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May 2020 · 246
Shooting Star
Dj May 2020
Even when i made the wish, apon evrey shooting star;
finding a place where i could keep you in my life, grew ever so more afar.

you lost all my respect, and even more so my trust;
Because all you wanted to do was lie, and hide in lust.

And now i wounder, if one day my heart will ever mend;
Or am i just waiting for my life, to finally come to an end..
Aug 2019 · 246
Lifes meaning
Dj Aug 2019
Lifes all about discovering just who and what,
you would be willing to move mountians for..
Aug 2019 · 261
Limitless love
Dj Aug 2019
I'd fight untill my last breath;
as long as it's a fight I know is worth dieing for,
And if a time just so happens to come where its not;
I'll die without so much as allowing for my last breath...
Dec 2018 · 286
Healthy love isnt blind
Dj Dec 2018
And sometimes you just have to learn to accept; that just because you love someone, sometimes that love isnt enough to want to be with them ...
Oct 2018 · 2.0k
No Real Fairy Tales
Dj Oct 2018
although the years have now come and gone,
one thing i have never ceased to stumble apon,
was the extent to your personality; a touch of savage with
a heavenly grace,
while most boys would stop at the simple beauty of your face.

i may have choose wrong to attempt to stay away,
but ive always admired you beyond great dismay,
although my last hope of love with you may have far past expired,
with these drugs my broken heart and soul may be rewired,

but as long you may remain happy,
i must avoid all chance of getting sappy,
and every day that my mind may pass my own self regret,
for the lack of my actions in being a clueless boy; my mind shall
be forced to accept the unspeakable debt,

time after time it appeared to be only you reaching out your hand,
to your power i could not make words i found it hard too so much as stand,

and perhaps one day, i will once again, find the willpower to live,
thats so far lost; i may as well be a inmate ;in for life and bleeding out stuck with a shiv,

but then and only then my fire may reignite
finally past this existence, maybe even a delight

but until then ill keep up my smile,
cause i know apon a moments gaze; we both know its been awhile,

but can you really blame me; for years straight
after i only wanted our unhealthy love to wait

you treated me like i was nothing not even real, every time i tried ; or at least thats how you made it feel,
up until you decided to date my best friend now your both over there...

until i regain my emotional strength i may disassociate n pretend to not so much as care.
and i refuse to even acknowledge your attempt to openly declare,
about my lack of presence unaware,
that my dreams of you have  just been those mistaken but of nightmares,

from the image of forever chasing you down the halls,
as all im left with is a false fading sense of hope ;awhile i move on to success and building up my protective walls,

even though i knew my chase would never come to a fair end,
but given all my assets; im still mainly heartbroken that once apon a time i lost such an amazing best freind....
Aug 2018 · 275
Suicidal thoughts
Dj Aug 2018
I wanna say you will get used to it;
I wanna say you alike I should,
get used to daily wanting to die...
But it's something no one should have to get used to...
some call the idea/thought of death depressing;
but for some,
it's the only time we shall finally be freed and fully alive....
death is our salvation...
death is when we get our redemption...
Jul 2018 · 300
Darkness only spreads
Dj Jul 2018
Look up at me and beg, with your tear full eyes..demanding I allow the mercy you once so long ago denied me of. But what you don't understand it's been long since, that the bridges have burned. And now that water belows become trechorouse, your scared to fall.. to just slip away, but what you don't understand is long ago so was I. But you laughed at the sight of my dangling body, I fell and you thought I was gone and could care less. But now here we are your looking down my barrel, begging for forgiveness but if the tables were turned. they were turned but I came out even stronger, and now I squeeze my hand without a blink not a single doubt...I told you you would meet regret, I told you I didn't want you to see the dark side but here it is and now the only option left is to embrace it's nature...
Jun 2018 · 389
Innocent guilt
Dj Jun 2018
But how do you live;
with knowing you could have prevented something bad from happening,
But instead you did nothing...
Cause id really like to know..
Apr 2018 · 312
Runners pride
Dj Apr 2018
When your running from something for long enough; you loose sight of it within the dust, just don't stop to catch your breath....
Feb 2018 · 350
Your Beautiful...
Dj Feb 2018
You are a great majestic lion; and the world may or may not deserve to hear your mighty roar, but you deserve for it to be heard by your kingdom....
Feb 2018 · 630
Write a worthy story
Dj Feb 2018
Never be like some coloring book: written and drawn on,
ruined then passed on;  
by multiple people threw out the years....

Your life deserves more..

Be like an entire book series:
Fulfilled with depth and glory,
Surviving great falls and peaks;
You are the author and only you can choose....

To inspire greatness and growth,
Or to bow and admit defeat;
But only you, have the power to choose....
Jan 2018 · 401
Once apon a time...
Dj Jan 2018
Once apon a time it felt like I was chained to the floor; in a glass tank, with water slowly spilling in... But just as the water level reached the top; the glass shatters, leaving me cut and gasping for breath...when the entire building just collapsed all around me.... nowadays there's alot less hope in between the stages of doom... now it's like I'm freely standing in the middle of a room; that's compleatly engulfed in flame... faced befor me the trolly problem; with all my freinds and family and evreylast person I've ever known' s life endanger, I could save them all...but that would be saving the good with the instead semi morally knowing; I didn't put them there i watch and laugh as we all go up in flames, no misguided hope.... just allowing fate to play it's role..
Jan 2018 · 405
Meaningless words
Dj Jan 2018
Don't tell me; you love me, you miss me,or you care about me.... if any of it was true, you wouldn't have to say it... And I don't need to; hear it, or read it, or stand for it.... So I won't.
It's not who you are, it's what you do that defines you.- Batman series
Jan 2018 · 305
What is love...
Dj Jan 2018
But how can we allow the ones we love and love us, to cause us so Mutch pain and suffering for so long.... I fully understand the concept of truly loving someone to the point you would be willing to try anything to make it work..however if you acctually loved another would you not want to coexist in happiness and harmony as opposed to; deceit, neglect and underappreciation.... take someone in an abusive relationship persay why do they continue to go back, why dose the  abuser continue to abuse... or the freind who's all for constructive criticism, but leaves out the constructive part... So what is this "love" that allows us to walk into situations blindfolded.... And allows us, to allow the same people to continue to cause us harm...
Jan 2018 · 314
Never fully break
Dj Jan 2018
People in this lifetime may break; your body, your heart,and your possessions, but never let them break your spirit.
Jan 2018 · 304
Walls/defence mechinisums
Dj Jan 2018
Your only restricted by the walls you build up around yourself
Jan 2018 · 2.1k
Just some boy...
Dj Jan 2018
He's always been just this boy; watching the world, threw bright green hopefull eyes... He's always been just this boy; witnessing heartbreak and tragedy, threwout deceitful lies.... He's always been just this boy; struggling to make deep, meaningful human ties... He's always been just this boy; But one day he woke up and realized, He's always had what he needed. To sucessfully and happily, live and die....
Jan 2018 · 453
Empty hope
Dj Jan 2018
I just want to be alone,  maby I just need to cry myself to sleep a couple more times... maby I just need to go out and date some random...maby I just need to go out and meet a bunch of new freinds, maby I just need a new drug addiction, maby I just need an excuse to muster up the strength to get out of bed, maby for once I just need someone who isn't going to make me pull knives out from my back, maby for once I just need someone who dosnt just care about my happiness when it's convenient for them.... But maby I just need a hounest connection to want to live....but maby you were always too caught up in your own gain to know what you were loosing.

— The End —