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JC Aug 2015
Disdain and enmity,
for which there is no remedy,
gives acrimony inside of me,
for which I have no doubt,

The only way that I can see
an end to animosity,
is a clear and simple breaking free
from shackles which hold me down.

Without your burden, I can be
free to surreptitiously,
achieve a sense of normalcy
to what was once before.

Before the orders conferred to me,
carried out, sans questioning,
I had a life; a dream you see.
But no not anymore.

I used to live quite happily,
free from thinking cynically
of my peers along with me;
Our intentions leave some doubt

To what is just morally,
defensible with sanity.
A torn asunder effigy,
of who we used to be.

My name will fade from memory,
a number chalked in history,
regarded with incredulity
that I was here at all.
1.6k · Nov 2014
Sick and Tired
JC Nov 2014
I am tired.
Tired of feeling alone.
  Tired of feeling unneeded.
   Tired of feeling ignored.
    You only talk to me
      When you need help.
        When you need advice.
           I'll ask
            'Hey how are you doing?'
              'Hey what are you doing today?'
                   I am Sick
                     Sick of feeling useless.
                       Sick of feeling stepped on.
                         Sick of being spoken to
                           only when those around me need help,
                               For they know I will never turn down a 'friend.'
                                    A 'Loved One,'
                                        A 'Confidant.'

                          To whom do helpers turn in time of need?
                                             In times of sorrow?
                                              In times of panic?
                                     What holds the mighty rock?
                                  The rock that breaks the waves?
                                     The rock whose sole purpose
                           Seems to be protection against the sea?
                                            Who helps the rock?
                              When the ground begins to tremble
                                       And open its mighty maw?
                                            To whom do I turn?
                                            On whom do I lean?
              When I am Sick?                                     When I am Tired?
                                                                ­                              Because I am Sick,
                                                           ­            And I am Tired
                                          And I am closed.
1.5k · Jan 2015
The Bully
JC Jan 2015
I am a bully
I tease and taunt.
I am relentless.
I tell him he is stupid,
He is small,
He is insignificant.
He is too short... to out of shape
Too dumb, going to fail.

He is in shape.
I tell him he is ugly.
He has a goal.
I tell him he will fail.
He wants love.
I tell him he is alone.
Why? I do not know.
However I bully him.
I will continue to bully him
because I am scared.
Am I am scared of myself
My failures. My insecurities.

Why should he be happy?
Happy when I am not.
So I bully him.
I tell him who he is;
And he is me.
1.2k · Nov 2014
JC Nov 2014
A feeling of cold.
Why do I feel this way?
Surrounded by friends;
but so alone.
With the moon comes the frost,
however warm I may be.
Why, Why, Why do I feel so empty?
When will I be full?
When will I be whole?
Where am I going?
When will I see?
See though the Black?
The Gray? The Cold?
Why do I choose this path?
hidden in plain sight;
A mask with a smile.
But in darkness behind, to feel alone.
Am I really adrift? On a sea of despair?
Will I find my port? Will the seas calm?
Will the skies clear? Or shall I remain
Floating alone. Adrift.
With my own thoughts
Fears, Insecurities, Neurosis, and Emotions
I am FINE.
Suicide is a problem. Many peoples suffering from depression do not show it. Those you would least expect may be suffering in bold silence; too afraid or too proud to speak up. Talk with your friends. One death is too many. 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Reach out and touch someone in you life. It's not too late.
1.0k · Nov 2014
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
JC Nov 2014
Am I alone?
Just me and my thoughts?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
No. Not alone.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Do I have friends?
Real friends who can help?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Yes. Yes I have friends.
But am I willing?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Willing to show this side?
This vulnerable side?
Exposed, like a nerve
open to the elements.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Why do I feel like this?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Its irrational right?
Definitely irrational.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

What time is it?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Is anyone out there?
Why do I feel this alone?
Just me, my brain, and my stupid heart.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

**** this heart.
**** this lonely heart

Will I find love again?
Or am I doomed to this icy wasteland of loneliness?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Do I want love?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Love makes things worse right?
Worse when it's gone?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
What time is it?

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

623 · Mar 2016
Love and Loss
JC Mar 2016
Its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
A phrase with such sweet sentiment;
A phrase we are told in order to bolster the power of love,
The power of a feeling,
an emotion, that surges though,
that empowers man to do anything.
But this is a lie.
For all of love's great powers;
the greatest of all is to fill us,
to empower us, and to make us feel indomitable,
there is a price.
Behind this force of nature lies an evil toll to be paid to the ferryman.

When man finds love, a hole is filled deep within the *****.
An entirely previously un-felt chasm.
This newly found feeling poured in us, as if from a mighty waterfall
only to envelop us in an armor against the world,
provides us with the ultimate weakness.
The power to lose.
The power to feel the absence;
the void left empty as though carried off with a rush of wind.
An assault to the system from an unseen attacker.
Suddenly our coat is gone, and we are left in the cold.


Without cloth

Without shelter

Without respite from the frost that chills us to our core

The brightest light cast the darkest shadow, I can assure you of this.
It is better to have never loved at all, than to have loved and lost.
547 · Nov 2014
Light in the Darkness
JC Nov 2014
What shines in darkness like a hopeful light.
Who brings an end to a tunnel so long.
A never ending mire so deep and thick
Who's tendrils snag, snarl, deceit and creep.
The Mind, the Body, all obscured by smoke.

But yet a light appear here in the moor,
A friend who's beckon calls to you once more.
Come now from this land in a warm embrace
With words so welcoming to you, a call
that wraps you tight and warms your every bone.

So call out to your friends, your words can help.
For words alone do help them such as light,
to show you care and lead them home with love;
a path cut through the reeds, and weeds, and mud
Which leads them out and back into the fold.
Iambic pentameters are hard initially.. I promise I'll get better
491 · Nov 2014
However I am Not
JC Nov 2014
I sing, I laugh, I dance, I joke
And live along with you.
I jump, I smile
I'm full of life,
However I am not.

A daze, a blur,
A humming buzz,
and a reoccurring thought;
I may seem, outwardly, all of these,
However I am not.

A loss of life,
In shadowed night,
Though, restored by morn' anew.
The mask I wear smiles back at you
However I am not.

Alone I feel,
Come the moon.
Disregarded by my peers.
Aside of life in the wings
However I am not.

Though black seems night,
It precedes the day.
A hope to which I cling.
There are those who cannot overcome,
*However I am Not

— The End —