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Gods1son Jan 2019
You can "get high" on love
That's not intoxication
It's increase in altitude
Soaring high on love's wings

Undiluted love in your blood and being
Makes your eyes see clearer than the Eagle's
Flushes out all impurities
There is no overdose with love
Gods1son Dec 2018
If you rely solely on what the eyes see
You could get lost on life's high sea!
Gods1son Sep 2018
I see this life like a highway
People moving at different speeds
Some are on the fast lane
Some, on the slow lane
People are switching lanes
Some have pulled over by the shoulders
There is constant overtaking
Every one has different destination
But you still notice competition
Some are naive, some are more experienced
The hope and desire of all is to arrive safely
Sadly, some end up not making it there!
Gods1son Dec 2018
I was going to see a friend who lives about 2 hours drive away
I merged on the highway with 2 other cars
To join the hundreds of cars on the road
As I drove...
I saw cars branch off the highway
I saw cars broken down by the roadside
I overtook some cars and
Some other cars overtook me as well
I left some cars behind and they passed me later
I competed with some drivers like we were headed the same place
After all the driving and competition,
I arrived at my destination alone
Does this not sound like life?
Gods1son Mar 2019
Your love for me is my very essence
I find comfort always in your presence
As I worship Your Holy Majesty
Bowing in reverence and honor
Accept my praises as a sweet smelling savor
Your Name is my power wand
You're my shepherd, I know no want
You're my all in all
My reason to always stand tall
This life of mine is all yours.
Gods1son Apr 2019
No gold nor silver nor any precious stone
is beautiful enough to build a house to
house His Spirit
He's found the quarters of my being His domicile
His Spirit intermingled with mine
An inseparable union established by His own will
His love showered on me generously
Chosen and sustained by His grace!
Gods1son Jan 2020
The Spirit of the Father that lives in me
Invisible yet more real than the air I breathe
He's inside me yet He sees more than I see
He knows more than I know but He's
always ready to give all the information to
me (Sometimes, I'm just not listening)
He's my best friend, He's concerned
about everything that pertains to me
(spiritual, material...everything)
He comforts me more than anyone could do
He strengthens me, He's my powerhouse
He also prays to the Father on my behalf
His guidance when I follow are without flaws
Best of all, He will abide with me for ever.
Gods1son Jan 2019
The mansion is his own
But he moved out
In search of a home
Gods1son Oct 2018
Ain't we all connected like spider webs
Ain't we all the same specie
**** sapiens meaning wise man
Can we say, we are truly wise beings
Or are we just "*****" **** sapiens
When we live a predator-prey lifestyle
Gods1son Aug 2018
Hi Hope,
I need you please
Get me up this *****
Can barely cope
I need some ease.
Again, I say please!
Gods1son Apr 2019
Hope is the periscope
that sees a desired outcome
from a current place of (little or no) certainty

Faith is the actual entry
into a land seen by hope
even though it's not
in the physical just yet

Doubt claims that the land doesn't exist
And even if it does,
It is not yours to step into.

The final call is yours
to pick what to stick to!
Gods1son Oct 2018
How about, we love one another genuinely
How about, we show understanding to one another
How about, we show some compassion
How about, we give listening ears
How about, we show some empathy
How about, we live life with contentment
How about, we eliminate greed in our endeavours
How about, we let go of backbiting
How about, we are more forgiving
How about, we give support to one another
How about, we show more loyalty
How about, we uphold integrity
How about, we let go of regretting and embrace forging ahead
How about, we protect our planet!
If only we could.
Gods1son Oct 2018
It's my decision to jump for joy
Like a kid that just got a new toy
My drive is not things on the external
Rather, self driven like a Tesla

I know this body is just a container
Housing a spirit being full of powers
And life is more spiritual than physical
I've come to understand that
How and what I see, is all that matters!
Gods1son Mar 2019
Isn't it weird that the good you do
are written by them with a pencil
But when you commit an error,
they are quick to write that with a
permanent marker
Gods1son Apr 2019
This is to all HP writers
Writing lines out of this world like a rocket
Words full of power like a socket
You guys are on another level like an elevator
Some of your words definitely flew over my head like an aircraft
But a lot of writings on here did blow my mind like a kite in the air
Thank you for your works that you've shared
And to those who have felt or feeling unheard,
This is my plea to you not to relent
I guarantee you that at least one person was touched
And if not, they will be in the nearest future
Gods1son Feb 2019
I made her a home
Not only in my heart but also in my arms
A place she can leap into when she's happy
A place for comfort when she's down

When it's cold out,
room temperature is guaranteed in here
When she's stressed out,
relaxation is promised in here

Make these arms your comfort zone!
Gods1son Apr 2019
In this world,
love is conditioned like a relaxed hair
It takes inner peace to be relaxed here
Most folks don't love themselves enough
not to talk of having the love to share
The state of things today brings me to tears
The news aggravate fear
It's so sad that
We're torn apart by selfishness and greed
Integrity is no longer a necessity
Social media causing many to lose their identity
Whew-what has come upon humanity?
Gods1son Dec 2019
There's so much hurting in the world today
Countries are hurting other countries
Governments are hurting their own people
Employers are hurting their employees
Employees do the same to their employers
Parents are hurting their kids & vice versa
Spouses are hurting their other halves
Friends are hurting one another
Even strangers are hurting strangers
People are hurting the environment
The environment is hurting the people
Sicknesses are ravaging people's bodies
Individuals also hurt their own self
I'm guilty of some of these myself
My diagnosis of these hurts is self-centeredness —
People care about themselves alone!
My prescription is more and more doses
of love & empathy.
Gods1son Oct 2018
Water is used to generate electricity
On my palms, it powers nervousness
Or nervousness stimulates the gushing of water from my palms
Better still, I will say it's a bi-directional mechanism

My drawing class was a mess
Every paper ripped before I could draw a thing
You can't imagine the stress
When your palm is another stream

I dread a handshake
Especially when my hand feels like a lake
I can't stand the expressions on people's faces
Or how they have to quickly clean their hands on their pants
Please find me an escape route
That's the struggle of sweaty palms!
You never understand what people with sweaty palms go through, I haven't found just one benefit in over 20 years that I've been dealing with it.
Gods1son Nov 2019
"I am not enough", what a deceitful feeling
Deep within resides power with no limits
The road ahead might appear unclear
The pressure might seem too much to bear

But the strategy is to keep on pushing
Through thick and thin, to keep on moving
To strike out quitting from the options
To embrace all the journey's emotions

Deep within us lies all that it takes
To become whoever we decide to be
"I am not enough" is a lie to get us stuck
Engrave the "I can" mindset in your thoughts.
Gods1son Mar 2019
That you come in peace
Doesn't mean they wouldn't want to rip you into pieces
Regardless, love always wins
Be quick to forgive their sins
Protect your inner peace by every means
Gods1son Sep 2018
Whether rich or poor
Black, white, brown or rainbow
Business owner, employee or jobless
Home owner, tenant or homeless
Male or female
Christian, Muslim, pagan or atheist
Gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight
Smart or stupid
Healthy or sick
Fat, muscular or slim  
Convict, ex-con or free
We are all Equal
We are all Human
Gods1son Sep 2018
This life that I live
Is a second version of you
Or an exact copy of you
I might as well live it in you

My vision is blurred
So is my mission flawed
Because I lost mine,
And what I'm living is yours

I wanted to be like you
It appears I've forgone my path
Now, I need to get it right
And get back on my track

I'm done with you
I'm tired and sick
I don't mean to disrespect you
But I figured my life is unique!
Gods1son Oct 2019
I know God is leading my way
I know He watches over my back
I know I'm surrounded by His Angels
So no fear for the arrows that fly my way

I know my flesh was made from clay
But His Spirit in me is why I am great
I know the enemy will always try to take his shots
But I know the Lord has made me his boss

I know I am who I am by His grace
I know He will help me finish my race
I know this life that I live is not my own
I'll forever submit to the One on the throne
Gods1son Aug 2018
It's easier for me to say
"I love you"
"I like you"
"I really do like you"
Gods1son May 2019
"I love you" is such an incomplete statement
There is a missing part and that is...
"I love you because..."
The left out part, to me is the most important
Because it validates the preceding part
Do you love me because I'm readily available to be used?
Do you love me for who I am?
The reason you love me conveys to me
the depth of that statement
Gods1son Feb 2019
My black is beautiful
And there is nothing in me that is evil
My black is not synonymous to darkness
Look into my blackness and behold brightness

I have an unwavering consciousness of who I am
Self-aware of my innate abilities
I belong in a line of dynasties
Regardless of my height, I stand tall

No matter what they see through their lenses
I am a description of what excellence is
I don't crack
I lead the way, I create the tracks

I'm not from a dark world
I'm illumination in this shady world
Solution I am, dissolving any problem
I'm unstoppable... Greatness is my emblem

Opinions don't move me
I cruise my own boat
I love good clothings but
Melanin is my favorite coat

I'm a seed of greatness
And that's what I'm going to sow
My heart is clean and pure like the snow
Yes I'm black, if I come to this life again, it shall be so
Gods1son Nov 2018
Copying or imitating another person's life
Is like following the car in front of you
on the road everywhere it turns
Without considering the car's destination
And disregarding yours too!
Gods1son Apr 2021
It's established that, to err is human
to ask for forgiveness is humility
to forgive is divinity in humanity.

When you err and you say sorry
You ought to mean it, because
the true value of what you say, is
your intention
Saying what you don't mean can
also be called deception
To say it and to mean it, is to try
to not want to repeat it (the error).
Gods1son Sep 2018
You have a lot on your mind to share
I said I was willing to hear
9 pm that night, we agreed to meet
You said things were too hard to bear
That was the last thing I heard
You talked for 30mins, I was knodding my head
My mind was too far from near

I was busy thinking of what to say to you
I didn't know I wasn't listening
Until you were through
My first sentence, your response was, what's wrong with you?
You left angrily and it hit me that I was such a..........
If we could only listen without thinking of what to say. Some people just need someone to pour their heart to.
Gods1son May 2019
What is community without unity
What is money without peace
What is wealth without health
What is a home without love
What is love without respect
What is communication without a message
What is life without a purpose
What is promotion without growth
What is relationship without trust
What is a river without a sourc
Who am I without God
Gods1son Jun 2019
The plan is not to change the world
as an individual
But if I can change the world
of an individual
Then that individual can reach out
to another individual
I can gladly watch positive impact spread
One life touched can touch a family
One family touched can touch a community
One community touched can touch a city
Who knows maybe we can then collectively impact the world positively.
Gods1son Jun 2019
I've doubted myself
I've questioned my strength
I've belittled my innate abilities
I had felt that I wasn't good enough
I had wished I someone else

Until I realized I don't live for/by myself
There is a power that's at work in me
And I have a unique and a glorious destiny

Even though sometimes, those belittling
thoughts still come to me
I've learned to respond to them differently
My confidence is not in my mortal being
But in the One that resides inside of me!
Gods1son Dec 2018
In God, I put all my trust
He moves me forward like a propelling force
He causes me to lay up gold as dust
When I go to Him in remorse
He forgives my fleshly lust
He is my Lord, my Father, my Boss
For me, praising Him is a must
He paid the price on the cross
Because He loves me so very much
I will obey His laws
Which are summed up in one
And that is... to love
As He Himself is LOVE!
Gods1son Nov 2018
When my energy was sapped
The grace to finish the lap
Started flowing like tap
So, I went all out

At a point when I felt like crap
He said no, I have made you to be sharp
Don't fall into the trap
The trap of your own doubts

My life is a journey, He's got the map
The start to the end is not as the crow flies
Very often, His blessings fall into my lap
In Him I will trust, other sources are lies!
In God, I trust always!
Gods1son Nov 2018
Your eyeballs are shaped like a heart
I can see love in your eyes
I can feel the touch of your words
As they flow out of your heart

They say... Love is blind
Maybe that's not very true after all
We can both see our flaws
We iron them out and leave them behind

Love is not just something we feel
It's a decision we have made
Against all odds, we will keep our love tank filled
Maybe that's why I am not falling in love with you
Rather, I am rising in love with you!
Gods1son Dec 2018
I just want to stay in my bubble
To cleanse from the worldly pollution
To dig deep within my soul
To discover the man that I am meant to be

I just want to stay in my bubble
To love me, not by spending on myself
Not by acquiring material things
But by appreciating my pristine spirit

I just want to stay in my bubble
To process my thoughts
To exhale my fears, doubts and worries
To infuse myself with strength, courage and zeal
Gods1son Mar 2019
Take me back to the innocent days
when I was a kid
Way back before I learnt societal ways
when all I knew was love
way before I saw people act with so much hate
when I had almost no worries
way back when all I cared about was food and play
when I would cry and forget the hurt after that
Please take me back to the innocent days
Gods1son Apr 2019
Artificial intelligence robots need data
Humans need experiences
Data and experiences are the inputs
How they are well processed will
determine the outputs.
Gods1son Nov 2018
Have you ever met people,
Who are so insensitive when giving their opinion
Such people care less whether their words
Give you the same feeling as cutting an onion

They find it so easy to pass a judgment
Without considering the detriments
Relying on their words is like,
Using a banana peel as shoe grip on an icy road!
Gods1son Dec 2018
Unplanned event was it, the first time I saw you
Courage, it took that day to approach you
Admiration of you couldn't stop in my head before the second time I met with you
More attraction is what I feel everytime I talk to you
Deeper connection is what we build everytime I meet with you
Inseparable force is what we've got between us
This is called love unstoppable with no pause!
Gods1son Mar 2021
When we focus only on the action
(what was done) and ignore the intention (unrevealed goal), we lose a lot of information.

There's more going on in the heart
than what is played out
The heart is deep, it's hard to fully know
what's going on inside it.

Good intentions sometimes lead to
destructive outputs
And evil plans sometimes end up blessing
the targeted.
Gods1son Jan 2019
The internet is a very good resource
If used smartly and positively
Inappropriate and uncontrolled use
Can get you trapped "in-tha-net"
Gods1son Oct 2018
In the face of pressure,
choose to press on!

In the face of distress,
continue to whisper I'm blessed!

In the face of trouble,
let your faith double!

In the face of adversity,
show forth your tenacity!
Gods1son Aug 2019
When I look in the mirror
I see the best figure,
An image dripping with
God's beauty,
shining from head to toe
As if wearing a garment
flooded with diamonds.
An embodiment of glory
An actor of a success story
I see an image of love
A bearer of good news
An unstoppable force
An indomitable power
I see greatness
I see kindness
I see peace
I see me.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Gods1son Jun 2019
How beautiful your name is
As it rolls out of my lips
kneeling by my bedside
with my hands raised up high
Singing adoration
Oh, what comfort I find in thee
In Your presence is the place to be
In communion with divinity
Your voice like gushing waters
Pouring on me as liquid love
Washing me clean of impurities
Filling me with strength and agility
Oh, how I love the
sweet aroma of thy presence
In those moments,
my essence comes alive
my passion rekindles
This is where I'll rather be!
Gods1son Oct 2018
When push comes to shove
Those that got your back,
Are not the ones you love
But actually the ones that love you
It's a good thing if you love them too
If not, it would be nice to love them back
Because one good turn deserves another!
Gods1son Dec 2018
Looking in your eyes is like
looking at the blue waters in The Bahamas
Natural beauty,
Beyond my reasoning

The view is calming
Definition of tranquility
Seeing your face is my every second wish
Anywhere around you is my niche!
Gods1son Oct 2018
I see a peaceful world in your eyes
No lies
I'm so enticed
What I see looks like paradise
I wanna look in those eyes everyday
I will do whatever it takes
Just to make you mine!
Gods1son Sep 2018
I remember...
I was sad because I could only afford four textbooks out of five
Until the best student dropped out of school due to lack of tuition

I was upset because I wasn't served dessert
Until I saw a starving man

I complained my car was manual transmission
Until I saw a guy wishing for a used bicycle

I always wished for a bigger bed
Until I saw a man sleeping on the street

I was demotivated because my job wasn't paying well
Until I saw unemployment rate in other countries

I was ****** with myself when I dislocated my ankle
Until I saw someone without legs

It's definitely good to admire better things but
Appreciate what you have
Because somebody wants just that!
We seldom forget to be grateful and happy with our current state because we are aiming for the next step. We ought to take time and appreciate our growth so far
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