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302 · Jan 24
Unhealthy venting
Jacob Jan 24
Screaming and damning the heavens Misting the winds red with a raw throat
Sewing seeds of knuckles
Pounding my fury into a grave not yet dug
Happy I no longer feel this way
220 · Feb 7
Scratching Post
Jacob Feb 7
Tail fluffed in the air
She stalks around the room
To her whim and wish she peruses
Kneeled in the center
Wagging with patience I sit
Anticipation any given command
Bidding her time, letting me shake
Deeming if I'm worth the time
If I may be useful enough to sharpen her claws
All I can do is wait and behave
Jacob Jan 23
I sit out here upon my swiveled throne of humbled resplendence
Granted a momentary reprieve from work as storage is shuffled out
The early day's cool dance in contrast to the sun's blinding warmth
My desk was next to the bay door of a small warehouse.
204 · Feb 1
Golden birthday
Jacob Feb 1
Connected to your past, connected to your friends, connected to the earth
You've moved along abstaining from hope
Downcast were your eyes
Lidded and without sight, the world turning dark
Sudden is the leap leaving behind that encroaching shadow
In what stage, in what form will you land?
Beginning to reclaim what's been lost
From the ground you lay staring the bar in its eye
From the ground you rise to lift it with you
Great effort it will take
Something which now you are able to make
Creature of joy hidden within
Stare upon your baubles and gems
Weave of light, craft your world
Take stock of the newly granted freedoms
Life stands before you arms spread wide
New breath swirls around
You now step into an era of gold
For my roommate
170 · Jan 23
Overlook view
Jacob Jan 23
The stars from on high have been grabbed by hands on low
Cast from the skies the twinkle across the earth
Once seen in the heavens, now blinded by self made brilliance
Lost is the marvel of nature to the glory of machine
Inspired by a view of los angles on top of laurel canyon
167 · Jan 23
Oncoming highway
Jacob Jan 23
Shimmer gold, trail of starlight
Shepherd those along who form you
160 · Jan 24
Easy park morning
Jacob Jan 24
A dog of curly black, puffs of white from it's lips
Followed in a tether, two folks of kin washed in a dew lit sun
148 · Jan 23
neglection to flame
Jacob Jan 23
Hissing of thousands leach into the air
By coals raked under a grate of fear
Smote by impassioned absence
Crest the hills crown of flame
Those responsible too high to blame
Under an ash fallen sky
Gravity of its own the horizon pulls on eye

What do you say when it fills your mouth?

Brush off the house powdered bench
Watch the planes ready to quench
Hear wailing of a passing ambulance
Front of the line hands held in shackle
Given an insurmountable task to tackle
Those with the least working the most
Having to serve an unyielding host

What do you give when you're losing it all?

Responsibility has been marketed
By those at fault to avoid being targeted
Free of consequence on their consciousness
Failure to act should be answered
No longer can this be the standard
A shared effort must be taken
Our anger should never be mistaken

What do you tear when the system goes bad?
146 · Jan 24
My curse and blessing
Jacob Jan 24
What a kind curse I have. I am built in my biological design to observe the world around me. To process and be able to understand concepts, how to use the information to benefit. My visual acuity to discern the physical world with clarity and capture as much floating light information that is ambiently around. A dissociated portion of my own psych that is constantly observing me and my mental state giving a pseudo "objective" view of whatever I'm actually doing. Even when inebriated, woozy, or having ***, being directly still aware of what I'm doing and what is happening to me. I am kind enough and seem to be attractive enough that people enjoy my company, want me around, and sometimes kiss me. I have a strong enough imagination to **** a little with my perceived reality. With a degree of fact, narcissim, and uncertainty, these are gifts.

I have such a poor memory. There is so little I retain from the information I receive. I regularly can not remember to do things. It takes a long time, with considerable effort, to commit something to memory. I lose grasp on a running thread if distracted. The gifts I have are wasted for doing anything to accurately and fully benefit those around me and myself. Even selfishly it is difficult for me to substantially gain from it. This is the curse.

I have no distraction from the exact moment I am in and what is happening right then. I am always present. I have the greatest capacity to observe the exactness of the life I live. I have nothing to do with what I have, other than enjoy it. To see the grandeur of the fact that is existence. That anything exists at all is a marvel and I am here to see it.
134 · Jan 28
Seaside rendezvous
Jacob Jan 28
Upon these stones we are met
Before the void of inky wet
Gather our joy from these rocks
For we make delight as the dancing fox
Stand you creature of fae
Where in the **** was the right way
Tried finding a path to a beach to meet a friend and could not find the right way. Ended up driving to another beach and walked a mile along the sand
128 · Jan 25
Jacob Jan 25
On a walk I stand before the cast of a park sprinkler
Within my periphery is an arc immaterial
Glancing up and through
A rainbow of moonlight plays along the mist kissing my face
Short lasting and without color
I move along the waters path to catch its glimpse once more
111 · Mar 3
Till we run red
Jacob Mar 3
Would you offer your throat till the white roses run red
Would you tilt your neck till it mimics the gallows bite
Would you arch your back while my fingers grip you like the rack
Shoulders of a beast set to prowl
Distance met by a jump of static
Graze along sanguine thrum
Intoxicant for syringe canine
Moment to savor before the plunge
Pour in my mouth
Lap at the slice
Nails coffin, sign your song to my back
Only the moon plays observer
Voiceless the scream
Mirror the clouding heavens light
Cherish the life that flows from you
Glee it fills in me
Edge to the end, the final drip
From my arms, to the ground do you slip
Inspiration taken from the first line of the esteemed Meat Loaf's "You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth"
111 · Feb 9
Ode to split food
Jacob Feb 9
Woe upon me this day of ruin
Fraught with not but anguish
Scattered across this unhallow earth lies pieces of my marred soul
Who be I to see the rise of another sun?
To go on and remake what is lost?
Witness these salted channels form valleys down my face
Taste the despair of a hollow gut
Hear the grumble of my essence tear itself apart
**** the creators
Blast the makers
Couldn't they have worked with sturdier stock?
Burden once grabbed unraveled
Writhe along the floor like the worm I am
Nothing in this life could bring joy again
The bite of rope filling my throat would only begin to satisfy
107 · Jan 24
Lunch time stress
Jacob Jan 24
Spending my days in total fear
Can't even enjoy a single beer
It's the atoms you see
They're just messing with me
Blazing around I have a hunch
Watching videos is not what I want to be doing on my lunch
But hey, just between me and you, I don't think any of us know what we want to do

As a kid I used to be a poet
But with how hard it is for me to talk now you just wouldn't know it
Picking up hobbies like their mints from hotel lobbies
I can take a deck of cards and magic trick it, but that is certainly no meal ticket
Glad I don't feel this way still either. Lot of growth since this. The beer and atom bit is because carbonation feels like my tongue is being tattooed.
102 · Jan 28
Twin typhoons
Jacob Jan 28
Twin typhoons merge to one heraldic storm
Stand those who witness your travel
As the bow of ships sway to your passing
Sweeping that which is stagnant
For you bear the seeds of change
Bringing anew the source of survival

As the two I's of the storm cross
They form the one You
To imagine what came before
To see in the mind the force of the individual serves no justice
The support of the other comes naturally with the wind
Your energy and direction is one
Forces of nature made inseparable

May all touched by your rain take root
May the sun bring warmth to your harvest
And may the moon guide your travels
A poem for a pair of my friends who married
98 · Jan 28
Ruler of Fear
Jacob Jan 28
Creator of fear
Mirror of fear
Reveal what is already inside
Seer of fear
Maestro of fear
Divine is the weave pierced through flesh
Precursor of fear
Devourer of fear
Feast, for the meal was sown by you

**** and ***** to see what makes them tick
Preform acts that would make another sick
Tried and true please them into another hue
Jacob Jan 23
I am the noble locked high away in the tower
I am the dragon below that seeks to devour
I am the gate, the parapet, the halls, and oobleette
Filled with treasures hoarded away, a gem not out of set

The dragon, born of the castle, grew along side the noble
Who stared out in awe of the world, tottering on a crooked crenellation
Being of beast its instincts and hunger took an earlier maturation
Yet unable to reach out of the walls, swipes of flame could still be sent
Scorches and nicks began to fill the gardens
While the noble tasked to straightening the stones

It took age to understand. To have the ground work for what a dragon is. Seeing it grow day by day, until dawning on the noble. The beast's head would eventually peak over the walls, know the world, and take flight. With a rush of horror, chains were built to tie down the monster. Posted inside, access only to the halls, soon separated down to the dungeons and locked below. A monster of anger blew its flame igniting the ceiling stone. Away to the highest point the noble ran, abandoning the keep if only not to burn their feet.

With the dragon out of sight and still seeking to view the world, the noble turned to making connections. But the igneous stone radiated. With each scorch left on those invited to the castle, a new brick made it's way. A decorative curtain of stone to dome the palace. Nary a brick letting in an ounce of sky, with a sliver of a gate.

The noble turned away from the world, thinking there was only pain to cause. They took shelter and sweltered. Waiting one day for a knight to break down the walls. Hoping a champion could stand the dragons heat and not turn. The noble led those in not burned by the stones. Letting them walk the halls, pointing out the ****** holes and pitfalls, the traps on display. Yet still leading them to a monster unconquered.
All fled to from the heat onrushing the dungeons depth, not even to see a claw.

Stood one knight that cooled the earth they walked. Stood one knight that wished to share the treasures scalding to touch. Stood one knight, a castle of their own. Yet chased away they were too. With a slackening of the chain, the grounds they left. Chased away by the noble who thought the knight could do not be harm.

With the knight came others, a company of compatriots. Combined they stood and made way. Presented pictions of well managed gardens. Of their own crumbling walls and remortared stones. Courage the noble took from them. To reach out and take a hand from them.

Tame the dragon
No more can this go on
I have to take control
The castle diagrams still exist
I used them to build the tools that made the lock
They're in disrepair, but can be mended
I must start now building. It will take time and stone, but I have the will
Down comes the dome
Repurposed to entry arches
I will turn that hated heart into enveloping warmth
I will open the treasury and share the treasures collected, the views I've obtained
I will come down from my tower and walk the halls of my body once more
My therapist got to see this first. I love my friends
93 · Jan 28
Jacob Jan 28
Crouched I above the lake
A breath still to stay the collecting beads
The flash of fish scattered for one to drop
Statue I stay, glistening of my own dew
I see their shimmer
Cautionary to the scrap of bait enclosed to my shade
Their sheen fades past the borders boundary
Seeking nibbles set on the morsel
No more than a splashed stone I am
The row of scales unblur to individuality
A path led by jaw, I close around the hunt
Breaching the surface now set above
Washed away is my patience of irreverent iridescence
91 · Jan 23
Foggy Freeway Flight
Jacob Jan 23
Through a darkened haze set on the night
A road of gold winds through cast by vehicle light
90 · Jan 24
Yours truly
Jacob Jan 24
I am the monster in chains held by a lock of my own teeth
I am the lure that controls the angler fish
I am the wolf in sheep's clothing that wishes to be the sheep
I am a friend of the humanity I wish to destroy
Self acceptance and societal integration is tricky
90 · Jan 28
To climb out
Jacob Jan 28
The depth of rage sees the force of sorrow and wishes to be one. Rage wants to be and pushes themself to be kind. Only joy is wished upon sorrow in their neighboring hole. To dig a tunnel between began with hopes to raise each other out of the depths. Rage sees themself and knows their own rot must be cleaned before being a kind force to sorrow. Scraping away while in hatred of their own being.

What is done with an intention of love comes from a background of hurt, and rage is unable keep that out. They reach to hold sorrow, but can only dig in by the fingertips. They open their mind, to be closer, to be known completely, but spill words that have only harmed. Rage only wishes the sum total shows the good they attempt, but can only see the harm they have done.
I did not mean to be cruel, but I was not kind. The tunnel dug has started to cave in. Even with supports the walls will be fragile, but I will spend my time reinforcing them. I will spend my time continuing to dig handholds until sorrow and rage reach joy.
72 · Jan 23
failed dating bio
Jacob Jan 23
Child of stars borne of flesh
A construct seeking nature's freedom
Waylaid by the vortex of modernity's daunting delights
The choice of void bulwarked by the infinite
Pleasure found in the details of grains and the mountains they build
The people we find, the companions we choose, are anchors against the storm
Stop a moment with me to smell the flowers burning in the garden
Look upon the wall of grey, see the rainbow cast
Find the absurd in the mundane
This was my tinder bio for a time. Alas, to no avail.
Jacob Jan 28
Trailing down the shape of you I shine in the sun
By your effort I stand to exist
For your survival I rush to protect
In your fear I let off a warning
From your arousal I make your desires known
Miles I live under your surface
Ready to pour and have you glisten before all
A silvered surface transcends you to a being whom captures the light
You are a child of the stars, shining as they do

A color I am not, but a wave locked by your eyes
From sight alone I transcend the ephemeral
By the beholder I am captured
As brief as the flash of a buttersflight
Timeless in the moment a cloud catches the light
A glimpse of moonrays striking through mist
Torn open to prize mother of pearl
In the slick of man's pollution coating the world
Lathered in suds, as way to make amends
I do not exist to stay in your world, yet you bind me in chains of sight

— The End —