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Kerri Nov 2015
Somewhere in the somber,
Your breath fills my lungs,
Shimmering me with unbridled
Kerri Nov 2015
Uninhibited by her
Brilliant pain,
She swims through
Her tears,
A sparkling River
Of life and madness.
Kerri Nov 2015
Your eyes burn right
                         My heart.
Until the Ashes blow away.
Kerri Nov 2015
When you're stripped down
to nothing but your raw soul,
is when I love you most.
When your eyes
delicately plead
for me to love you,
and your hips ache
for me to taste your horizon.
I want to drink from your lips
Like a casual sinner
on a Sunday morning,
and leave you needing more.
Kerri Oct 2015
The beat of my heart
drowns out the
s i l e n c e
while you invade my thoughts.
The waves crashing
of my body
spill out of each crevice
until I'm drowning in your love.
I'm taken to that rugged paradise
where it's just
me and you
feeding off of each other's desires
sinking into blissful oblivion,
Engaging in a passion of
the HIGHEST caliber.
I want to live in your arms,
and die in your eyes,
until the world fades
and it's just us
floating among the masses of stars.
That once in a lifetime type of love...
Kerri Oct 2015
She wraps herself up in a blanket
and tucks herself in at night.
So alone in the world,
as the cold creeps around her,
and anxiety possesses her body.

She's watched her sister poison her body
with candy from the gutters.
She's watched her mother paint her own wrists
with a knife.
She feels helpless and at times hopeless,
aching for a positive change and a chance to be free.

She sees the world beautifully
and that light burns inside and flickers in her eyes,
yet the pain she sees around her takes her hostage,
and drags her around like a puppet on a string,
and like other weary souls she slips through the cracks
of secondhand pain.
Kerri Oct 2015
Strong in her confidence,
and confident in her strength,
she graces the world with **** wisdom.
The glow in her eyes matches the
simple beauty of a sunrise.
The art from her mouth
and the wisdom from her fingertips
educates my body and satisfies my mind.
We are an ******, philosophical collision,
as the world spins around us, blurry yet clear;
and the sacredness of the unknown shatters.
We are left breathing in beautiful, familiar air,
and with the touch of a kindred soul.
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