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He dreamt about love but his dreams went blank

A mind full of stars but he had an empty heart

Shootings stars can’t grant his wishes

The desires of peaceful sleep

He longs for that miracle

That thing he misses in the eve

The bed he lays down

Perhaps the pillows he shed the tears

He yearns for her the girl in his dreams

As thoughts go by they danced in moonlight

A blanket of darkness yet surrounded by light

He goes on sleepless nights wondering about

The girl in his reveries

        The girl he thinks all about.
Girl in dreams
There was that color
those mix of red,orange and yellow
they told me whenever there's a rain
there would be a rainbow

I started to love rain
the drop of water down the gutters
The splash of fun and wonder
because I knew there would always be a
r a i n b o w

But then i stopped believing
I've been seeing too much rain
I don't see the colors anymore
the wonders after the rain

Why is there no rainbow?
after my eyes stopped raining...
yeah why isn't there any?
Why do we c o m m u n i c a t e
           to simply just
                       r  e  p  l  y?

And not
           u n d e r s t a n d
                             the meaning behind the words she cries
  Sep 2017 Mono Chrome World
    *   *
She keeps re-reading her book

And recites the page about him

She no longer has the will to see the end

Now make her believe

Free her from the pain

Let her see the sentence

Beyond the sheet

Help her flip the
Flip it
I will ask you a question

“Do you remember the child you once were?

Who colored the crayons beyond the lines, shaping everything in that child’s imagination.

That painted the rivers green and the trees blue, full of wonder, putting nothing in order.

Now, I ask you this… What happened to that child?”

Why is that child now organizing the shapes, his head now a machine on rotate

He solves the puzzles but not his dreams
He gives the leaves a touch green, and rivers with blue...

What happened to the child who once ruled the world?

Now the World ruled the child."
I was happy with the presence of you by my side

I was happy that I made you smile and laugh as you would do the same

I was happy that the thought of you caring for me was great

I was happy of the time we spent alone in our own world

I was happy with you…
But could I be happy?

When you left me out starring at the open door you exited

Was I happy when someone mentioned her name and you smiled from your cheeks

Was I happy when tears came down my face secretly that you wouldn’t see

Was I happy to look at the sight of you two laughing thinking that could’ve been me…

I was happy but then she came along and it was the question was I happy with you two getting along?

I was happy, but deep down inside I’m crying out screaming

" I… WAS  happy"
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