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Aug 2020 · 294
A tale of commitment
Paige White Aug 2020
But in truth I ran
I wouldn’t look details in the eye
I glanced under my eyelashes
Out of the corners
To gaze at reflections in the windows
On both sunny and rainy days
Planning for snow
I scratched illegible notes
Readable only to me
                And counted pain - not mine
I made bubbly conversation that got nowhere
Steering it away from deep water
Answer? Send a meme!
Yes, probably not
No, very likely

But you never know!

Please revise
Just like this.... I wasn’t going here when I started this, only incidentally...  
Paige White Aug 2020
Geese fly over low
To south, honk,     and honk,      again
Old weather radar
Getting that time again
Paige White Aug 2020
Three wilted transplants
Kiss dirt as squeezing vines choke
On midday sunlight
Patty M. has a divine drought collection of haiku. Made me want to see something beautiful in my pitiful little transplants today.
Paige White Aug 2020
Oh baby, you my favorite *****
Throw those nasty germs in the ditch
We ain’t rash, just scratching an itch
It’s a new setup, and get up a new hitch
Strong arm politickers throwing this pitch
Come on baby, you my favorite snitch!
We’re masking some heals money stitch
Throw those nasty germs in the ditch
Cause we ain’t rash, just scratching an itch.... 😜
In response to reading comments about some politicians wanting people to turn each other in. Forget loving your neighbor as yourself. Fine them! Confine them! Look how many millions have died!! Oh wait... millions haven’t yet. But they keep telling us they are.
Paige White Jun 2020
I received a few little letters
Scattered by my shining sun
Digitally mastered, he has overcome
Somewhat (insert a pause)
(I struggle for the word
For mixing up letters - you know the one)
He enquired about his grand sire
Wanting to know everything
Every little thing
For he perished when he was very young
He then recounted to me
His one remaining memory
Of finding a tiny little turtle
With great glee and awe
On a walk between our two houses
And their interchange there and back
Now I can but wonder
Would he have any idea
that one small adventure
Would be all that remained
In a boy’s mind, now a man
With two boys of his own
Of their short time together in life?
When he swung his walking stick
And batted that tiny turtle into the pond
Would he have reached over
And picked it up instead?
Or let the boy who was so excited
To find a tiny turtle on a walk
With his beloved Papaw
That memory has the same impact
As your walking stick on a tiny turtle
I suppose.
I do indeed wonder as I sit to compose
Words for my grand babes to find
And come to know me by
And I let that Sun’s memory guide me
On our little walks now....
We might find a little tiny turtle.
True story. I would appreciate honest feedback. I’m leaving a revised version in my journal for my children and grandchildren when I am gone.
Jun 2020 · 490
Cristobal (haiku)
Paige White Jun 2020
Uncovered rooster
Quiet; sliding frog retrieved
Storm front tails collide
Small observations during the storm
Jun 2020 · 180
The challenge of posture
Paige White Jun 2020
Waiting for lights out
Cicadas sing a higher tune
And the gulf’s posture is a whirl

Twining moon flower vines
Feed caterpillars new wings
And grow very holy

Morning glory blooms
Shadow the hidden frog
Until with a hop he leaves
BLT posture challenge
(Possibly refine later into haiku)
Paige White Jun 2020
I just barely got here
Through shell shocked writer’s block
And tackle double talk fear
Shackled hello poetry, with goodbye, right near

Epilepsy is enough misfunction
Most assuredly my greatest taker
Needn’t to add some greater *compunction
When awareness can vanish like vapor

It’s time to rezone my stained rocket stove
Wrap the fragile packed in Earnest paper decamp this cornerstone to thither grove
Looking for a better “b” line breaker
Bleh. Not at all satisfied with this word of the day (*compunction)but I have attempted to get chores done between bad weather and headache.
BLT posted this challenge so please check it out on his profile!
Jun 2020 · 721
Mr. Baker: meter reader
Paige White Jun 2020
“Hey there! Ain’t got no bad dog, do you?”
“Oh no. Just a chicken.”

His nonchalant shuffle forward
suddenly shifted to backpedaling swiftly on our sudden puddles without delay
His throat kind of froze
As he garbled “A ROOSTER?!?“ in great alarm.
“Yeah, but he’s out back, probably still hiding from the storm.”
I hope he has a blessed beyond all measure rest of the day. He sure gave me a chuckle from his obvious prior experience with a mean rooster. He’d have probably had the same reaction if I’d said oh, just my pet Rottweiler lol 😂
Jun 2020 · 149
Aeolian Challenges
Paige White Jun 2020
The many anonymous writs
For this aeolian scanner to sample
Tease my truancy to reminisce
And forget the gamble.
Will the dream ember detonate
Or just perforate
If I found the one
I’ve been looking for since I left,
Or would my fear again overcome
The death of trust? Or it’s longueurs theft?

6/2/2020 A. Paige White

BLT put up a Meriam Webster Word of the day word challenge. I’m thoroughly enjoying it so far. (I even threw in an extra- longueurs: a long and boring passage in a literary work, drama, musical composition, or the like)
Your magnetic poetry pulled me to you 18 years ago. Alas, aeolian winds took me away.
Jun 2020 · 237
Twisted Terzanelle
Paige White Jun 2020
Launch a caustic haiku turned flailed terzanelle
Three lines of blather from a piqued poet’s feather
Skillful syllables omit nature; gone straight to hell

Obsession sketching rhythms rhyme then measure
An ink blot parking lot commencing to swell
Three lines of blather from a piqued poet’s feather

Jot, “Not the verse that got away!” I yell
Prosodic and onomatopoeic
An ink blot parking lot commencing to swell

Fingertips that linger quips mythopoeic
Bring monochroic wars of subtle allure
Prosodic and onomatopoeic

My iambic pentameter’s amateur
I’m done with these words, ink, terms altogether
Bring monochroic wars of subtle allure

To ponded frog on a bough’s frond, any weather
Launch a caustic haiku turned flailed terzanelle
I’m done with these words, ink, terms altogether
Skillful syllables omit nature; gone straight to hell.

A. Paige White 6/1/20
My first Terzanelle.  Input is appreciated  (don’t know why my other one didn’t show up. Oh well. Still learning my way around)
May 2020 · 357
Who IS it?
Paige White May 2020
My roof is so empty now, so forlorn
Though the game, you inspired, still goes on
Raindrops are tears of my window’s pain, they mourn
Through the night, again, I am alone.

I took a crooked branch sawn by my own hand
Of all hereabouts it’s the strangest wood
Made a cross and stabbed that sad hour glass sand
So the outlines of your face mark your grace, as it should.

I’m still working through this quiet grief
Quite thinking on your grave to daily add a feather
My missing you certainly can’t be brief
Not at all dependent upon the weather

Like you, though feline through and through
You’d leap up every night, after roaming on and on
To give your plaintive “Meeeeow!” (Oh I So miss you)
My “Who IS it?!?” is forever gone.
Acceptance poem written for my beloved Kittikins, my Who IS it?!? 5/20/20
May 2020 · 263
Haiku for kittikins
Paige White May 2020
For reel cat fishing
A stringed feather on a line
Calling all kitties
I miss you still, sweetest kittikins, my who IS it?!?
Paige White May 2020
Shall this sample punctate the front
Again written in invisible ink
To those with no eyes always on the hunt
For a word, or phrase, that brings the link
Footlights the night, blooms the rose 🌹
Artistic communication inspires a try
Sprinkles petaled paths everywhere it goes
Floramour intoxication within tiny ****** of why.
I love words and wordplay. Congratulations to the diurnal quotidian. (*punctate was deliberate - I had much fun with it, I know I am weird) p.s. Monochrome Dreamer’s “dare I write “ came to my inbox but something different is on the front page. Color me totally confused.

— The End —