   to shiny bars of gold!!
At times we all have went astray at some point in our lives, some of us far more than others. We now have a choice to return to the past sins or turn our scars of the past into brands of a survivor!
Mar 2016 · 448
"One Day"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
You've gone on before me
   I'm feeling so down
Though one day in Heaven
   I'll see you around
We'll shout out with singing
   On Heaven's bright shore
With you in my arms
  Together once more!
We'll praise My Dear Saviour
   And look on His face
Together we'll thank Him
   For His love and grace
Our hearts will be mended
    Our sorrows all gone
With you right beside me
    All crying is done.
We'll walk through the Heavens
    On streets of pure gold
We'll have perfect bodies
   To hug and to hold.
We'll sit and just listen
   To Heavenly Band
We'll gather our crowns
   With Jesus we'll stand
We'll cross through that river
   Our mansions we'll see
To hold you forever
   What glory will be!
I now live each day for
   That moment just when
Those trumpets will sound
   And I'll see you again!!
When one of our loved ones goes to Heaven before us or before what we feel is "their time to go", so many times Christians get bitter at God with the pain of grief and loss.  Even though it hurts beyond words, we can rest in the thought that with the Gift of Salvation, we are only apart for a short time. Yes one day soon we will see our loved ones walking pain and sorrow free beyond those Heavenly gates of Glory! God has given me these words about this thought. I pray that you too can find some comfort in these words:
Mar 2016 · 346
"All Because of Him"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
It's all because My Saviour lives
I once was lost but now forgiven
When on that Cross He bore my sins
Then woke from dead now He is risen!
It's all because My Jesus saves
He reached in sin, loosed Satan's binds
He pulled me out the Devil's grip
So now I live by His design!
It's all because He can forgive
That now I've got a second chance
To walk with Him each night and day
No matter what the circumstance!
It's all because My God is there
To catch me every time I fall
He stood by me as sin I trod,
He'll stand by me at judgement call!
It's all because My Saviour bled
He washed away my every sin
He picked me up and rescued me
Now to live each day for Him!
It's all because My Jesus knows
Each weak or faltered step I take
He holds me up and strengthens me
As now I live for His Name's sake!
It's all because My Saviour cares
He's gone before, prepared my Home
My heart He's filled with so much joy
Just thinking 'bout that place I'll roam!
It's all because My Jesus loves
He leads me, guides us and forgives
He makes me want to shout and sing-
"It's ALL because MY SAVIOUR LIVES!"
Mar 2016 · 335
"Gem of Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
The words "true love" can mean so much
If loving that right girl
She'll turn your nights to sunny days
She'll rock your whole wide world!
Her love is like vast rolling hills
Grass blowing in the breeze
The scent of springtime wafting in
To set your mind at ease!
Her strength is like a lightning bolt
Loud crash of thunderous roar,
The power behind a mighty breeze
An  anchor cast on shore!
Her beauty so magnificent
Like mountains capped with snow
As suns horizon meets the land
A sunsets peaceful glow!
Her touch, a soft and tender touch
A drop of gentle rain
It brings such joy into your heart
Her touch can ease sheer pain!
Her hearts so full of tenderness
It beats to show her love
A precious package sent to me
From Heavenly Father above!
So now you see how rich I am,
In love I've got the world!
Since finding her I have it ALL-
My gem, My precious pearl!
Mar 2016 · 578
"Angels From Above"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's certain people God sends down
  To bless us here on earth
Although you may not see them there
  They've watched 'ore you since birth!

They're often times just standing 'round
  So close right by your side
You'll never know they're standing there
  Can't see them if you tried!

They're hidden all around your world
  The average "Joe" they seem
You'll never see them casting spells
  Or popping up in dreams!

They don't have massive sets of wings
  Or mutant ways to fly
They don't  appear from thinnest air
  Or warp up in the sky!

They're human just like you and me
  With such a simple task
They follow best My God's design
  Do everything He asks!

You'll feel their presence when at times
  He needs a helping hand
A human touch to show His love
  To us, a mortal man!

Those special people in your life,
  A touch of God's own love
Those special friends He sends to us,
  His Angels from above!!
As each one of us run life's race, there are people God has placed all along the "racetrack of life" to encourage us in our weak moments, help us up when we fall, and even cheer us on as we are doing well. Whether we see them there or not, they have been there all along. I thank God for these family, friends and loved ones He has blessed me with. Each one are truly Angels from Above!
Mar 2016 · 487
"No Tomorrow"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
What will your loved one feel just when
Your last day here is done?
Will she know you always loved her
If tomorrow never comes?
Do you often leave her wondering when
Your walking out the door?
Does she really know you loved her or
She's not at all quite sure?
Don't you think she often questions when
She sleeps alone at night?
When the last time that you saw her was
When last you'd had a fight?
Please don't ever take for granted just
How much you love your wife,
Not a one of us are promised any
Moment next in life!
There's so many loved one's out there
Wished they had a bit more time
For to show her that they loved her or
To walk a different line!
Tell her now how much you love her
Hug and hold her very near
Cause there may not be a next time
'Fore your time of death is here!
Show her often she's your woman
Only one your dreaming of
She's your queen among no other
Only heart that you could love!!
Mar 2016 · 244
"To Be In Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Your love is far more beautiful
Than peaceful autumn days
Its quite a bit more brilliant
Than warm and sunny rays!
It's so much far more wonderful
Than eagle soaring high
It's more than pleasant to behold
Than soft clouds rolling by!
Oh yes your love is far more rich
Than all the gold on earth
It'd blow the minds of anyone
To see your loves real worth!
It feels far more than good to me
I've felt it from the start
As you've broken down the walls I'd made
You've softened hardest heart!
It's hard to say when someone asks
Just how does true love feel
I can't explain with any words
This feeling that's so real!
I wished that everyone could feel
This feeling of true love
The closest thing to Heaven on earth
As sent from God above!
It's more than just astounding
This feeling that's so true,
It's more than just amazing
To be in love with you!
Mar 2016 · 373
"Last Dance"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's times I feel I cannot live
A life without you here
It's times I feel I'm by myself
Alone - my biggest fear!
Without you here beside me now
I feel I can't go on
I now can see how this days come
I've lived my life all wrong!
I never realized what I had
I wished I'd given more,
It hit me quick that moment when
You walked right out that door!
You give me chance I'll make you proud
I'll two-step through my part
You hold on tight I'll rush right in
I'll waltz back in your heart!
It won't take long to prove to you
I learned from my mistakes
I'll focus on my one true love
All others I'll forsake!
So as I come with open arms
Don't leave me standing here
Just let me wrap you up for life
And show I love you dear!
I write these words to ask you now
Just give me one more chance
To hold you close to waltz with you
To have just one last dance!
Mar 2016 · 308
"Only One"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's something 'bout this love of yours
It leaves not one small doubt
It fills me up so full of glee
It makes me want to shout!
This special kind of love you give
So meaningful and true
It makes it so delightful
Just to spend my time with you!
It stands alone all by itself
It's love that stands so strong
You've shown with every word and deed
Each day that goes along!
Oh yes I feel it every hour
I never have to ask
It flows from you so easily
A love to always last!
When times I feel a bit alone
With love you made it clear
You'll never leave my side in life
You ease my every fear!
I thank you for your special love
A love like yours and mine
A love that happens only once
To stand all test of time!
This love you've shown me through my life
I know can only come
From heart that loves me without doubt
From one and only one!!
Mar 2016 · 252
"Pain From God"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I know My Jesus lets me feel
The feeling of some pain
If never once we felt sun's heat
We'd scoff at cool rain!
It's in those times we've fallen prey
To Devil's evil snare
My God will help us best just when
We turn to Him in prayer!
Such peace My God will fill you with
His love you'll soon admire
His blessing you'll enjoy much more
When tested by His Fire!
For pleasure's naught without some pain
A black sky without stars
Survivor's word is naught without
His branding made from scars!
There'd be no enemies without friends
No prices without costs
There'd be no triumph's without fails
No winners without loss!
As trials come and burdens seem
So broad and often vast
Just build a halo 'round your heart
All made from hurts of past!
So can you see the reason now
My God Himself made pain?
If times like this don't hurt so bad
Then pleasure'd be in vain!
Mar 2016 · 388
"Show You Forever"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I go through times near everyday
These moments that just when
I dream that day is finally here
To hold you once again!
It's not so long from now till then
It's just a bit more time
I'll be right there to wrap you in
These loving arms of mine!
So hold on tight just remain strong
My love is worth the wait
Just think ahead and plan it out
Let's both anticipate!
'Twill be so sweet when that time comes
Into these arms you'll run
I'll wrap you up and hold on tight
To forever be as one!
This love we share will last all life
Our bond still holding strong
Let's see it through till moment when
Our life on earth is done!!
I promise you I'll hold and keep
You always close to me
I'll show you I'm forever yours
To love you faithfully!
Mar 2016 · 2.4k
"Faithful Friends"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's one thing I must share with you,
I've learned I can depend
On certain people in my life,
My family and my friends!
I thank you for not judging me
As sin in life I trod
Instead you knelt and prayed that soon
I'd give my life to God!
I'm thankful that you stood by me
Through sorrow, pain and strife
You've never let me hurt alone
Not one time in my life!
I thank you for encouraging me
As Jesus worked on me
I hope that you now know down deep
I'll forever thankful be!
I'm thankful for the love you've shown
A blessing from above
A package that My God sent down
A taste of His own love!
I thank you for your prayers for me
For lifting up my name
Without your friendship in my life
I'd never be the same!
I'm thankful for best friends like you
On whom I now depend,
A special friendship sent from God,
My faithful lifetime friend!
Mar 2016 · 394
"Love Lease"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
If looking for your one true love
You'll know as their loves shown
You'll feel for once wrapped in their arms
You're finally home sweet home!
So open up your heart right now
I know you'll find such peace,
You'll never rent a space for love
To set your heart at ease!
Don't worry 'bout new furnishings
Bring only what you've got
'Cause since your heart has moved in here
I found I've got a lot!
Don't take your time, just come on now
You've got my heart rent free
I give my love now all to you
To be all I can be!
I've looked all life for special love
A love that's near divine
A precious love so hard to find
A love like yours and mine!
So now I give all willingly
You'll never have to pry
I'll show you best my love for you
A love you can't deny!
So get your things and move on in
And together life we'll roam
Just sign this lifetime lease of love
My heart is now your home!
Mar 2016 · 585
"Your Smile"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I never knew a heart could feel
The pleasure of a smile,
But since I saw your loving face
I've known it all the while!
You give me hope with each new breath
I take now in my life
You give me strength for fighting
All this sorrow, pain and strife!
You are a true example
Of what love is meant to be
You've always stood so bold and strong
A pillar next to me!
You fill my heart with happiness
You're willing to forgive,
Yes with your love beside me here
My life I'll gladly live!
You've shown me how to live for God
Walk with Him everyday
You've shown me how to talk with Him
While on your knees to pray!
So now you see you've changed my life
With brightness of your smile
I'll live my life protecting you
And go the extra mile!
My broken heart you've mended now
To live my life again,
You'll always be my one true love-
My lover and Best friend!
Mar 2016 · 273
"Your Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I've felt some moment here on earth
A sign of God above
He sent a blessing down to earth
Wrapped in your faithful love!
He showed me first a life without
A bit of love to feel
Then blessed me with your perfect love
This love i know is real!
I feel these special moments when
I see your joy and charm
I feel the presence of true love
Each time you're in my arms!
I take such pride each time you reach
To grab me in your sleep
It makes me feel you need me there
To hold you,watch and keep!
I've felt your love empower me
As time has rolled along
I've seen you face great trials for me
While standing bold and strong!
I pray my Lord will show me how
To love you in return
I pray He'll show the best way how
In love to always learn!
I can't explain just what it's like
To feel this feeling of-
The best example known to man
All packaged in your love!
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
"Heavenly Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I've never found a love like yours
Here's what your love is worth
You share a love that's far past good
A hint of Heaven on earth!
I'm filled so full of emotions now
Just heard your voice again
Each time I hear that precious sound
I feel my heart give in!
You love me unconditionally
Through all mistakes I've  made
You pray My Lord would help me when
It seems I'd lost my way!
You stood by me though hard it's been
A pillar in life's sand
Each time I stumbled down again
You lent a helping hand!
With love like yours I'll never know
The feeling of alone
Whenever I was feeling down
Such comfort you have shown!
So as I write these words right now
I'm fumbling for the words
To show you everything you are
Yet one things just occured-
You're more than good, far more than great
You're sent from God above
To show me each and everyday
A touch of Heavenly Love!
Mar 2016 · 754
"Winner In Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
In love I feel I've struck it rich
I finally staked my claim
I chipped away at hardest heart
And struck the richest vein!
I felt I'd never hit it big
I'd nearly given in
I felt I'd never find the one
My heart would never win!
Then one sweet day you waltzed right in
Was so far from prepared
I had to look not once but twice
To see you standing there!
I said "I think you might be lost"
You said "I know my way"
I knew right then I'd hit my mark
I fell in love that day!
You showed me love I'd never known
I soon had lost control
I gambled big, my heart at stake
But love was on a roll!
I took the chance and placed the bet
I shoved my whole stack in
I flopped a flush right from the start
And hearts had won again!
So as you see it all paid off
Although I had to dig
With you I'm now the richest man
In love, I'm winning big!
Mar 2016 · 358
"My All"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Good morning to you beautiful
How was your sleep last night?
You've started off my day so good
Just being by my side!
As I lay right here and think about
The special times we've had
I thank you for the love you've shared
In good times and in bad!
My heart had always skipped a beat
Each time I see your face
With that first word you spoke to me
My heart had known it's place!
Although I may not show enough
Or often times it seems
I may not hold you high enough
As the woman of my dreams.
You make me happy everyday
Just with your special love
You've shown me oft that I'm the man
You're always dreaming of!
You fill my life with so much joy
And show me everyday
That My God made you just for me
In each and every way!
I feel these words can't show you just
How much I love you dear,
So let me hold you in my arms
And whisper in your ear-
"You're my queen of hearts, my gorgeous love,
The twinkle in my stars,
You're my one and only ******* earth,
My ALL is what you are!"
Mar 2016 · 298
"Little Thing Called Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
As I sit alone and pen these words
My mind is stuck on you
I think about you everyday
In everything I do!
You see it wasnt long ago
I saw you standing there,
You smiled at me your gorgeous smile-
You know it wasn't fair!
You know quite well it pulled my strings
My heart had skipped a beat
Just thinking 'bout it once again
My heart does oft repeat!
I said"hello" and "how are you?"
You said "I'm doing fine"
I knew right then with just those words
Your heart would soon be mine!
I walked to you, stepped far too close
You stole a little kiss.
The blood ran hot within my veins
I'd never felt like this!
I couldn't take the way I felt
I pulled you in my arms
I knew right then I'd keep you safe
All life from any harm!
Now as I'm here all by myself
It's you I'm dreaming of
I pray you know just how it felt
This little thing called love!
Mar 2016 · 555
"Love's Hercules"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
If love is what you're looking for,
I've got the magic potion,
It starts with trust and discipline
And ends with full devotion!
It comes with lending of your time
And giving up yourself
To show the one who means the most
Their love means more than wealth!
You must forgive each other's wrongs
Don't live in times gone past
You've got to focus on today
For ANY love to last!
Now show her that a passion burns
For her inside your heart
Romance her with your love each day,
A love to never part!
Don't ever leave her when you're mad
Not one foot out that door
Until you've made ammends with her
Don't ever leave her sore!
Now spend some time in prayer each day
Get on your knees with God
Then hand in hand together walk
The road not often trod!
You take to heart these words I say,
And make a simple plan,
In love you'll be a Hercules-
To her, a Superman!!
Mar 2016 · 298
"Friend For You"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I know you've seen the toughest times
In just the past few years
I've seen you buckle from the pain
I've wiped away your tears!
I wish I could just wave a wand
And make your sorrows gone
There's several things I'd like to say
For now, let's start with one -
I've never been quite super man
Or strong as Hercules
I can't run fast or jump too high
Or even swing from trees,
There's one thing though I can do well
It's be here for my friend
To hold you up, to see you through
From now till very end!
I'll fight for you all wars of life,
I'll battle hottest flames
I'll hold your hand and lead the way
Through life's incredible pain!
I'll never leave your side again,
I'll stick to you like glue,
And when you feel a bit alone
Just think, I'm here for you!
You'll never find a friend like me
From sea to shining sea,
I'll be right here from this day on
The Best Friend I can be!
Mar 2016 · 355
"Lost Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I've missed you bad for so long now
I've shed a many tear
Still looking for that special day
You'll calmly re-appear!
I never had a single doubt
When you became my wife
We'd be together for all time
Not be apart for life!
I'm ripped apart and broken now
I'm crumbling from the pain
My life without you by my side
Can't ever be the same!
I still have dreams you're with me here
You never walked away
But then I wake up by myself
To face another day!
I'm lost without you in my life
It's harder than it seems
What's harder than to live alone -
To live with shattered dreams!
I look for you near everyday
To walk back in the door
I still hold tight, so badly want
The love we had before!
I never knew what lonely was,
Now its my biggest fear
To live my life all by myself
So lost and lonely dear!
Mar 2016 · 260
"At Last"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
"At Last"

At last I see what true love is
As we battled through the years
Not ever once was I alone
You were always standing there!
You've always been so solid
A pillar in life's sand
No matter what the struggles then
You always had a plan!
I know i've let you down sometimes
Not always there to hold
I've seen those times with tears aflow
You still stood strong and bold!
I know you will forgive me
Your love will be no less
I thank My God, He sent you here,
With your love I'm so blessed!
You're quite the best example
What true love's meant to be
I'm sorry dear it took so long
For me finally once to see!
Although in life at times it seems
We'd crumble from the pain
We made it through these storms once more
Just dancing in life's rain
Let's put the hurt behind us now
The struggles from the past
I'll be right here to hold you now
Forever more at last!

— The End —