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It's no real smile,
but it's better than a real frown
 Dec 2017 Desolation
 Dec 2017 Desolation
There is a reason that the storms that destroy everything

Are named after people
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Jack Jenkins
her name is written with sapphires on the beach
she dances like the wind in the sky
she gave me her hands when i reached
oh, her love i can never deny
Just something random I threw together. I hope you all enjoy. :)
 Nov 2017 Desolation
 Nov 2017 Desolation
They asked me if
I'd ever done drugs.
And I told them about
Your eyes.
You were my drug of choice.

- Rani Olivia
You are my favorite drug
Cigarettes, *****, and ***
Can't even begin to create
The high your presence delivers
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Bo Burnham
I said no to drugs once.
I looked a bag of **** right in the face
and, like a loving but firm father,
I said, "No."
I was really high.
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Bo Burnham
Old people's skin sags
Because it is being pulled
To the Underworld.
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Ryan Holden
We got told love was
Foolish, so we both smiled and
Became bigger fools.
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Kaye I
 Nov 2017 Desolation
Kaye I
she's a song
you'll never hear
because you never listened.
every love makes you
forget the word* pain.
every pain makes you
forget the word love

don't lose yourself in
the process of loving, darling.
love can be magical, powerful and wonderful
but it can be destructive.
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