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  Oct 2017 Mono Chrome World
F Edward
somewhere over the rainbow
what does it mean?
is there a *** of treasure at the end
for all to glean?

it arcs on and on forever more
like life chasing the unobtainable
but fun to try and explore

somewhere over the rainbow
what a silly little lie
we all live under the rainbow
and should learn to appreciate the sky
I hate to write,
and I hate to lie.
but they're synonymous tonight
and yet opposites all the same.

I love to give,
and that's alright.
I'm quite insane,
and my life's a night.
My life is a shame,
but I'm alright.

I'd hate to survive,
but I'd love to kiss.
It's all I've ever wanted,
I'd love some bliss.
I'd love to love,
but it's always gotten away.
I've always gotten hate,
I've always gone insane.

Like I said,
I love to give.
But it makes me feel like a sieve;
-something simple,
-something bleak.
-simply something of a crystal,
-someone you can't see.

I hate to writhe,
so I hate life,
I try to thrive
before I think twice.
I hate to live
but that's alright.

And before I die,
as I might.
I must say,
either way,
It's quite alright.
It's all the same, contentedness, misery, we work with it. It's the same when you get down to it. I just wish that sameness didn't provoke such divides in my mind.

Sorry for being a dumpsy downer, I try not to, sometimes.
**** it dog, life's a risk.
Forget it dad, life's alright.
  Oct 2017 Mono Chrome World
I loved him

so much


e n o u g h
to make

S t a y
it was all I had, and it wasn't enough
You said you didn't want to see me get hurt

I think that's the reason

You looked away

When I  c r i e d.
It's painful, you know.
  Oct 2017 Mono Chrome World
Ticking away as you measure the hours
See the cracks on the wall and the withering flowers
You keep everything in place, you try to make it last
For every grain of sand that drops from the hourglass
A person finds out that time is fading fast
But time marches on forgetting those he has taken
If you think you can stop him you’re surely mistaken
One day you’re chasing the school bus you always miss
Then you find out you just had your first kiss
Then you have your first heartbreak crying from the lies
But time was there for you he healed your wounds and wiped your eyes
Then you find a better one and you get married
Soon you notice you have a child and she grows
Thinking that this was the child that your arms have carried
And soon...
It’s the natural order everything must die, someone passes and their loved ones cry
So spend time with the people you love the most, the ones you hold dear
For you never know your time might be near
"Hey" I’m still in pain

"Hi" I’m lost again

"Hello" I said to him that time yet I’m going across the line


"How are you?" I wanted to ask, but I didn’t know the answer if you would question it to me.

I would lie and say something cliché like "I'm fine" that’s how it should be

We wouldn't talk for some time when crowds would take us apart, I know deep down I'm slowly tearing apart

Although I would look in your direction trying to find your point of view, to know what you saw in her, and not what you see before you…

And as the day ends I would likely lift my head and grab my things, walking to the exit door the same way I walked in

Saying the words I wish I never meant, words I beg to differ, words I regret

A simple "goodbye" to end this heartbreak moment
"Farewell" I didn't make you mine
Next time I'll try again, hopefully you'll notice then
classroom problems
  Sep 2017 Mono Chrome World
I covered my wall with old photos
So that when I lay alone at night
I’m not

Thinking it would fill
That empty void in my heart.
That black hole.
But rather,
It just added more fuel to the flames.  
That burning desire
To not

But I can’t help it.
Loneliness comes naturally to me.
As If it were in my DNA.
My veins.

I separate myself from everyone else.
The only friends I have now
Are the face of those plastered on my wall.
The greatest joke of them all;
As if I could fool myself into thinking
That those faces could comfort this lonely soul.
To the photos which hold my dearest memories. Those unforgettable moments. Long gone but still here in my heart.
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