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Dharker Jun 2017
This stress
I can't take
no doors
With no way
to escape
wood scratches
nails break
for some help
darkness finds
this a joke
the only humorous
I brought this
upon myself
What I like about this website... I can just freestyle write and wonder after, what made me think to say this?  Answer: current life event - in this case, not about me, but what goes on around me. (Don't take the "I" too seriously.) :)
Dharker Jun 2017
Sweetness lives with
many bitter moments
Soft petals welt
ravishing this sense
When the moment is right
the end plants the seed
where the ground is
ready to decompose
the lessons of growth

to the bugs
and Earth
the recycling of birth
recreates our finest memories
and leaves it in the wind
Where dust of our past
will soon be forgotten
Leaving no physical trial
of our belonging
If we reach past the idea, we soon create something we don't even understand.
Dharker Jun 2017
Thoughts about you
Gone wrong
What does one do?

Goodbye to the moments

So relentless
With your gripping

Intended to hurt

Loyalty were just words

Leaving the mouth



With cracks, revealing to everyone around

Closed eyes and numb
To what's going on
Closed eyes and numb...
Closed eyes and numb
This piece is a song I wrote during a difficult moment I was going through in my life. This was a starting point that many songs followed after. When I write music, I try not to write anything too direct. Yet, when writing this one, I couldn't had been anymore...over hinting to the subject. It is direct in every way possible, but because of this, it gives a true raw essence of its time and what I was going through.
Dharker Jun 2017
You lend your hand out
Only a lover should take
Not wanting what you give
yet you insist, with no break
I worry about you
as you patiently wait
For what?
This desired thought...
I hoped you care enough
to finally leave
Gain some sense
in self
Figure out
what you don't need
Yet here you still are,
with both hands now out
Ready; despite of me
The one who tried for a reason in which makes no sense at all... this one is for you.
Dharker Jun 2017
She'll make you believe in
Causing bad vision

Blurring your thoughts

Poison your decisions

She snakes her way in,
Seductive and smooth

You fall into her eyes

Not feeling the chew

All the way in,
Crushing your insides

Surrounded by darkness

Having no time to realize

Your worth
You given to her
Talent can be built up or swallowed away
Dharker Jun 2017
Dharker Jun 2017
I told you
I'm lonely as can be
Shivering at night
needing company
I can't find
you in this house
I need comforting
Your no where to be found
why can't you stay
Why can't you be the one waiting on me

Now I watch you leave
you don't look back at me
My eyes start to bleed
This heartache can't be worth it for me
I told you once,
not about to say it twice
My heart melts
Two faced- my face feels the welt
why do you leave
Why cause me pain and suffering
when it wasn't meant to be
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