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once Horace reached
the mountain's
he could go no further
on the lofty ascending

now he's perched
high and all
wondering why he wanted
to be in such a rarefied
his hungry lips did cloister
around her most luscious oyster
as one apostle birds
descended from the elm tree
to partake of seeds
that were strewn beneath the boughs
prolific in winter food
all of our politicians are a pox on society
these self important people are the lowest of the low
governing for themselves is their number one priority
telling porkies is the way their empty rhetoric flows

it's our misfortune to have so many of them in our halls of power
we're paying them a fortune for mishandling government biz
and not a one of them is worth a left of right bower
they should be thrown out of our parliaments and into a tizz

we're heartily sick of the ****** lot of them
and they do so leave us with a feeling of utter contempt
not to forget our coughs spits and heaps of phlegm
we so wish that they were from our taxes exempt

if only we could do without these mongrel lot
our countries would most assuredly be less on the ill side
they have a reputation as bad as a pesky horse fly blot
and we'll be only to happy to toss them all well aside

moaning and whinging wont relieve our constant pain
we've got to take things well and truly into our owns hands
we cannot endure anymore of their burdensome strain
government benches would be better off were they to be rid of these bands

acquiring a pesticide to finish them off is one of my notions
then we can relax knowing that they'll no longer blight us
these thoughts are just me musing on a few suggestions
I'll leave you all to ruminate on this poetic piece thus
be careful what you wish for
as you just might get
and after a while you'll certainly

the democrats had their wish
granted in
they got a dream team who were
possessed of supporter

yet now the team seems to be
somehow they've lost that
unity of

with the relationship being on
how can the democrats recover
from the

the President and the Vice President
the much wished for
has so regretfully waned
in its
Mirthful sunlit chimes spoke of fondness
Ever they'd enmesh in love's binding tress  
Streams of joy did gurgle with much delight  
Their hearts according in rapture's notes
Bright news resounded through these totes
They'd professed to each other love's tie
Twas a pairing which would ne'er fade or die
Heavens arrayed in spangling starlight
The twosome combined so divinely
A sweet syrup bliss ringing sublimely
Love's declaration pleasantly pealing
Throughout the continents both near and wide
The turtle doves love ever to reside
These gladdest tidings truly appealing
his goal of shooing
well mannered poets away
went on consistently
both by night and day

he wanted the entire
stage to himself
a personal aim
of a profiteering pelf

greedy for all the
spotlight's adoring
taking from those who
naturally owned the storing

they were his nemesis
on the road to glory
each one of them an impediment
of his mind's story

wiser heads looked
on at the narcissist
seeing his attention seeking
as a miserly twist

he'd not admit to being
an egotistical bore
who'd ever be desirous
of applause and more

and still he hounds the
gifted in the community
with a character
of self absorbed impunity

only he could be the
solo star in the show
where other picks can't
obtain a minor bit of glow
the world over has many stands of trees
they are homes for birds and an assortment of other creatures
we need those trees as they are the lungs of the earth
plant one in your yard or in a public park
isn't it so nice to have a tree for shade
in the Borneo jungles there are many fine specimens
so too in Canada those beautiful maples
and a favorite tree in Australia is a gumtree
there are too many to list here
but please give the trees around you
a little thought to-day
for in this part of the world
it has been declared as Arbor day
A-Artifacts of long ago they're ever searching out
R-Relics in the Earth's soil layers interred deep
C-Curios from cultures past they're excavating out
H-History is alive in the things buried so deep
A-Abroad and at home their trowels seeking out
E-Enlightening the world with fragments of the deep
O-Open our eyes to the objects they shovel out
L-Lasting stories of past societies entombed down deep
O-Ongoing discoveries made with what they dig out
G-Great civilizations lie in quietness beneath the deep
I-Interesting journals and facts these specialists put out
S-Saving the ken of ancestries which are lodged deep
T-Times way back in eons past to-day bought out
S-Surfacing from the ground out of a sleep most deep
on that balmy night in June
the young lovers lingered
under the swaying  palm trees
to ardently kiss
let's feast on the fruits of love
our glistening bodies in a rhapsodic concert
we'll share of a nectar divine
as our bodies combine
in an ardor sublime
arid times
draw closer
the terrain
shall be bleached
not a scintilla
of greenness
shall be apportioned
on acreages
days of phosphorus
filled skies
as the soils
dry to a crisp
the landholders
shall be depressed
of state
the wicked heat
not in abatement
summers coming
is soon to be here
the searing winds
from north west flank
with intensity
creeks and rivers
barren of flows
the countryside
not quenched
of its thirst
fear shall grip
farming communities
bereft of rain
month after month
of scorching inure
the outlook
grim of prospect
to dust
the landscape
shall transform
rendering it
to a sterile
a scarecrow stood in a field
his arms of straw were tatty
the driving winds of winter
tousled his straw arms
with an abiding love, they stayed entwined
as the tendrils of a vine, they stayed entwined

their bond has sustained, through good times and bad
a marriage so very fine, their vows of love well entwined

within the walls of their home, a brood of children were raised
each one a gift divine, a deep expression of being entwined

their union is still enduring, it shall go on until eternity
they wed in a delightful columbine, their troth always entwined

years of togetherness, a testament of true love
an attachment full of shine, their loving arms so entwined
he turned up a winning
ace on his arrival
he turned up an ace
the ace of revival

everyone engrossed
with all that he wrote
oh yeah there was a real
classiness to his tote

he'd arrived at other forums
not getting applause
those places weren't aiding
his penning cause

he turned up a winning
ace on his arrival
he turned up an ace
the ace of revival

when he found the site
where the mob noticed him
there stayed he to garner
kudos on his trim

of the adoring hordes
his arrival did infatuate
a diamond ace card
dealt him triumph's fate

he turned up a winning
ace on his arrival
he turned up an ace
the ace of revival
a notion came to his fanciful mind
as he sat thinking of greater greatness
all thought focusing on power's vast rind
he tried to conquer without meekness
the arm twisting method so enlisted
by he who sort an emperor's repute
though his strategy's weren't humbly misted
people on the fringe saw him being destitute
he was living in delusion's kingdom
everyone captivated only with him
yet his head-space poorly needed wisdom
folks awakened to the grandiose trim
an idea of much glory he didn't attain
for there was an arrogance in his brain
squat down low
there goes
another arrow

that one almost jagged
between the vertebra
almost placed the target
into a state of inertia

there is another
flying at close range
that one was too close
of range

the armor plate
must be worn
as the arrows
are from
the bows
of those who
falsely state
that they are mates

it passes by
that arrow
for it
to the spinal
oh poet
of the message
superbly designing
imagery and mind moods
the world would be the poorer
without your impressive wordage
we rejoice in the stroke of your quill
poet master craftsman sculptor of the page
some poets take copious hours
to perfect a poetic line
their pens ever ruminating
on what they'll opine

a piece polished with lustrous gleam
having the silken flow of a dale's stream
an insight into nature's beauty so rare
portrayed by the pensive mind of care

word craft the knowing
where to place that descriptive
figure of speech
a nuance articulating the sound
in the car brakes
sudden locking screech*

every part of the verse
well thought out
to present a verbiage
*of artistic sprout
with but meager tools
the poet went to work
form the seemingly bland rock
of a blank ashen page
he sculptured
the words
he bought images to life
with a depiction
on completing
the task
he put the finishing touches
the stone's parchment
a fine rasp
he did employ
to refine his lines
of poetic artistry
on her ascendancy to the boss's chair
Janice was always so lovely of air
she'd praise all the staff abundantly
seemingly in her it flowed genuinely

the future self of Janice came to light
when she gained the acme's peak height
everyone then received her nasty treats
there wasn't much delight to the bleats  

attitudes toward others did change
how an executive role can rearrange
people skills are Janice's weak point
hence a dislike of her being at the joint
service failure the ***** will offer
there's something medically askew with it
the usual role is proving so unfit
a second chance in a transplant's proffer
another dies to bring life back again
wellness being redeemed by precious gift
the recipient receives a big lift
living's joy restored out of the rain
someone's kind donation affording breath
so that the period of existence stays
a healthy liver performing its job
for not to have this giving there'd be death
the bestowment allows those future days
gratitude felt within a person's cob
Dan- Where did you buy your sunglasses at?
Fran- At the Gosford pharmacy, it's the one next to the shop that sells Persian rugs and mats...

Dan- I'll go there tomorrow and buy a pair like yours Fran!
Fran- I think a pair like mine would look terrific on you Dan.

Dan- Are the sunglasses on sale or will I have to pay a fortune?
Fran- The pharmacy is having a sale on sunglasses till the eighteenth of June.

Dan- Thanks Fran!
Fran- You are most welcome Dan...

Dan-I better go and get a bite of lunch at Mike's milk bar.
Fran-Is it okay if I join you, for lunch at the milk bar?

Dan- Sure you can Fran!
Fran- I haven't been out for lunch for some while Dan.

Dan- We'll take a taxi cab there....
Fran- I'll pay for the fare!

Dan- I'll hail the first cab that passes this way!
Fran- There's one parked illegally in the bus parking bay...
a silver moon
beams over the bushland tonight
a silver moon
like an illuminated spoon
gleaming with a glimmer so bright
to the eye giving such delight
a silver moon
a smiling sun
arose to greet the newborn day
a smiling sun
beamed such gleefulness of fun
spreading o'er the land joy's bright ray
on making an entrance e'er gay
a smiling sun
south wind
blows this day
a sure signal
that falls on the way
the tree foliage shall change
to browns, golds and bright fire reds
we're in a seasonal transition
we've been alerted to this condition
we've had an assortment of
four seasons converging
whence I awoke there
was a coolish
with associated cloud
like winter's
by noon I dressed
in a light
for the air felt similar
to a summer
late eve bought
an autumn
south east winds
blew upon my worn
as night approaches
the true spring
is dancing around
my trunk's

will be interesting to see
what's on tomorrow's
as the climes vary in their
statement of
a star burns bright
for our brothers of poetic art
a star burns bright
viewing their poems a sheer delight
this Christmas we'll feel their depart
none surviving erasure's dart
a star burns bright
There once was a movie idol named James Dean
Who lit up the silver screen
His flame of stardom burnt all too brief
When an untimely accident bought him to grief
James Dean's star could have gone far but for a sports car
There once was a movie idol named James Dean
Who lit up the silver screen
His flame of stardom burnt all too brief
When an untimely accident bought him to grief
James Dean's star could have gone far but for a sports car
as the sun slowly reclined
in the red tinged west
a million dandelions
arose from their rest

they flitted and floated
on the south breeze
some even became entangled
in the front yard pine trees

a scattering of them
landed on the park pavement tiles
while others made their way
towards the Guyra miles

once the breeze had ebbed
and lost its wind
the dandelions again took rest
in the red tinged west
a storm is brewing
over Baker's creek
and the sound of the
thunder is less than meek

streaks of lightning
have hit the tall gum trees
and scattered all of
the small native bush bees

grim grey tones have
replaced the sunlight
the tempest is ensuing
with all of its might

out of the full clouds
the rain now generously falls
rolling thunder echoes
through the westerly squalls

on the bare hillsides
the dampness soaks in
giving the soil a good
drenching to the skin

the dusty tracks
laden with wetness
which leaves a smell
of sweet earthiness

the storm has passed
and quietness descended
it is making its way
across the Clerkness wends

then it shall journey
along the eastern range pine
until its resounds arrive  
over the acqua blue coastline
a storm is brewing
over Bakers Creek
the sound of the thunder
is less than meek

streaks of lightning
have hit the tall gum trees
and scattered
the small native bush bees

grim grey tones
have replaced the sunlight
the tempest is ensuing
with all its might

out of the full clouds
the rain now generously falls
rolling thunder echoes
through the Western wind squalls

on the bare hillsides
the dampness soaks in
giving the soil
a good drench to the skin

the dusty track
is laden with wetness
which leaves a smell
of sweet earthiness

the storm has past
and quietness descends
it is making its way
across the Clerkness wends

then it shall travel
along the Eastern range pines
until it resounds
over the acqua blue coastline
a storm is brewing
over Bakers Creek
and the sound of the thunder
is less than meek

streaks of lightning
have hit the tall gum trees
and scattered
the small native bush bees

dim grey tones
have replaced the sunlight
the tempest is ensuing
with all its mighty

out of the full clouds
the rain now generously falls
rolling thunder echoes
through the Westerly wind squalls

on the bare hillsides
the dampness soaks in
giving the soil
a good drenching to the skin

the dusty track is laden
with wetness
which leaves a smell
of sweet earthiness

the storm has passed
and quietness descends
it is making its way
across the Clerkness wends

then it shall travel
along the Eastern range pines
until it resounds
over the topaz blue coastline
a supernatural symphony
floated on the
like a ghost twas

yet a realization
of a cello evoking
a spooky

clasping hands
drew around
to drown out the
eerie sound's
dismay is felt when opening the newspaper
to read Athena's astral charts
on many occasions her predictions are well out
which tend to make the readers doubt

to-day she stated that all Geminis
were in for an adventure
but she failed to also mention
the possibility of a misadventure

Taurus individuals supposedly
are going to win a truck load of cash
they'll be disappointed
should they not collect a stash

she said all Virgos
would be bidding their time
but how would she know
as few of them can march to a rhyme

this pronouncement she had written large
which told of a Capricorn who'd fly to Mars
yet this person hasn't got a rocket
which can propel him to Mars

here was one that reeled me in
she spoke of a Pisces eating a dog
her info was well out of kilter
we all know that all fishes prefer a frog

Athena was glowing in her outlook
for those Cancer folk saying they'd find a bloke
though none of them are in the market
for finding a bloke

she put in a good line for Scorpios
to be careful whilst using the hose
as they might get the nozzle
stuck to their nose

Libras were given an Athena heads up
not to take their dreams too far  
why would she say that
when we all know that a Libra dreamer always makes par

she stated that Sagittarius ladies
needed to buy a spring party dress
though they've all got wardrobes
full of lovely floral brightness

what do you think of her
Leo chart for November and December
during these months
will they have a holiday to remember

she made mention of Aquarius souls
by way of Rock and Roll
few of those sixties baby bombers
have the legs to now Rock and Roll

finally her is what she telegraphed
for our Aries cousins in Perth
they'd all be reborn on planet Earth
yet none are seeking a rebirth

Athena's predictive Astrology page
is one we'll all need to thoroughly gauge
One to make you smile...

#predictions  #astrology  #page  #newspaper  #zodiac
There once was an interstate trucker
Who went by the name of Tucker
He transported illegal goods
To all sectors of the woods
Cops did a raid to shut down Tucker's trade
we're aboard the bus
me and Gus
me and Gus
we're aboard the bus

we're going to West Avenue
to throw a few punches
in the gym with Stu
we're going to West Avenue
to throw a few punches
in the gym with Stu

Stu is a great puncher
his punches are accurate
his left hook
knocks other dudes
really flat
Stu has them dudes
well ironed out on the mat
Stu has them dudes
well ironed out on the mat

us guys on the rough side of town
have to know how to solidly punch
to knock those gang members down

those gang members
are tough and mean
they are the toughest and meanest
gang members
on the rough side of town

Gus and I
are going to take
those gang members on
take them on
take them on

they aren't going to give
Gus and I
no knock out gong
no knock out gong

Gus and I
will have a retinue of punches
to plant on their noses
they'll be redder
than a bunch of roses

Gus and I
get aboard the bus
to go Stu's gym
we're learning
punching skills
off him
the management*
at Hello Poetry
need to be mindful
of grand larceny
those who involve themselves
with this impropriety
would be scooted off
other writing sites
very promptly

theft is theft
and stealing
is a federal crime
they the perpetrators
bear a shingle
of low down slime
taking other's
copyrighted pieces
always their appalling

yet these persons
aren't bought to book
they have a free rein
in employing the purloining hook

plagiarists so bereft
of a writing capacity
nicking your works and mine
*with reprehensible audacity
A-Aspen trees bedecked in golden foliage
U-Under the sun's spangling coverage
T-Thralling to the eye are these leaves bright
U-Utmost is the power of their glorious sight
M-Mesmeric medallions streaming on limbs
N-Nicely bringing the tones of flaxen trims
as the leaves fell
from the autumn boughs
he recalled to mind
their wedding vows
the golden maple hues
reminded him of her wedding ring
it stood for something lasting
yet their love died
in the cooling wind's chill
which was for him
a most bitter pill
the brown colors of November
tumbled into his heart
for his once loving wife
did depart
his eyes filled with tears
as the skies
clouded in grey
their betrothal of love
on the autumn boughs
drifted away
as the leaves fell
from the autumn boughs
he evoked to mind
their marriage vows

the golden maple's hues
reminded him of her wedding ring
it stood for something lasting
yet their love
in the cooling
which was for him

the brown colours of November
tumbled into his empty heart
for his once loving wife
did take leave
his eyes
as the skies
clouded in grey
their union of love
on the autumn boughs
a vicious ant
bit me on the arm
he really did me
a lot of harm

a swollen red patch
he left behind
the discomfort of it
is driving me out of my mind

he scooted off
without an apology
he was more brutal
than a wasp or a bee

whence next I go
to hang the washing out
I'll take a survey
on any ants that are crawling about

should I see any of these little brutes
scurrying around the vicinity
a smart exit shall be made
by me out of their proximity

so quick
is an ant's biting action
truly massive
is its impaction
a wand of disappearances
operate in our very
who is the conductor
of its vanishing

where once our fellow
poets did pleasantly
now the wicked wand
has eradicated their

numerous blank spaces
symbolize the conductor's
employing a wand which
has emptied the

black the hour
black the day
a black instrument
whisking them all too
suddenly away
a wand so dark
of intent
wanting to wane
our writers tent

the subtracting conductor
will be planning future
so be mindful of its
wand's unsolicited
Up until three days ago, poet Rye Sing was actively contributing and commenting on the Hello Poetry site.  I find it most strange that he/she has just disappeared into thin air.
a whispering wind
did drift over the craggy ridge
on that summer eve
its soft soulful murmuring
lasted till the midnight hour
she was a woman of riper years
he was a boy without any fears
they met and fell deeply in love
they were as tight as a well fitting glove

their romance didn't waver
it grew stronger by the day
their feelings for one another
held like a well bound clay

she was a woman of riper years
he was a boy without any fears
they met and fell deeply in love
they were as tight as a well fitting glove

something real and so true
existed between the loving two
their bond was a sweet sticking glue
the difference in age never came between the two

she was a woman of riper years
he was a boy without any fears
they met and fell deeply in love
they were as tight as a well fitting glove

the skeptics didn't give them a chance
at having a long lasting romance
they defied the odds big time
and to this day their hearts still chime

she was a woman of riper years
he was a boy without any fears
they met and fell deeply in love
they were as tight as a well fitting glove
A woman's work is endlessly ongoing
She cooks washes and does all hubby's mowing
The list of her daily duties is long
She's never free from those demanding tasks
Her days are much fuller than ten pint flasks
At no time does she get to take any spells
Her every minute rings in request bells
No one assists they're off singing a song
With a scowl the housemaid grinds very tough stone
Her finger tips and knees worn to the bone
Women carry tons of bricks a real heavy freight
For not one second do they ever laze
They're all running around in a busy haze
By day's end they feel the onuses weight
a woman's work is ever ongoing
she cooks, washes and does all hubby's mowing
the list of her daily duties quite long
she's never free from these demanding tasks
her days are as full as the fullest flasks
at no time is the housewife taking spells
every minute rings in requesting bells
few assist they're off singing an easy song
whereas the underpaid maid grinds tough stone
her hands worn down to barest possible bone
women carry tons of bricks a real heavy freight
not for one second will they idle or laze
they're running around in the busiest haze
by week's end they do feel a loading's weight
fall's palette of colors over the landscape
these mellow hues on timber stands shall drape
painting a canvas in vintage foliage
copper and bronze being the season's dress code*
with a sprinkling of golden aspen ode
April's leaves returning to rustic frame
parks and mountains all graced by her dame
the brush of autumn's mature coverage
decorating in earthen tone effect
where she displays a ripening aspect
on her boughs clarets and russets brocade
reminiscent of nature's own tincture
nostalgia in the classical picture
*recalling to mind a wooded grove's glade
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